OTB  10.0.0
Orfeo Toolbox
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 NotbThe "otb" namespace contains all Orfeo Toolbox (OTB) classes
 CBinarySpectralAngleFunctorThis functor computes the spectral angle between two pixels
 CCloudDetectionFunctorThis functor first uses CloudEstimatorFunctor
 CCoherencyToReciprocalMuellerFunctorEvaluate the reciprocal Mueller matrix from the reciprocal coherency matrix image
 CConnectedComponentMuParserFunctorFunctor used as input to itk connected component segmentation module
 CDataObjectListInterfaceThis non template class is an interface that wrap ObjectList
 CImageFileWriterExceptionBase exception class for IO problems during writing
 CLabelObjectOpeningMuParserImageFilterLabel Object opening using shape and radiometric attributes. Acception/rejection criteria is user defined via MuParser function
 CLocalRxDetectionFunctorThis functor computes a local Rx score on an input neighborhood. Pixel of the neighborhood inside the internal radius are not considered during the computation of local statistics
 CMaskMuParserFunctorFunctor used to create binary mask for input of connected component segmentation module
 CMaskMuParserImageFilterPerforms a mathematical operation on the input images according to the formula specified by the user. values different from 0 are set to 1
 COBIAMuParserFunctorUse MuParser criteria to accept/reject LabelObject given his shape and radiometrics statistics. This functor is based on the mathematical parser library muParser. The built in functions and operators list is available at: http://muparser.sourceforge.net/mup_features.html#idDef2
 CotbBarnesDecompFunctorEvaluate the Huynen decomposition from the reciprocal Sinclair matrix image
 CotbEnvelopeSavitzkyGolayInterpolationFunctor: This class implements a Savitzky-Golay interpolation fitting the upper or lower envelope of the series being interpolated
 CotbHAlphaFunctorEvaluate the H-Alpha parameters from the reciprocal coherency matrix image
 CotbMDMDNMFImageFilterThis filter implements unmixing based non negative matrix factorization (NMF) which finds simultaneously the end members and abundances matrix which product is the closer to the observed data, based on the following works: K. S. F.J. Theis and T. Tanaka, First results on uniqueness of sparse non-negative matrix factorisation. M. G. A. Huck and J. Blanc-Talon, IEEE TGRS, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 2590-2602, 2010. A. Huck and M. Guillaume, in WHISPERS, 2010, Grenoble
 CotbSavitzkyGolayInterpolationFunctor: This functor implements a local polynomial regression (of degree k) on a series of values (of at least k+1 points which are treated as being equally spaced in the series) to determine the smoothed value for each point
 CPersistentStreamingLabelImageToOGRDataFilterThis filter is a framework for large scale segmentation. For a detailed description
 CProjectiveProjectionImageFilterApplies a projective projection to each pixel of an image
 CSFSTexturesFunctorThis functor computes textures based on line direction analysis through the central pixel
 CSharkKMeansMachineLearningModelShark version of Random Forests algorithm
 CSharkRandomForestsMachineLearningModelShark version of Random Forests algorithm
 CStatisticsMapAccumulatorHolds statistics for each label of a label image
 CUtilsUtils operations