This purpose of this chapter is help developers create their own filter (process object). This chapter is
divided into four major parts. An initial definition of terms is followed by an overview of the filter creation
process. Next, data streaming is discussed. The way data is streamed in ITK must be understood in order to
write correct filters. Finally, a section on multithreading describes what you must do in order to take
advantage of shared memory parallel processing.
The following is some basic terminology for the discussion that follows. Chapter 3 provides additional
background information.
- The data processing pipeline is a directed graph of process and data objects. The pipeline
inputs, operators on, and outputs data.
- A filter, or process object, has one or more inputs, and one or more outputs.
- A source, or source process object, initiates the data processing pipeline, and has one or more
- A mapper, or mapper process object, terminates the data processing pipeline. The mapper has
one or more outputs, and may write data to disk, interface with a display system, or interface
to any other system.
- A data object represents and provides access to data. In ITK, the data object (ITK class
itk::DataObject ) is typically of type otb::Image or itk::Mesh .
- A region (ITK class itk::Region ) represents a piece, or subset of the entire data set.
- An image region (ITK class itk::ImageRegion ) represents a structured portion of data.
ImageRegion is implemented using the itk::Index and itk::Size classes
- A mesh region (ITK class itk::MeshRegion ) represents an unstructured portion of data.
- The LargestPossibleRegion is the theoretical single, largest piece (region) that could
represent the entire dataset. The LargestPossibleRegion is used in the system as the measure
of the largest possible data size.
- The BufferedRegion is a contiguous block of memory that is less than or equal to in size to
the LargestPossibleRegion. The buffered region is what has actually been allocated by a filter
to hold its output.
- The RequestedRegion is the piece of the dataset that a filter is required to produce. The
RequestedRegion is less than or equal in size to the BufferedRegion. The RequestedRegion
may differ in size from the BufferedRegion due to performance reasons. The RequestedRegion
may be set by a user, or by an application that needs just a portion of the data.
- The modified time (represented by ITK class itk::TimeStamp ) is a monotonically
increasing integer value that characterizes a point in time when an object was last modified.
- Downstream is the direction of dataflow, from sources to mappers.
- Upstream is the opposite of downstream, from mappers to sources.
- The pipeline modified time for a particular data object is the maximum modified time of all
upstream data objects and process objects.
- The term information refers to metadata that characterizes data. For example, index and
dimensions are information characterizing an image region.

Filters are defined with respect to the type of data they input (if any), and the type of data they output (if
any). The key to writing a ITK filter is to identify the number and types of input and output. Having done
so, there are often superclasses that simplify this task via class derivation. For example, most filters
in ITK take a single image as input, and produce a single image on output. The superclass
itk::ImageToImageFilter is a convenience class that provide most of the functionality needed for such
a filter.
Some common base classes for new filters include:
- ImageToImageFilter: the most common filter base for segmentation algorithms. Takes
an image and produces a new image, by default of the same dimensions. Override
GenerateOutputInformation to produce a different size.
- UnaryFunctorImageFilter: used when defining a filter that applies a function to an image.
- BinaryFunctorImageFilter: used when defining a filter that applies an operation to two
- ImageFunction: a functor that can be applied to an image, evaluating f(x) at each point in
the image.
- MeshToMeshFilter: a filter that transforms meshes, such as tessellation, polygon reduction,
and so on.
- LightObject: abstract base for filters that don’t fit well anywhere else in the class hierarchy.
Also useful for “calculator” filters; ie. a sink filter that takes an input and calculates a result
which is retrieved using a Get() method.
