![]() |
Orfeo Toolbox
►NGapFilling | |
CBinaryFunctorImageFilterWithNBands | |
Cdoy_multi_year | |
CIdentityGapFillingFunctor | |
CLinearGapFillingFunctor | |
CMultiComponentTimeSeriesFunctorAdaptor | |
CSplineGapFillingFunctor | |
►Ngrm | |
CBaatzNode | |
CBaatzParam | |
CBaatzSegmenter | |
CBaseNode | |
CBoundingBox | |
CFLSNode | |
CFLSParam | |
CFullLambdaScheduleSegmenter | |
CGraph | |
CGraphOperations | |
CGraphToOtbImage | |
CNeighborType | |
CNode | |
CSegmenter | |
CSpringNode | |
CSpringParam | |
CSpringSegmenter | |
►Nlp | |
CBoundingBox | |
CContourOperations | |
►Notb | The "otb" namespace contains all Orfeo Toolbox (OTB) classes |
►NAccessor | |
CShiftScalePixelAccessor | Apply a shift scale operation to the value |
CVectorImageToASPixelAccessor | Give access to a Vector pixel type as if it were a RGBPixel type |
►Ndetails | |
►Npolicy | |
Cleft_ | |
Cright_ | |
Croot_layout_mapping | |
Cstride_ | |
►Cgeneric_layout | |
Cmapping | |
►NFunction | |
CAmplitudeFunctor | Compute the module from the selected channel in the input |
CBlackmanWindowFunction | Window function for sinc interpolation |
CChannelSelectorFunctor | Base class for pixel representation functions |
CComplexToIntensity | |
CCosineWindowFunction | |
CGaussianWindowFunction | Gaussian interpolation windowing function |
CHammingWindowFunction | Window function for sinc interpolation |
CImaginaryToComplex | |
CLanczosWindowFunction | Window function for sinc interpolation |
CPhaseFunctor | Compute the module from the selected channel in the input |
CProlateFunction | Prolate function give the value of the prolate profile following one of the 2 image dimension |
CRealAndImaginaryToComplex | |
CRealToComplex | |
CWelchWindowFunction | Window function for sinc interpolation |
►NFunctor | |
►NLandsatTM | |
CBarrenLandOrBuiltUpOrCloudsSpectralRule | |
CBIO | |
CBright | |
CDominantBlueSpectralRule | |
CFlatResponseBarrenLandOrBuiltUpSpectralRule | |
CKernelSpectralRule | |
CLandsatTMIndex | |
CLandsatTMIndexBase | Base class for Landsat-TM indices |
CLinguisticVariables | |
CMIR1 | |
CMIR2 | |
CNDSIVis | |
CNIR | |
CPitbogOrGreenhouseSpectralRule | |
CRangelandSpectralRule | |
CShadowCloudOrSnowSpectralRule | |
CShadowWithBarrenLandSpectralRule | |
CShadowWithVegetationSpectralRule | |
CSnowOrIceSpectralRule | |
CSpectralRuleBasedClassifier | Implementation of the SpectralRuleBasedClassifier for Landsat TM image land cover classification as described in table IV of Baraldi et al. 2006, "Automatic Spectral Rule-Based Preliminary Mapping of Calibrated Landsat TM and ETM+ Images", IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol 44, no 9. This classifier assumes that the input image is calibrated in reflectances and in temperature. The reflectances can be given in the 0-1 range (Normalized) or in 0-1000 (Thousands). Temperatures can be given in Kelvin, in Kelvin*100 or in Celsius. Appropriate accessors are available for setting these units |
CThickCloudsSpectralRule | |
CThinCloudsSpectralRule | |
CTIR | |
CVegetationSpectralRule | |
CVis | |
CWaterOrShadowSpectralRule | |
CWetlandSpectralRule | |
►NLevelingFunctor_tags | |
Cconcave_pixel | |
Cconvex_pixel | |
Cpixel | |
►NMultiScaleConvexOrConcaveDecisionRule_tags | |
Cclosing_profile_characteristics | |
Cmax_closing_profile_derivative | |
Cmax_opening_profile_derivative | |
Copening_profile_characteristics | |
CAffineFunctor | This functor performs a linear transform of its input |
CAlphaBlendingFunctor | Implements simple blending |
CAlphaBlendingFunctor< itk::RGBAPixel< TInputInternalPixel1 >, itk::RGBAPixel< TInputInternalPixel2 >, itk::RGBAPixel< TOutputInternalPixel > > | |
CAlphaBlendingFunctorBase | |
CAmplitudePhaseToRGBFunctor | Function object to compute a color representation of a radar image |
CARVI | This functor computes the Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index (ARVI) |
CAssociativeSymmetricalSum | Functor used with the AssociativeSymmetricalSumImageFilter |
CAttributesMapLabelObjectAccessor | Allows accessing a given field of an AttributesMapLabelObject |
CAttributesMapMeasurementFunctor | This class allows building a measurement vector from an AttributesMapLabelObject |
CAVI | This functor computes the Angular Vegetation Index (AVI) |
CBandStatsAttributesLabelObjectFunctor | Functor to compute bands statistics attributes |
CBayesianFunctor | Functor for the bayesian fusion filter. Please refer to BayesianFusionFilter |
CBI | This functor computes the Brilliance Index (BI) |
CBI2 | This functor computes the Brilliance Index (BI2) |
CBinarySpectralAngleFunctor | |
CChangeNoDataFunctor | Functor used by ChangeNoDataValueFilter |
CCI | This functor computes the Color Index (IC) |
CCloudDetectionFunctor | |
CCloudEstimatorFunctor | Functor to help with the cloud detection |
CComplexToVector | |
CComplexToVector< itk::VariableLengthVector< TInput >, TOutput > | |
CComputeNeighborhoodContributionFunctor | Unary neighborhood functor to compute the value of a pixel which is a sum of the surrounding pixels value ponderated by a coefficient |
CConcatenateScalarValueFunctor | TODO |
CConnectedComponentMuParserFunctor | |
CConnectedLabelFunctor | |
CConvertTypeFunctor | |
CCrossCorrelation | Functor to compute the cross correlation |
CCzihoSOMLearningBehaviorFunctor | Beta behavior over SOM training phase |
CCzihoSOMNeighborhoodBehaviorFunctor | Neighborhood size behavior over SOM training phase |
CDotProductFunctor | Computes the dot product against a specific vector |
CEnvelopeSavitzkyGolayInterpolationFunctor | |
CEVI | This functor computes the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) |
CGEMI | This functor computes the Global Environment Monitoring Index (GEMI) |
CHessianDeterminant | This functor computes the determinant of symmetric 2*2 matrix |
