As presented in chapter 27, OTB has two main mechanisms to handle efficiently large data: streaming
allows to process image piece-wise, and multi-threading allows to process concurrently several pieces of
one streaming block. Using these concepts, one can easily write pixel-wise or neighborhood-based
filters and insert them into a pipeline which will be scalable with respect to the input image
Yet, sometimes we need to compute global features on the whole image. One example is to determine
image mean and variance of the input image in order to produce a centered and reduced image. The
operation of centering and reducing each pixel is fully compliant with streaming and threading, but one has
to first estimate the mean and variance of the image. This first step requires to walk the whole
image once, and traditional streaming and multi-threading based filter architecture is of no help
This is because there is a fundamental difference between these two operations: one supports streaming, and
the other needs to perform streaming. In fact we would like to stream the whole image piece by piece
through some filter that will collect and keep mean and variance cumulants, and then synthetize theses
cumulants to compute the final mean and variance once the full image as been streamed. Each
stream would also benefit from parallel processing. This is exactly what persistent filters are
There are two main objects in the persistent filters framework. The first is the otb::PersistentImageFilter
, the second is the otb::PersistentFilterStreamingDecorator .
The otb::PersistentImageFilter class is a regular itk::ImageToImageFilter , with two
additional pure virtual methods: the Synthetize() and the Reset() methods.
Imagine that the GenerateData() or ThreadedGenerateData() progressively computes some global
feature of the whole image, using some member of the class to store intermediate results. The
Synthetize() is an additional method which is designed to be called one the whole image has been
processed, in order to compute the final results from the intermediate results. The Reset()
method is designed to allow the reset of the intermediate results members so as to start a fresh
Any sub-class of the otb::PersistentImageFilter can be used as a regular itk::ImageToImageFilter
(provided that both Synthetize() and Reset() have been implemented, but the real interest of these
filters is to be used with the streaming decorator class presented in the next section.
The otb::PersistentFilterStreamingDecorator is a class designed to be templated with subclasses
of the otb::PersistentImageFilter . It provides the mechanism to stream the whole image through the
templated filter, using a third class called otb::StreamingImageVirtualWriter . When the
Update() method is called on a otb::PersistentFilterStreamingDecorator , a pipeline
plugging the templated subclass of the otb::PersistentImageFilter to an instance of
otb::StreamingImageVirtualWriter is created. The latter is then updated, and acts like a regular
otb::ImageFileWriter but it does not actually write anything to the disk : streaming pieces are requested
and immediately discarded. The otb::PersistentFilterStreamingDecorator also calls the Reset()
method at the beginning and the Synthetize() method at the end of the streaming process.
Therefore, it packages the whole mechanism for the use of a otb::PersistentImageFilter
- Call the Reset() method on the filter so as to reset any temporary results members,
- Stream the image piece-wise through the filter,
- Call the Synthetize() method on the filter so as to compute the final results.
There are some methods that allows to tune the behavior of the otb::StreamingImageVirtualWriter ,
allowing to change the image splitting methods (tiles or strips) or the size of the streams with
respect to some target available amount of memory. Please see the class documentation for
details. The instance of the otb::StreamingImageVirtualWriter can be retrieved from the
otb::PersistentFilterStreamingDecorator through the GetStreamer() method.
Though the internal filter of the otb::PersistentFilterStreamingDecorator can be accessed
through the GetFilter() method, the class is often derived to package the streaming-decorated filter and
wrap the parameters setters and getters.
This is an end-to-end example to compute the mean over a full image, using a streaming and
threading-enabled filter. Please note that only specific details are explained here. For more general
information on how to write a filter, please refer to section 28, page 1091.
The first step is to write a persistent mean image filter. We need to include the appropriate header
#include "otbPersistentImageFilter.h"
Then, we declare the class prototype as follows:
template<class TInputImage > class ITK_EXPORT PersistentMeanImageFilter :
public PersistentImageFilter<TInputImage, TInputImage>
Since the output image will only be used for streaming purpose, we do not need to declare different input
and output template types.
In the private section of the class, we will declare a member which will be used to store temporary results,
and a member which will be used to store the final result.
private: // Temporary results container std::vector<PixelType> m_TemporarySums;
// Final result member double m_Mean;
Next, we will write the Reset() method implementation in the protected section of the class. Proper
allocation of the temporary results container with respect to the number of threads is handled
protected: virtual void Reset() { // Retrieve the number of threads
unsigned int numberOfThreads = this->GetNumberOfThreads();
// Reset the temporary results container m_TemporarySums = std::vector<PixelType>(numberOfThreads,
// Reset the final result m_Mean = 0.; }
Now, we need to write the ThreadedGenerateData() methods (also in the protected section), were
temporary results will be computed for each piece of stream.
virtual void ThreadedGenerateData(const RegionType&
outputRegionForThread, itk::ThreadIdType threadId) {
// Enable progress reporting itk::ProgressReporter(this,threadId,outputRegionForThread.GetNumberOfPixels());
// Retrieve the input pointer InputImagePointer inputPtr = const_cast<TInputImage ⋆>(this->GetInput());
// Declare an iterator on the region itk::ImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex<TInputImage> it(inputPtr,
outputRegionForThread); // Walk the region of the image with the iterator
for (it.GoToBegin(); !it.IsAtEnd(); ++it, progress.CompletedPixel()) {
// Retrieve pixel value const PixelType& value = it.Get();
// Update temporary results for the current thread m_TemporarySums[threadId]+= value; }
Last, we need to define the Synthetize() method (still in the protected section), which will yield the final
virtual void Synthetize() { // For each thread
for(unsigned int threadId = 0; threadId <this->GetNumberOfThreads();++threadId)
{ // Update final result m_Mean+=m_TemporarySums[threadId]; }
// Complete calculus by dividing by the total number of pixels:
unsigned int nbPixels = this->GetInput()->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetNumberOfPixels();
if(nbPixels!=0) { m_Mean/=nbPixels; } }
Now, to use the filter, one only has to decorate it with the otb::PersistentFilterStreamingDecorator .
First step is to include the appropriate header:
#include "otbPersistentMeanImageFilter.h" #include "otbPersistentFilterStreamingDecorator.h"
Then, we decorate the filter with some typedefs:
typedef otb::PersistentMeanImageFilter<ImageType> PersitentMeanFilterType;
typedef otb::PersistentFilterStreamingDecorator < PersitentMeanFilterType> StreamingMeanFilterType;
Now, the decorated filter can be used like any standard filter:
StreamingMeanFilterType::Pointer filter = StreamingMeanFilterType::New();
filter->SetInput(reader->GetOutput()); filter->Update();
It is often convenient to avoid the few typedefs of the previous section by deriving a new class from the
decorated filter:
template<class TInputImage > class ITK_EXPORT StreamingMeanImageFilter :
public PersistentFilterStreamingDecorator< PersistentImageFilter<TInputImage, TInputImage> >
This also allows to redefine setters and getters for parameters, avoiding to call the GetFilter() method to
set them.