Once the appropriate superclass is identified, the filter writer implements the class defining the methods
required by most all ITK objects: New(), PrintSelf(), and protected constructor, copy constructor,
delete, and operator=, and so on. Also, don’t forget standard typedefs like Self, Superclass,
Pointer, and ConstPointer. Then the filter writer can focus on the most important parts of the
implementation: defining the API, data members, and other implementation details of the algorithm. In
particular, the filter writer will have to implement either a GenerateData() (non-threaded) or
ThreadedGenerateData() method. (See Section 3.2.7 for an overview of multi-threading in
An important note: the GenerateData() method is required to allocate memory for the output. The
ThreadedGenerateData() method is not. In default implementation (see itk::ImageSource , a
superclass of itk::ImageToImageFilter ) GenerateData() allocates memory and then invokes
One of the most important decisions that the developer must make is whether the filter can stream data; that
is, process just a portion of the input to produce a portion of the output. Often superclass behavior works
well: if the filter processes the input using single pixel access, then the default behavior is adequate. If not,
then the user may have to a) find a more specialized superclass to derive from, or b) override one or more
methods that control how the filter operates during pipeline execution. The next section describes these
The data associated with multi-dimensional images is large and becoming larger. This trend is due to
advances in scanning resolution, as well as increases in computing capability. Any practical segmentation
and registration software system must address this fact in order to be useful in application. ITK addresses
this problem via its data streaming facility.
In ITK, streaming is the process of dividing data into pieces, or regions, and then processing this data
through the data pipeline. Recall that the pipeline consists of process objects that generate data
objects, connected into a pipeline topology. The input to a process object is a data object (unless
the process initiates the pipeline and then it is a source process object). These data objects in
turn are consumed by other process objects, and so on, until a directed graph of data flow is
constructed. Eventually the pipeline is terminated by one or more mappers, that may write data
to storage, or interface with a graphics or other system. This is illustrated in figures ?? and
A significant benefit of this architecture is that the relatively complex process of managing pipeline
execution is designed into the system. This means that keeping the pipeline up to date, executing
only those portions of the pipeline that have changed, multithreading execution, managing
memory allocation, and streaming is all built into the architecture. However, these features
do introduce complexity into the system, the bulk of which is seen by class developers. The
purpose of this chapter is to describe the pipeline execution process in detail, with a focus on data
The pipeline execution process performs several important functions.
- It determines which filters, in a pipeline of filters, need to execute. This prevents redundant
execution and minimizes overall execution time.
- It initializes the (filter’s) output data objects, preparing them for new data. In addition, it
determines how much memory each filter must allocate for its output, and allocates it.
- The execution process determines how much data a filter must process in order to produce an
output of sufficient size for downstream filters; it also takes into account any limits on memory
or special filter requirements. Other factors include the size of data processing kernels, that
affect how much data input data (extra padding) is required.
- It subdivides data into subpieces for multithreading. (Note that the division of data into
subpieces is exactly same problem as dividing data into pieces for streaming; hence
multithreading comes for free as part of the streaming architecture.)
- It may free (or release) output data if filters no longer need it to compute, and the user requests
that data is to be released. (Note: a filter’s output data object may be considered a “cache”.
If the cache is allowed to remain (ReleaseDataFlagOff()) between pipeline execution, and
the filter, or the input to the filter, never changes, then process objects downstream of the filter
just reuse the filter’s cache to re-execute.)
To perform these functions, the execution process negotiates with the filters that define the pipeline. Only
each filter can know how much data is required on input to produce a particular output. For example, a
shrink filter with a shrink factor of two requires an image twice as large (in terms of its x-y
dimensions) on input to produce a particular size output. An image convolution filter would require
extra input (boundary padding) depending on the size of the convolution kernel. Some filters
require the entire input to produce an output (for example, a histogram), and have the option of
requesting the entire input. (In this case streaming does not work unless the developer creates a
filter that can request multiple pieces, caching state between each piece to assemble the final
Ultimately the negotiation process is controlled by the request for data of a particular size (i.e., region). It
may be that the user asks to process a region of interest within a large image, or that memory limitations
result in processing the data in several pieces. For example, an application may compute the
memory required by a pipeline, and then use itk::StreamingImageFilter to break the data
processing into several pieces. The data request is propagated through the pipeline in the upstream
direction, and the negotiation process configures each filter to produce output data of a particular
The secret to creating a streaming filter is to understand how this negotiation process works, and how to
override its default behavior by using the appropriate virtual functions defined in itk::ProcessObject .