CHessianToScalar | |
CHillShadeModulationFunctor | Modulate an image with hill shading |
CHillShadingFunctor | Unary neighborhood functor to compute the lambertian of a surface |
CHorizontalSobelOperator | Performs the calculation of horizontal Sobel derivation |
CHSVToRGBFunctor | Function object to convert HSV value to RGB |
CImageAndVectorImageOperationFunctor | |
CImageToRadianceImageFunctor | Add beta to the quotient Input over alpha |
CImageToReflectanceImageFunctor | Call the ImageToRadianceFunctor over the input and the RadianceToReflectanceFunctor to this result |
CIndicesStackFunctor | A class to compute a stack of radiometric indices |
CIPVI | This functor computes the Infrared Percentage Vegetation Index (IPVI) |
CISRAUnmixingFunctor | Perform fully constrained least squares on a pixel |
CISU | This functor computes the Index surfaces built (ISU) |
CJoinHistogramMI | |
CKullbackLeiblerDistance | Functor for KullbackLeiblerDistanceImageFilter. Please refer to KullbackLeiblerDistanceImageFilter |
CKullbackLeiblerProfile | Functor for KullbackLeiblerProfileImageFilter. Please refer to KullbackLeiblerProfileImageFilter |
CKullbackLeiblerSupervizedDistance | Functor for KullbackLeiblerSupervizedDistanceImageFilter. Please refer to KullbackLeiblerSupervizedDistanceImageFilter |
CLAB2RGB | Base class for converting LAB into RGB color space (Ruderman et al.) |
CLabelObjectFieldsFunctor | Returns additional OGR fields to be saved in VectorData |
CLabelObjectToPolygonFunctor | This class vectorizes a LabelObject to a Polygon |
CLabelObjectWithClassLabelFieldsFunctor | Returns additional OGR fields to be saved in VectorData |
CLabelToBoundaryFunctor | Functor to extract segmentation boundaries |
CLAIFromNDVIFormosat2Functor | Use red and nir image band to compute LAI image using formula a*(exp(nir-red)/((red+nir)*b)-exp(c*b)); with a = 0.1519 b = 3.9443 c = 0.13 this formula is only valid for Formosat 2 reflectance TOC |
CLAIFromNDVILogarithmic | Computes the LAI from NDVI |
CLAIFromReflectancesLinear | Computes the LAI from reflectances |
CLevelingFunctor | This functor performs the pixel-wise leveling operation needed in the geodesic morphology decomposition filter. For more details, please refer to the documentation of this filter |
CLocalActivityOperator | Performs the calculation of LocalActivity derivation |
CLocalGradientOperator | Performs the calculation of LocalGradient derivation |
CLocalRxDetectionFunctor | |
CLog10Thresholded | |
CLPBlockMatching | Functor to perform block-matching based on the L^p pseudo-norm |
CMagnitudeFunctor | This functor computes the magnitude of a covariant vector |
CMaskFunctor | Output is a InputPixel if MaskPixel is m_Background and a defined other value (m_ObjectColor) otherwise |
CMaskMuParserFunctor | |
CMeanDifference | |
CMeanFilterFunctor | |
CMeanFunctor | This functor generate the mean value of a component pixels |
CMeanRatio | |
CMergeLabelObjectFunctor | Merge two LabelObjects |
CMNDWI | This functor computes the Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (MNDWI) |
CMSAVI | This functor computes the Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (MSAVI) |
CMSAVI2 | This functor computes the Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (MSAVI2) |
CMuellerToPolarisationDegreeAndPowerFunctor | Evaluate the min and max polarisation degree and min and max power from the Mueller image |
CMuellerToReciprocalCovarianceFunctor | Evaluate the MLC image from the Mueller image |
CMultiplyByScalar | |
CMultiplyVectorImageFilterFunctor | |
CMultiScaleConvexOrConcaveDecisionRule | This Functor apply a classification rule on two membership value along with two labels |
CNCCBlockMatching | Functor to perform simple NCC block-matching |
CNDTI | This functor computes the Normalized Difference Turbidity Index (NDTI) |
CNDVI | This functor computes the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) |
CNDWI | This functor computes the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) |
CNDWI2 | This functor computes the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI2) |
CNoDataFunctor | Functor used by ImageToNoDataMaskFilter |
CNormalizeAttributesLabelObjectFunctor | Functor to normalize all attributes of a LabelMap |
CNormalizeVectorImageFunctor | NormalizeVectorImageFunctor |
COBIAMuParserFunctor | |
COffsetLexicographicCompare | Order Offset instances lexicographically |
COrientationFunctor | This functor computes the orientation of a cavariant vector Orientation values lies between 0 and 2*Pi |
COutcoreFunctor | |
CPolarimetricSynthesisFunctor | Calculate the polarimetric synthesis |
CProjectiveProjectionFunctor | Applies a projective projection to a pixel |
CPVI | This functor computes the Perpendicular Vegetation Index (PVI) |
CRadianceToImageImageFunctor | Subtract beta to the Input and multiply by alpha |
CRadianceToReflectanceImageFunctor | Compute reflectance from the radiance value |
CRadiometricIndex | Base class for all radiometric indices |
CRadiometricMomentsFunctor | |
CReciprocalBarnesDecompFunctor | |
CReciprocalCoherencyToReciprocalMuellerFunctor | |
CReciprocalCovarianceToCoherencyDegreeFunctor | Evaluate the Coherency Degree coefficient from from the MLC image |
CReciprocalCovarianceToReciprocalCoherencyFunctor | Evaluate the Coherency matrix from the Covariance image |
CReciprocalHAlphaFunctor | |
CReciprocalHuynenDecompFunctor | Evaluate the Huynen decomposition from the reciprocal Sinclair matrix image |
CReciprocalLinearCovarianceToReciprocalCircularCovarianceFunctor | Compute the reciprocal Covariance circular matrix from the reciprocal Covariance linear matrix. Extract from Antennas for radar and communications Harold Mott p 317 |
CReciprocalPauliDecompFunctor | Evaluate the Pauli decomposition from the reciprocal Sinclair matrix image |
