Chapter 34

The ORFEO Toolbox is a project conducted by CNES and developed in cooperation with CS (Communication & Systèmes),

This Software Guide is based on the ITK Software Guide: the build process for the documentation, many examples and even the LATEX    sources were taken from ITK. We are very grateful to the ITK developers and contributors and especially to Luis Ibáñez.

The OTB specifics were implemented and documented by the OTB Development Team with some help from several contributors. Without these people OTB will not be where it is today. This list is presented in alphabetical order and not by importance of contribution:

Adamo Ferro, Aik Song Chia (CRISP), Alexia Mondot (CS), Alexis Huck (Magellium), Amit Kulkarni, Andreas Tile (Debian GIS), Angelos Tzotsos, Antoine Regimbeau (CS), Antonio Valentino, Aurélien Bricier (CS), Caroline Ruffel (CS), Charles Peyrega (CS), Christophe Lay, Christophe Palmann (CS), Conrad Bielski (JRC), Cyrille Valladeau (CS), Daniel McInerney, David Dubois, David Youssefi (CNES Intern, then CS, then CNES), Edouard Barthelet (Telecom Bretagne and Thales Communications), Emmanuel Christophe (CNES, then CRISP, then Google), Emmanuelle Sarrazin (CNES), Etienne Bougoin (CS), Grégoire Mercier (Telecom Bretagne), Guillaume Borrut (CS), Guillaume Pasero (CNES Intern, then CS), Gwendoline Blanchet (CNES), Jan Wegner, Jean-Guilhem Cailton (Arkémie), Jens Ziehn (CNES Intern), Jonathan Guinet (CS), Jordi Inglada (CNES), Julien Malik (CS), Julien Michel (CS then CNES), Julien Osman, Julien Radoux (UCL), Laurentiu Nicola (CS ROMANIA), Luc Hermitte (CS), Ludovic Hussonnois (CS), Manuel Grizonnet (CNES), Marina Bertolino (CNES), Massimo Di Stefano, Mathieu Deltorre (CS), Miarintsoa Ramanantsimiavona, Michael Seymour (EADS), Mickael Savinaud (CS), Mohammed Rashad (CNES Intern, then CS), Otmane Lahlou (CS), Patrick Imbo (CS), Remi Cresson (Irstea), Rik Bellens, Romain Garrigues (CS), Santiago Pena Luque (CNES), Sebastiaan Couwenberg (Debian GIS), Sébastien Dinot (CS), Sébastien Harasse (CS), Stéphane Albert (CS), Stephane May (CNES), Thomas Feuvrier (CS), Tishampati Dhar, Victor Poughon (CNES), Vincent Poulain (CNES), Vincent Schut (Sarvision), Yannick Reynard, Yannick Tanguy (CNES)

Contributions from users are expected and encouraged for the coming versions of the ORFEO ToolBox.