The next section describes the specifics of these methods, and when to override them. Examples are
provided along the way to illustrate concepts.
Typically pipeline execution is initiated when a process object receives the ProcessObject::Update()
method invocation. This method is simply delegated to the output of the filter, invoking the
DataObject::Update() method. Note that this behavior is typical of the interaction between
ProcessObject and DataObject: a method invoked on one is eventually delegated to the other. In this
way the data request from the pipeline is propagated upstream, initiating data flow that returns
The DataObject::Update() method in turn invokes three other methods:
- DataObject::UpdateOutputInformation()
- DataObject::PropagateRequestedRegion()
- DataObject::UpdateOutputData()
The UpdateOutputInformation() method determines the pipeline modified time. It may set the
RequestedRegion and the LargestPossibleRegion depending on how the filters are configured. (The
RequestedRegion is set to process all the data, i.e., the LargestPossibleRegion, if it has not been set.) The
UpdateOutputInformation() propagates upstream through the entire pipeline and terminates at the
During UpdateOutputInformation(), filters have a chance to override the
ProcessObject::GenerateOutputInformation() method (GenerateOutputInformation() is invoked by
UpdateOutputInformation()). The default behavior is for the GenerateOutputInformation() to copy
the metadata describing the input to the output (via DataObject::CopyInformation()). Remember,
information is metadata describing the output, such as the origin, spacing, and LargestPossibleRegion (i.e.,
largest possible size) of an image.
A good example of this behavior is itk::ShrinkImageFilter . This filter takes an input image and
shrinks it by some integral value. The result is that the spacing and LargestPossibleRegion
of the output will be different to that of the input. Thus, GenerateOutputInformation() is
The PropagateRequestedRegion() call propagates upstream to satisfy a data request. In typical
application this data request is usually the LargestPossibleRegion, but if streaming is necessary, or the user
is interested in updating just a portion of the data, the RequestedRegion may be any valid region within the
The function of PropagateRequestedRegion() is, given a request for data (the amount is specified by
RequestedRegion), propagate upstream configuring the filter’s input and output process object’s to the
correct size. Eventually, this means configuring the BufferedRegion, that is the amount of data actually
The reason for the buffered region is this: the output of a filter may be consumed by more than one
downstream filter. If these consumers each request different amounts of input (say due to kernel
requirements or other padding needs), then the upstream, generating filter produces the data
to satisfy both consumers, that may mean it produces more data than one of the consumers
The ProcessObject::PropagateRequestedRegion() method invokes three methods that the filter
developer may choose to overload.
- EnlargeOutputRequestedRegion(DataObject ⋆output) gives the (filter) subclass a
chance to indicate that it will provide more data than required for the output. This
can happen, for example, when a source can only produce the whole output (i.e., the
- GenerateOutputRequestedRegion(DataObject ⋆output) gives the subclass a chance to
define how to set the requested regions for each of its outputs, given this output’s requested
region. The default implementation is to make all the output requested regions the same. A
subclass may need to override this method if each output is a different resolution. This method
is only overridden if a filter has multiple outputs.
- GenerateInputRequestedRegion() gives the subclass a chance to request a larger
requested region on the inputs. This is necessary when, for example, a filter requires more
data at the “internal” boundaries to produce the boundary values - due to kernel operations or
other region boundary effects.
itk::RGBGibbsPriorFilter is an example of a filter that needs to invoke EnlargeOutputRequestedRegion().