CReflectanceToImageImageFunctor | Call the ReflectanceToRadianceFunctor over the input and the RadianceToImageFunctor to this result |
CReflectanceToRadianceImageFunctor | Compute radiance from the reflectance value |
CReflectanceToSurfaceReflectanceImageFunctor | Compute the surface reflectance pixel from a TOA reflectance |
CReliefColormapFunctor | Function object which maps a scalar value into an RGB colormap value for relief representation |
CRGB2LAB | Base class for converting RGB into LAB color space (Ruderman et al.) |
CRI | This functor computes the Redness Index (RI) |
CRVI | This functor computes the Ratio Vegetation Index (RVI) |
CSarBrightnessFunctor | Compute the brightness value. ![]() |
CSAVI | This functor computes the Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) |
CSavitzkyGolayInterpolationFunctor | |
CScalarToRainbowRGBPixelFunctor | Function object which maps a scalar value into a rainbow RGB pixel value |
CSFSTexturesFunctor | |
CShapeAttributesLabelObjectFunctor | Functor to compute shape attributes of one LabelObject |
CSinclairToCircularCovarianceMatrixFunctor | Construct the fully polarimetric circular covariance matrix with Sinclair matrix information |
CSinclairToCoherencyMatrixFunctor | Construct the fully polarimetric coherency matrix with Sinclair matrix information |
CSinclairToCovarianceMatrixFunctor | Construct the fully polarimetric covariance matrix with Sinclair matrix information |
CSinclairToMuellerMatrixFunctor | Construct Mueller matrix with Sinclair matrix information. Elements of the Mueller matrix are extract from Antennas for radar and communications Harold Mott p 503 |
CSinclairToReciprocalCircularCovarianceMatrixFunctor | Construct the fully reciprocal polarimetric circular covariance matrix with Sinclair matrix information |
CSinclairToReciprocalCoherencyMatrixFunctor | Construct the reciprocal fully polarimetric coherency matrix with Sinclair matrix information |
CSinclairToReciprocalCovarianceMatrixFunctor | Construct the reciprocal fully polarimetric covariance matrix with Sinclair matrix information |
CSingleComplexToVector | |
CSobelOperator | Performs the calculation of Sobel derivation |
CSOMbasedImageFilterFunctor | This class implements the functor that perform substitution between input image pixels and the corresponding winning neurons of a Kohonen map |
CSOMLearningBehaviorFunctor | Classical Beta behavior over SOM training phase |
CSpectralAngleFunctor | This functor computes the spectral angle according to a reference pixel |
CSpectralAngleMapperFunctor | This functor computes the spectral angle according to a vector of reference pixel |
CSpectralInformationDivergenceFunctor | |
CSqrtSpectralAngleFunctor | This functor computes the square root of a spectral angle according to a reference pixel |
CSSDBlockMatching | Functor to perform simple SSD block-matching |
CSSDDivMeanBlockMatching | Functor to perform derived SSD block-matching (SSD divided by mean) |
CStatisticsAttributesLabelObjectFunctor | Functor to compute statistics attributes of one LabelObject |
CTerraSarBrightnessFunctor | Compute beta naught coefficient |
CTimeSeriesLeastSquareFittingFunctor | Implements a least squares fitting of a time profile |
CTNDVI | This functor computes the Transformed NDVI (TNDVI) |
CTSAVI | This functor computes the Transformed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (TSAVI) |
CUnConstrainedLeastSquareFunctor | Solves a least square system on a pixel |
CUniformAlphaBlendingFunctor | Implements simple blending For each channel the blending function is as follows: |
CVariadicAdd | This functor adds any number of compile time scalar inputs |
CVariadicConcatenate | This functor concatenates any number of input of scalar type or VariableLengthVector |
CVectorAffineTransform | This functor performs a per band linear transform of its input |
CVectorCast | This functor can be used to convert scalar value to VariableLengthVector with another precision a size of 1 |
CVectorChangeLabel | |
CVectorComplexToVector | |
CVectorShiftScale | This functor performs a per band linear transform of its input |
CVectorToAmplitudeFunctor | |
CVerticalSobelOperator | Performs the calculation of vertical Sobel derivation |
CWaterSqrtSpectralAngleFunctor | This functor uses a spectral angle with a particular reference pixel |
CWDVI | This functor computes the Weighted Difference Vegetation Index (WDVI) |
►Nfunctor_filter_details | |
CFunctorFilterSuperclassHelperImpl | |
CGetProxy | |
CGetProxy< itk::ConstNeighborhoodIterator< T > > | |
CGetProxy< itk::ImageRegionConstIterator< T > > | |
CMakeIterator | |
CMakeIterator< std::false_type > | |
CMakeIterator< std::true_type > | |
CNumberOfOutputComponents | |
CNumberOfOutputComponents< F, otb::Image< T >, N > | |
CNumberOfOutputComponents< F, otb::VectorImage< T >, N > | |
COperProxy | |
COperProxy< Out(*)(In...)> | |
COperProxy< Out(C::*)(In...) const > | |
COperProxy< Out(C::*)(In...)> | |
COperProxy< void(*)(Out &, In...)> | |
COperProxy< void(C::*)(Out &, In...) const > | |
COperProxy< void(C::*)(Out &, In...)> | |
►Ninternal | TODO: Documentation |
COGRCoordinateTransformationDeleter | |
COGRSpatialReferenceDeleter | |
►CReprojectTransformationFunctor | |
CByCopy | |
CInPlace | |
Ctuple_index | Retrieve index of a type in tuple if exists |
Ctuple_index< Arg, std::tuple< Arg, Args... > > | |
Ctuple_index< Arg, std::tuple< NotMatching, Args... > > | |
►Ninternals | |
CConstTag | |
CMutableTag | |
CPixelComponentIterator | |
CPixelComponentIterator< TPixel, ConstOrMutable, typename std::enable_if_t< boost::is_complex< std::decay_t< TPixel > >::value > > | |
CPixelComponentIterator< TPixel, ConstOrMutable, typename std::enable_if_t< mpl::is_array_v< std::decay_t< TPixel > > > > | |