The designer of this filter decided that the filter should operate on all the data. Note that a subtle interplay
between this method and GenerateInputRequestedRegion() is occurring here. The default behavior of
GenerateInputRequestedRegion() (at least for itk::ImageToImageFilter ) is to set
the input RequestedRegion to the output’s ReqestedRegion. Hence, by overriding the method
EnlargeOutputRequestedRegion() to set the output to the LargestPossibleRegion, effectively sets the
input to this filter to the LargestPossibleRegion (and probably causing all upstream filters to process their
LargestPossibleRegion as well. This means that the filter, and therefore the pipeline, does not stream.
This could be fixed by reimplementing the filter with the notion of streaming built in to the
itk::GradientMagnitudeImageFilter is an example of a filter that needs to invoke
GenerateInputRequestedRegion(). It needs a larger input requested region because a kernel is required
to compute the gradient at a pixel. Hence the input needs to be “padded out” so the filter has enough data to
compute the gradient at each output pixel.
UpdateOutputData() is the third and final method as a result of the Update() method. The purpose of this
method is to determine whether a particular filter needs to execute in order to bring its output up to date. (A
filter executes when its GenerateData() method is invoked.) Filter execution occurs when a) the filter is
modified as a result of modifying an instance variable; b) the input to the filter changes; c) the input data has
been released; or d) an invalid RequestedRegion was set previously and the filter did not produce data.
Filters execute in order in the downstream direction. Once a filter executes, all filters downstream of it must
also execute.
DataObject::UpdateOutputData() is delegated to the DataObject’s source (i.e., the ProcessObject that
generated it) only if the DataObject needs to be updated. A comparison of modified time, pipeline time,
release data flag, and valid requested region is made. If any one of these conditions indicate that the data
needs regeneration, then the source’s ProcessObject::UpdateOutputData() is invoked. These calls are
made recursively up the pipeline until a source filter object is encountered, or the pipeline is
determined to be up to date and valid. At this point, the recursion unrolls, and the execution
of the filter proceeds. (This means that the output data is initialized, StartEvent is invoked,
the filters GenerateData() is called, EndEvent is invoked, and input data to this filter may
be released, if requested. In addition, this filter’s InformationTime is updated to the current
The developer will never override UpdateOutputData(). The developer need only write the
GenerateData() method (non-threaded) or ThreadedGenerateData() method. A discussion of threading
follows in the next section.
Filters that can process data in pieces can typically multi-process using the data parallel, shared memory
implementation built into the pipeline execution process. To create a multithreaded filter, simply define and
implement a ThreadedGenerateData() method. For example, a itk::ImageToImageFilter would
create the method:
void ThreadedGenerateData(const OutputImageRegionType&
outputRegionForThread, itk::ThreadIdType threadId)
The key to threading is to generate output for the output region given (as the first parameter in the argument
list above). In ITK, this is simple to do because an output iterator can be created using the region provided.
Hence the output can be iterated over, accessing the corresponding input pixels as necessary to compute the
value of the output pixel.
Multi-threading requires caution when performing I/O (including using cout or cerr) or invoking events.
A safe practice is to allow only thread id zero to perform I/O or generate events. (The thread id is passed
as argument into ThreadedGenerateData()). If more than one thread tries to write to the
same place at the same time, the program can behave badly, and possibly even deadlock or
In order to fully participate in the ITK pipeline, filters are expected to follow certain conventions, and
provide certain interfaces. This section describes the minimum requirements for a filter to integrate into the
ITK framework.
The class declaration for a filter should include the macro ITK_EXPORT, so that on certain platforms an
export declaration can be included.
A filter should define public types for the class itself (Self) and its Superclass, and const and non-const
smart pointers, thus:
typedef ExampleImageFilter Self;
typedef ImageToImageFilter<TImage,TImage> Superclass;
typedef SmartPointer<Self> Pointer;
typedef SmartPointer<const Self> ConstPointer;
The Pointer type is particularly useful, as it is a smart pointer that will be used by all client code to hold a
reference-counted instantiation of the filter.