CPixelComponentIterator< TPixel, ConstOrMutable, typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< TPixel >::value > > | |
►CZipIterator | |
►CPixelListProxy | |
Citerator__ | |
►NMeanshift | |
CFastImageRegionConstIterator | |
CKernelGaussian | |
CKernelUniform | |
CSpatialRangeJointDomainTransform | |
►NMetaData | |
►Ndetails | |
Cdividable | |
Cstreamable | |
Csubstractable_asym | |
►NPleiadesUtils | |
CSensorModelCharacteristics | |
CDuration | Represents a duration |
CLUT | |
CLUTAxis | |
CTimePoint | Represents a point in Time |
►NMetaDataKey | |
CKeyTypeDef | |
►Nmpl | |
►Ninternals | |
CNumberOfComponents | |
CNumberOfComponents< itk::VariableLengthVector< RealType > > | |
CNumberOfComponents< std::complex< T > > | |
CNumberOfComponents< T const > | |
Cis_array | |
Cis_array< itk::VariableLengthVector< T > > | |
Cis_array< itk::VariableLengthVectorExpression< TExpr1, TExpr2, TBinaryOp > > | |
►Nogr | |
►Ninternal | |
CCppToOGRConverter_trait | Trait class for converting C++ types into OGR field setter compatible types |
CCppToOGRConverter_trait< std::string > | Specialisation for C++ std::string |
CCppToOGRConverter_trait< T[N]> | Specialisation for C static arrays |
CGeometryDeleter | |
CMemberContainerGetterPtr | |
CMemberContainerSetterPtr | |
CMemberGetterPtr | |
CMemberSetterPtr | |
CStringListMemberGetterPtr | |
CStringListMemberSetterPtr | |
CTagDispatchMemberContainerSetterPtr | Dispatcher function for the Field Setter. The container-field setters from OGR API have a C API. This dispatcher will check whether the parameter container has a contiguous storage. If so it will directly inject the address of the first element of the contiguous container in the OGR C API. If not, the container will be converted into a container with contiguous storage |
CTagDispatchMemberContainerSetterPtr< T, ptr_to_function, ActualParamType, false > | |
CTagDispatchMemberContainerSetterPtr< T, ptr_to_function, ActualParamType, true > | |
►CDataSource | Collection of geometric objects |
Cboolean | |
►Clayer_iter | Implementation class for Layer iterator |
Cenabler | |
CModes | |
CDrivers | |
CFeature | Geometric object with descriptive fields |
CField | Encapsulation of OGRField Instances of Field are expected to be built from an existing Feature with which they'll share their owning OGRFeature |
CFieldDefn | Encapsulation of OGRFieldDefn: field definition |
CImageReference | |
►CLayer | Layer of geometric objects |
Cboolean | int boolean ::* () const |
►Cfeature_iter | Implementation class for Feature iterator. This iterator is a single pass iterator. We may fetch the Feature referenced by an iterator previously stored, but never resume the iteration after a call to Layer::begin() , Layer::start_at() , Layer::CreateFeature() , Layer::DeleteFeature() , Layer::GetFeature() , Layer::SetFeature() , nor fork the iteration |
Cenabler | |
Cpropagate_const | Propagation of const-qualifier |
Cpropagate_const< Tin const, Tout > | |
CStringListConverter | Helper class to convert a set of standard C++ string into char** as OGR API expects |
►Npolarimetry_tags | |
Chh | |
Chv | |
Chv_or_vh | |
Cvh | |
Cvv | |
►NProjection | |
CGCPParam | This structure handles the list of the GCP parameters |
CRPCParam | Coefficients for RPC model (quite similar to GDALRPCInfo) |
CWGS84Ellipsoid | Structure holding the ellipsoid parameters for WGS84 |
►NsampleAugmentation | |
CNeighborSorter | |
CNeighborType | |
►NStatistics | |
CConcatenateSampleListFilter | This class concatenates several sample list into a single one |
CEuclideanDistanceMetricWithMissingValue | Euclidean distance function facing missing value |
CEuclideanDistanceMetricWithMissingValuePow2 | Euclidean comparison distance function facing missing value. The square root is not performed in this class |
CFlexibleDistanceWithMissingValue | Non-Euclidean distance function facing missing value |
CGaussianAdditiveNoiseSampleListFilter | This class generate a noised version of the input sample list |
CGaussianModelComponent | Component (derived from ModelComponentBase) for Gaussian class. This class is used in SEMClassifier |
CListSampleSource | This class is a base class for filters using ListSample as input and returning ListSample |
CListSampleToBalancedListSampleFilter | This class generate a balanced ListSample in order to have fair distribution of learning samples |
CListSampleToListSampleFilter | This class is a base class for filters using ListSample as input and returning ListSample |
CModelComponentBase | Base class for distribution representation that supports analytical way to update the distribution parameters |
CShiftScaleSampleListFilter | This class generate a shifted and scaled version of the input sample list |
►NWrapper | |
►Ndetails | |
CCastImage | Helper class (private) which casts and clamps input-image type into output-image type |
CCastImage< DoubleVectorImageType, DoubleVectorImageType > | |
CCastImage< T, T > | |
CCastImage< TOutputImage, DoubleVectorImageType > | |
CAbstractParameterList | This class is a base class for list-type parameters |
CAddProcessToWatchEvent | This class implements an event storing a pointer to itk::ProcessObject and a string describing the process |
CApplication | This class represent an application TODO |
CApplicationFactory | |
CApplicationFactoryBase | |
CApplicationRegistry | |
CBandParameter | This class represents a band parameter selected from a raster file for the wrapper framework |
CBoolParameter | This class represent a boolean parameter for the wrapper framework |
►CChoiceParameter | This class represent a multiple choice parameter for the wrapper framework |
CChoice | |
CCommandLineLauncher | This class check the validity of a command line application |
CCommandLineParser | This class check the validity of a command line application |
►CCompositeApplication | This class is a base class for composite applications |