Once the above types have been defined, you can use the following convenience macros, which permit
your filter to participate in the object factory mechanism, and to be created using the canonical
/⋆⋆ Method for creation through the object factory. ⋆/
/⋆⋆ Run-time type information (and related methods). ⋆/
itkTypeMacro(ExampleImageFilter, ImageToImageFilter);
The default constructor should be protected, and provide sensible defaults (usually zero) for all
parameters. The copy constructor and assignment operator should be declared private and not
implemented, to prevent instantiating the filter without the factory methods (above).
Finally, the template implementation code (in the .txx file) should be included, bracketed by a test for
manual instantiation, thus:
#include "itkExampleFilter.txx"
A filter can be printed to an std::ostream (such as std::cout) by implementing the following
void PrintSelf( std::ostream& os, Indent indent ) const;
and writing the name-value pairs of the filter parameters to the supplied output stream. This is particularly
useful for debugging.
Many convenience macros are provided by ITK, to simplify filter coding. Some of these are described
- Declares a static variable of the given type, with the specified initial value.
- Defines an accessor method for the specified scalar data member. The convention is
for data members to have a prefix of m_.
- Defines a mutator method for the specified scalar data member, of the supplied type.
This will automatically set the Modified flag, so the filter stage will be executed on the next
- Defines a pair of OnFlag and OffFlag methods for a boolean variable m_Flag.
itkGetObjectMacro, itkSetObjectMacro
- Defines an accessor and mutator for an ITK object. The
Get form returns a smart pointer to the object.
Much more useful information can be learned from browsing the source in Code/Common/itkMacro.h and
for the itk::Object and itk::LightObject classes.
In general, most ITK/OTB filters implement one particular algorithm, whether it be image filtering, an
information metric, or a segmentation algorithm. In the previous section, we saw how to write new filters
from scratch. However, it is often very useful to be able to make a new filter by combining two or more
existing filters, which can then be used as a building block in a complex pipeline. This approach follows the
Composite pattern [48], whereby the composite filter itself behaves just as a regular filter, providing its own
(potentially higher level) interface and using other filters (whose detail is hidden to users of the class) for
the implementation. This composite structure is shown in Figure 28.3, where the various Stage-n
filters are combined into one by the Composite filter. The Source and Sink filters only see
the interface published by the Composite. Using the Composite pattern, a composite filter
can encapsulate a pipeline of arbitrary complexity. These can in turn be nested inside other
There are a few considerations to take into account when implementing a composite filter. All the
usual requirements for filters apply (as discussed above), but the following guidelines should be
- The template arguments it takes must be sufficient to instantiate all of the component filters.
Each component filter needs a type supplied by either the implementor or the enclosing class.
For example, an ImageToImageFilter normally takes an input and output image type (which
may be the same). But if the output of the composite filter is a classified image, we need to
either decide on the output type inside the composite filter, or restrict the choices of the user
when she/he instantiates the filter.
- The types of the component filters should be declared in the header, preferably with
protected visibility. This is because the internal structure normally should not be visible to
users of the class, but should be to descendent classes that may need to modify or customize
the behavior.
- The component filters should be private data members of the composite class, as in
- The default constructor should build the pipeline by creating the stages and connect them
together, along with any default parameter settings, as appropriate.
- The input and output of the composite filter need to be grafted on to the head and tail
(respectively) of the component filters.
This grafting process is illustrated in Figure 28.4.
The source code for this example can be found in the file
The composite filter we will build combines three filters: a gradient magnitude operator, which will
calculate the first-order derivative of the image; a thresholding step to select edges over a given strength;
and finally a rescaling filter, to ensure the resulting image data is visible by scaling the intensity to the full
spectrum of the output image type.