CInternalApplication | |
CDirectoryParameter | This class represent a string parameter for the wrapper framework |
CDocExampleStructure | This class is a structure that gathered the necessary element to generate an example (for CommandLine, python ...). User has to set the application name, the binary path and a list of key/value couple |
CDoubleParameter | |
CElevationParametersHandler | This class represent a helper class for elevation modes. It add the parameters automatically to the application where it is used, provide method to get the value needed |
CFieldParameter | This class represents a field parameter selected from a vector file for the wrapper framework |
CFloatParameter | |
CInputFilenameListParameter | This class represents a list of InputFilename parameter |
CInputFilenameParameter | This class represent a string parameter for the wrapper framework |
CInputImageListParameter | This class represents a list of InputImage parameter |
►CInputImageParameter | This class represents a InputImage parameter |
CConnector | |
CInputVectorDataListParameter | This class represents a list of VectorData parameter |
CInputVectorDataParameter | This class represents a InputVectorData parameter |
CIntParameter | |
CLearningApplicationBase | LearningApplicationBase is the base class for application that use machine learning model |
►CListViewParameter | This class represent a ListWidget parameter for the wrapper framework |
CListViewChoice | |
CMapProjectionParametersHandler | This class represent a helper class |
CNumericalParameter | This class represents a numerical parameter |
COutputFilenameParameter | This class represent a string parameter for the wrapper framework |
COutputImageParameter | This class represents a OutputImage parameter |
COutputVectorDataParameter | This class represents a OutputVectorData parameter |
CParameter | This class represent a parameter for the wrapper framework This class is a high level class representing a parameter for the wrapper framework. It should be subclassed to represent different kinds of parameters |
CParameterGroup | |
CParameterKey | |
CParameterList | This class represents a InputImage parameter |
CProxyParameter | Parameter class acting as a proxy to a different parameter |
CRadiusParameter | |
CRAMParameter | |
CStringListInterface | This class represents a list of InputFilename parameter |
CStringListParameter | This class represent a list of string parameter for the wrapper framework |
CStringParameter | This class represent a string parameter for the wrapper framework |
CTrainDimensionalityReductionApplicationBase | |
►CTrainImagesBase | Base class for the TrainImagesClassifier |
CSamplingRates | |
CTrainFileNamesHandler | |
►CTrainVectorBase | |
CFeaturesInfo | |
CSamplesWithLabel | |
CShiftScaleParameters | |
CVectorPrediction | |
CAdhesionCorrectionFilter | This filter eliminates pixels risking adhesion from the input disparity map. To do so it applies the following steps : |
CAeronetData | This class is a data structure designed to store Aeronet data extracted from a aeronet file |
CAeronetFileReader | This class reads a Aeronet data from an Aeronet file |
CAeronetFileReaderException | Base exception class for Aeronet problems during reading |
CAngularProjectionBinaryImageFilter | Performs ![]() |
CAngularProjectionImageFilter | Performs spherical transformation in ND space |
CAngularProjectionSetImageFilter | Performs spherical transformation in ND space from a set of angle values |
CApplicationException | Exception for runtime errors in OTB Applications |
CApplyGainFilter | Apply gain on the input image with a bilineare interpolation |
CAssociativeSymmetricalSumImageFilter | Implements an asymmetric fusion of line detector image filter |
CAsymmetricFusionOfLineDetectorImageFilter | |
CAtmosphericCorrectionParameters | This class contains all atmospheric correction parameters |
CAtmosphericEffects | This class applies atmospheric effects, computed from otbAtmosphericCorrectionParametersTo6SRadiativeTerms to an input spectrum (otbSpectralResponse) using the otbSurfaceReflectanceToReflectanceFilter |
CAtmosphericRadiativeTerms | This class is a vector of AtmosphericRadiativeTermsSingleChannel, it contains all atmospheric radiative terms for each studied channel |
CAtmosphericRadiativeTermsSingleChannel | This class contains all atmospheric radiative terms for one channel |
CAttributesMapLabelObject | A LabelObject with a generic attributes map |
CAttributesMapLabelObjectWithClassLabel | An AttributesMapLabelObject with an optional class label |
CAttributesMapOpeningLabelMapFilter | Attributes opening for AttributesMapLabelObject |
CAutoencoderModel | |
CAutoencoderModelFactory | |
CAzimuthFmRate | This structure is used to manage parameters related to the Azimuth Frequency Modulation rate |
CBandMathImageFilter | Performs a mathematical operation on the input images according to the formula specified by the user |
►CBandMathXImageFilter | Performs mathematical operations on the input images according to the formula specified by the user |
CadhocStruct | |
Cbands | |
CBandsStatisticsAttributesLabelMapFilter | This filter computes band statistics attributes for each object |
Cbasic_mdspan | |
CBayesianFusionFilter | Bayesian fusion filter. Contribution of Julien Radoux |
CBCOInterpolateImageFunction | Interpolate an image at specified positions using bicubic interpolation |
CBCOInterpolateImageFunction< otb::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension >, TCoordRep > | |
CBCOInterpolateImageFunctionBase | |
CBijectionCoherencyFilter | Left-right coherency filter for disparity maps |
CBilinearProjection | Computes a bilinear projection after init with reference points |
CBinaryFunctorImageFilter | Implements pixel-wise generic operation on two images |
CBinaryFunctorNeighborhoodImageFilter | Implements neighborhood-wise generic operation of two images |
CBinaryFunctorNeighborhoodJoinHistogramImageFilter | Implements neighborhood-wise generic operation of two images |
CBinaryFunctorNeighborhoodVectorImageFilter | Implements neighborhood-wise generic operation of two images being vector images |
CBinaryImageDensityFunction | Calculate the density pixel of in the neighborhood of a pixel |
CBinaryImageToDensityImageFilter | This class performs a streaming isotropic shrinking operation without smoothing |
CBoostMachineLearningModel | |
CBoostMachineLearningModelFactory | Create an instance of SVMMachineLearningModel through the object factory |
CBoxAndWhiskerImageFilter | This class performs the detection of outlier with the Box and Whisker technique |
CBSplineDecompositionImageFilter | This class is an evolution of the itk::BSplineDecompositionImageFilter to handle huge images with this interpolator. For more documentation, please refer to the original class |
CBSplineInterpolateImageFunction | This class is an evolution of the itk::BSplineInterpolateImageFunction to handle huge images with this interpolator. For more documentation, please refer to the original class |
CBurstRecord | This structure is used to handle burst records |
CCastImageFilter | Casts input pixels to output pixel type |
Ccat | |
CCBAMIChangeDetector | Implements neighborhood-wise the computation of the cumulant-based approximation to mutual information |
CChangeLabelImageFilter | Change Sets of Labels |
CChangeNoDataValueFilter | Change no-data flags and values and replace them in image |
CClampImageFilter | Clamp image values to be below, over, or between threshold values |
CClampVectorImageFilter | Set image values to a user-specified value if they are below, above, or between simple threshold values |
CCLHistogramEqualizationFilter | Implement CLAHE algorithm |
CClosePathFunctor | This filter close the input path, making the last point equal to the first one |
CClosingOpeningMorphologicalFilter | This filter implements an opening grayscale morphological operation followed by a closing grayscale morphological operation. It tends to simplify image by obliterating details with a lower extent than the structuring element |
CCloudDetectionFilter | Applies cloud detection functor to an image |
CCloudEstimatorFilter | Filter to help with the cloud detection |
CCommandProgressUpdate | TODO |
CCompacityPathFunction | Calculate the compacity of a path. The formula of the compacity is : |
CComplexMomentPathFunction | Calculate the complex moment value over a path |
CComplexMomentsImageFunction | Calculate the complex moment values in the specified neighborhood |
CComplexToIntensityImageFilter | Computes pixel-wise the intensity of a complex image |
CComplexToVectorImageCastFilter | Transform a complex image into a 2 channels vector image. The first channel is the real part, the second the imaginary one |
CCompositeTransform | Class which compose two itk::Transform to obtain one itk::Transform T1 T2 T3 (x, y) -> (x', y') -> (x'', y'') => (x, y) -> (x'', y'') |
CComputeGainLutFilter | Compute the gain for each pixel value from a histogram |
CComputeHistoFilter | Compute local histogram with several parameters |
CConcatenateScalarValueImageFilter | Applies a projective projection to each pixel of an image |
CConcatenateVectorDataFilter | Produces a VectorData from the concatenation of several input vectordatas |
CConcatenateVectorImageFilter | This filter concatenates the vector pixel of the first image with the vector pixel of the second image |
CConfigurationManager | Retrieve configuration values from env var or default values |
CConfusionMatrixCalculator | |
CConfusionMatrixMeasurements | |
CConfusionMatrixToMassOfBelief | This class converts a confusion matrix into masses of belief for each label |
CContingencyTable | |
CContingencyTableCalculator | ContingencyTableCalculator provide facilities to compute ContingencyTable |
CContinuousMinimumMaximumImageCalculator | Compute the continuous maximum and the minimum of an image |
CConvertPixelBuffer | Class to convert blocks of data from one type to another |
CConvolutionImageFilter | Applies a convolution filter to a mono channel image |
CCoordinateConversionRecord | This structure contains coefficients to convert between coordinates types, e.g. from ground range to slant range |
CCoordinateToName | Retrieve geographical information for longitude and latitude coordinates |
CCoordinateTransformation | This class is a wrapper around OGRCoordinateTransformation |
Ccorr | |
CCorrectPolygonFunctor | This filter simplify and close the input polygon, making the last point equal to the first one |
CCorrelationChangeDetector | Implements neighborhood-wise the computation of crosscorrelation |
CCosmoImageMetadataInterface | Creation of an "otb" CosmoImageMetadataInterface that gets metadata |
CCosmoImageMetadataInterfaceFactory | Creating an instance of a ImageMetadataInterface object using object factory |
CCount | Compute the density of a neighborhood centerred in a pixel |
CCumulantsForEdgeworth | Helper class for KullbackLeiblerDistanceImageFilter. Please refer to KullbackLeiblerDistanceImageFilter |
CCumulantsForEdgeworthProfile | Helper class for KullbackLeiblerProfileImageFilter. Please refer to KullbackLeibleProfileImageFilter |
CCurlHelper | Class to use the curl capabilities from OTB |
CCurlHelperInterface | Class to use the curl capabilities from OTB |
CCurlHelperStub | Class to test classes using the curl capabilities from OTB |
CCvRTreesWrapper | Wrapper for OpenCV Random Trees |
►CDataNode | This class represents a node of data in a vector data hierarchy |
CDataType | |
CDataNodeFunctionBase | Base class for DataNode functions |