Since this filter takes an image and produces another image (of identical type), we will specialize the
Next we include headers for the component filters:
#include "itkUnaryFunctorImageFilter.h" #include "itkGradientMagnitudeImageFilter.h"
#include "itkThresholdImageFilter.h" #include "itkRescaleIntensityImageFilter.h"
Now we can declare the filter itself. It is within the OTB namespace, and we decide to make it
use the same image type for both input and output, thus the template declaration needs only
one parameter. Deriving from ImageToImageFilter provides default behavior for several
important aspects, notably allocating the output image (and making it the same dimensions as the
namespace otb { template <class TImageType> class ITK_EXPORT CompositeExampleImageFilter :
public itk::ImageToImageFilter<TImageType, TImageType> { public:
Next we have the standard declarations, used for object creation with the object factory:
typedef CompositeExampleImageFilter Self;
typedef itk::ImageToImageFilter<TImageType, TImageType> Superclass;
typedef itk::SmartPointer<Self> Pointer;
typedef itk::SmartPointer<const Self> ConstPointer;
Here we declare an alias (to save typing) for the image’s pixel type, which determines the type of the
threshold value. We then use the convenience macros to define the Get and Set methods for this
typedef typename TImageType::PixelType PixelType; itkGetMacro(Threshold, PixelType);
itkSetMacro(Threshold, PixelType);
Now we can declare the component filter types, templated over the enclosing image type:
protected: typedef itk::ThresholdImageFilter<TImageType> ThresholdType;
typedef itk::GradientMagnitudeImageFilter<TImageType, TImageType> GradientType;
typedef itk::RescaleIntensityImageFilter<TImageType, TImageType> RescalerType;
The component filters are declared as data members, all using the smart pointer types.
typename GradientType::Pointer m_GradientFilter; typename ThresholdType::Pointer m_ThresholdFilter;
typename RescalerType::Pointer m_RescaleFilter; PixelType m_Threshold; }; } /⋆ namespace otb ⋆/
The constructor sets up the pipeline, which involves creating the stages, connecting them together, and
setting default parameters.
template <class TImageType> CompositeExampleImageFilter<TImageType> ::CompositeExampleImageFilter()
{ m_GradientFilter = GradientType::New(); m_ThresholdFilter = ThresholdType::New();
m_RescaleFilter = RescalerType::New(); m_ThresholdFilter->SetInput(m_GradientFilter->GetOutput());
m_RescaleFilter->SetInput(m_ThresholdFilter->GetOutput()); m_Threshold = 1;
m_RescaleFilter->SetOutputMinimum( itk::NumericTraits<PixelType>::NonpositiveMin());
m_RescaleFilter->SetOutputMaximum(itk::NumericTraits<PixelType>::max()); }
The GenerateData() is where the composite magic happens. First, we connect the first component filter to
the inputs of the composite filter (the actual input, supplied by the upstream stage). Then we graft the output
of the last stage onto the output of the composite, which ensures the filter regions are updated. We force the
composite pipeline to be processed by calling Update() on the final stage, then graft the output
back onto the output of the enclosing filter, so it has the result available to the downstream
template <class TImageType> void CompositeExampleImageFilter<TImageType>:: GenerateData() {
m_GradientFilter->SetInput(this->GetInput()); m_ThresholdFilter->ThresholdBelow(this->m_Threshold);
m_RescaleFilter->GraftOutput(this->GetOutput()); m_RescaleFilter->Update();
this->GraftOutput(m_RescaleFilter->GetOutput()); }
Finally we define the PrintSelf method, which (by convention) prints the filter parameters. Note
how it invokes the superclass to print itself first, and also how the indentation prefixes each
template <class TImageType> void CompositeExampleImageFilter<TImageType>::
PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const { Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent); os
<< indent << "Threshold:" << this->m_Threshold << std::endl; } } /⋆ end namespace otb ⋆/
It is important to note that in the above example, none of the internal details of the pipeline were exposed to
users of the class. The interface consisted of the Threshold parameter (which happened to change the value
in the component filter) and the regular ImageToImageFilter interface. This example pipeline is illustrated
in Figure 28.4.