CDataObjectListInterface | |
CDataSpec | This struct contains the specific absorption coefficients of each constituent and the refractive index of leaf materia |
CDecimateImageFilter | Performs a down sampling of an image |
CDecisionTree | Models a decision tree |
CDecisionTreeMachineLearningModel | |
CDecisionTreeMachineLearningModelFactory | Creation d'un instance d'un object SVMMachineLearningModel utilisant les object factory |
CDefaultConvertPixelTraits | |
CDefaultConvertPixelTraits<::std::complex< T > > | |
CDefaultGeometriesToGeometriesFilter | |
CDefaultImageMetadataInterface | Creation of an "otb" DefaultImageMetadataInterface that gets metadata |
CDefaultImageMetadataInterfaceFactory | Creating an instance of a ImageMetadataInterface object using object factory. This class only provides the method of the virtual pure class ImageMetadataInterfaceBase and throw exception for virtual method |
CDEMCaracteristicsExtractor | Calculates the slope, the orientation incidence and exitance radius values for each pixel |
CDEMHandler | Single access point for DEM data retrieval |
CDEMObserverInterface | Observer design pattern to keep track of DEM configuration changes |
CDEMSubjectInterface | Observer design pattern to keep track of DEM configuration changes |
CDEMToImageGenerator | Class to generate an image from DEM data |
CDifferenceImageFilter | Implements comparison between two images |
CDimapData | Struct containing metadata parsed from a Dimap product |
CDimapMetadataHelper | Helper class to read dimap data from various sources (Dimap v1, dimap v2, Ossim geom file) and various sensors (PHR, SPOT, ...) and store them in a DimapData struct |
CDimensionalityReductionModelFactory | |
CDisparityMapEstimationMethod | This class performs an estimation of the local displacement modelled by a given transform between the fixed and the moving image, at each point of the given point set |
CDisparityMapMedianFilter | Applies a median filter to a monoband disparity map with an associated mask |
CDisparityMapTo3DFilter | Project an input disparity map into a 3D points |
CDisparityMapToDEMFilter | Project an input disparity map into a regular DEM |
CDisparityTranslateFilter | Translate epipolar disparities into sensor disparities |
CDivisionByScalar | |
CDopplerCentroid | This structure is used to handle Doppler centroid estimates |
Cdotpr | |
CDrawPathFilter | This class can be used to draw a single path on an image |
CDrawPathListFilter | This class can be used to draw a list of path on an image |
CDSFusionOfClassifiersImageFilter | Performs a fusion of n classification maps using the Dempster Shafer (noted DS) rule of combination |
CEdgeDensityImageFilter | This composite filter computes the density of the edges around a pixel |
CEdgeDetectorImageFilter | This composite filter binaries a edge detection image output. The used edge detection filter is given as template of the class. The class only supports Image |
CEigenvalueLikelihoodMaximisation | Estimates the number of endmembers in a hyperspectral image |
CElementWiseDivision | |
CElementWiseMultiplication | |
CElementWisePower | |
CEphemeris | This structure is used to handle Ephemeris information |
CEstimateInnerProductPCAImageFilter | Applies the Inner product to an vector image. Implement the itk::ImagePCAShapeModelEstimator algorithms in streaming capabilities Use by the InnerProductPCAImageFilter composite filter |
CExhaustiveExponentialOptimizer | This optimizer performs an exhaustive search on an exponential scale |
►CExtendedFilenameHelper | Helper to handle extended filenames |
CGenericBandRange | |
►CExtendedFilenameToReaderOptions | Converts an extended filename to reader options |
COptionType | |
►CExtendedFilenameToWriterOptions | Converts an extended filename to writer options |
COptionType | |
Cextents | |
CExtractROI | Extract a subset of a mono-channel image |
CExtractROIBase | Base class to extract area of images |
CFastICAImageFilter | Performs a Independent Component Analysis (ICA) |
CFastICAInternalOptimizerVectorImageFilter | Internal optimisation of the FastICA unmixing filter |
CFieldCopyTransformation | |
CFilterFunctionValues | This class contains the values of the filter function for the processed spectral band |
CFilterWatcherBase | This class is an abstract class Provides an interface to progress task mechanic |
CFineRegistrationImageFilter | Computes a displacement field between two images using a given metric |
CFlusserMomentsImageFunction | Calculate the Flusser's invariant parameters |
CFlusserPathFunction | Calculate the Flusser's invariant parameters |
CFormosatImageMetadataInterface | Creation of an "otb" FormosatImageMetadataInterface that gets metadata |
CFormosatImageMetadataInterfaceFactory | Creating an instance of a ImageMetadataInterface object using object factory |
CForwardFourierMellinTransformImageFilter | Calculate the Fourier-Mellin transform over an image |
CFourierMellinDescriptorsImageFunction | Calculate the Fourier-Mellin descriptors in the specified neighborhood |
CFrostImageFilter | Anti-speckle image filter |
CFullyDecomposedWaveletPacketCost | Cost evaluation to be used into the Wavelet Packet decomposition class |
CFunctionToImageFilter | Evaluates a ImageFunction onto a source image |
CFunctionWithNeighborhoodToImageFilter | Evaluates a ImageFunction onto a source image |
CFunctorFilterSuperclassHelper | Struct allowing to derive the superclass prototype for the FunctorImageFilter class |
CFunctorFilterSuperclassHelper< R(*)(T...), TNameMap > | Partial specialisation for R(*)(T...) |
CFunctorFilterSuperclassHelper< R(C::*)(T...) const, TNameMap > | Partial specialisation for R(C::*)(T...) const |
CFunctorFilterSuperclassHelper< R(C::*)(T...), TNameMap > | Partial specialisation for R(C::*)(T...) |
CFunctorFilterSuperclassHelper< void(*)(R &, T...), TNameMap > | Partial specialisation for void(*)(R &,T...) |
CFunctorFilterSuperclassHelper< void(C::*)(R &, T...) const, TNameMap > | Partial specialisation for void(C::*)(R&,T...) const |
CFunctorFilterSuperclassHelper< void(C::*)(R &, T...), TNameMap > | Partial specialisation for void(C::*)(R&,T...) |
CFunctorImageFilter | A generic functor filter templated by its functor |
CFuzzyDescriptorsModelManager | Read a xml file where are stored several statistics |
CFuzzyVariable | Class to represent a fuzzy N-valued variable |
CGaborFilterGenerator | |
CGammaMAPImageFilter | Anti-speckle image filter |
CGCP | This GCP class is used to manage the GCP parameters in OTB |
CGCPsToRPCSensorModelImageFilter | This filter estimates a RPC sensor models from GCPs |
CGCPTime | This structure contains the azimuth and range times associated with a gcp |
CGDALDatasetWrapper | |
CGDALDriverManagerWrapper | Provide an unique instance of a GDALDataSet |
CGDALImageIO | ImageIO object for reading and writing images with GDAL |
CGDALImageIOFactory | Create an instance of GDALImageIO through the object factory |
CGDALImageMetadataInterface | |
CGDALOverviewsBuilder | |
CGDALRPCTransformer | This class is a wrapper around GDALCreateRPCTransformer and GDALRPCTransform |
CGenericInterpolateImageFunction | Generic interpolation of an otb::Image |
CGenericMapProjection | This is the base class for generic map projection transformation |
CGenericRSResampleImageFilter | This class is a composite filter that allows you to project an input image from any coordinate system to any other one. The coordinate systems can be defined by their projection reference, the keyword list or a meta data dictionary |
CGenericRSTransform | This is the class to handle generic remote sensing transform |
CGeocentricTransform | Convert coordinates from geocentric (X, Y, Z) to geographic (lon, lat, h) |
CGeodesicMorphologyDecompositionImageFilter | This class implements a geodesic morphology based image analysis algorithm |
CGeodesicMorphologyIterativeDecompositionImageFilter | This class recursively apply geodesic decomposition |
CGeographicalDistance | Compute the metric distance between two geographical points |
CGeometricMomentPathFunction | Virtual class for the Geometric moments for an path function |
CGeometriesProjectionFilter | |
CGeometriesSet | Common ITK type to manipulate any set of geometries: a otb::ogr::DataSource , or a otb::ogr::Layer |
CGeometriesSource | |
CGeometriesToGeometriesFilter | |
CGeomMetadataSupplier | Class to access metadata information in a Geom file |
CGreyLevelCooccurrenceIndexedList | This class holds a VectorType of CooccurrencePairType with each pair is a combination of pixel index and frequency |
CGridResampleImageFilter | Resample input image on a new origin/spacing/size grid |
CGroundSpacingImageFunction | Calculate the approximate ground spacing in X and Y directions |
CHaralickTexturesImageFunction | Compute the 8 Haralick texture indices on the neighborhood of the point |
CHarrisImageFilter | This filter performs the computation of the Harris measure as followed |
CHarrisImageToPointSetFilter | TODO |
CHessianToScalarImageFilter | TODO |
CHillShadingFilter | Filter to compute the lambertian of a surface given as an image |
CHistogramOfOrientedGradientCovariantImageFunction | Calculate the centered HOG features |
CHistogramStatisticsFunction | Computes parameters for a histogram |
CHooverInstanceFilter | This class computes the Hoover instances |
CHooverMatrixFilter | This class computes the confusion matrix from two LabelMapObject |
CHorizontalSobelVectorImageFilter | Implements the Horizontal Sobel Gradient to be processed on a vector image |
CHuMomentsImageFunction | Calculate the Hu's invariant parameters |
CHuPathFunction | Calculate the Hu's invariant parameter |
CIkonosImageMetadataInterface | Creation of an "otb" IkonosImageMetadataInterface that gets metadata |
CIkonosImageMetadataInterfaceFactory | Creating an instance of a ImageMetadataInterface object using object factory |
CImage | Creation of an "otb" image which contains metadata |
CImageAndVectorImageOperationFilter | Provides simple pixel to pixel operation between Image and VectorImage |
CImageClassificationFilter | This filter performs the classification of a VectorImage using a Model |
CImageCommons | |
CImageDimensionalityReductionFilter | |
CImageFileReader | Reads image data |
CImageFileReaderException | Base exception class for IO conflicts |
CImageFileWriter | Writes image data to a single file with streaming process |
CImageFittingPolygonListFilter | Slightly deform polygon to reach higher energy from the image |
CImageFunctionAdaptor | Adapt the output of the internal image function to be a itk::VariableLengthVector |
►CImageIOBase | Abstract superclass defines image IO interface |
CUnknownType | |
CImageIOFactory | Creation of object instance using object factory |
CImageList | This class represent a list of images |
CImageListSource | Base class for all the filters producing an otbImageList |
CImageListToImageFilter | Base class for all the filters taking an images list as input to produce an image |
CImageListToImageListApplyFilter | This filter applies the filter given as template to the input image list |
CImageListToImageListFilter | Base class for all the filters taking an image list as input to produce an image list |
CImageListToSingleImageFilter | This class aims at converting a image list to one (scalar or vector) image |
CImageListToVectorImageFilter | Converts an ImageList to a VectorImage |
CImageMetadata | Generic class containing image metadata used in OTB |
CImageMetadataBase | Metadata hybrid dictionary |
CImageMetadataCorrectionParameters | This class contains all atmospheric correction parameters |
CImageMetadataInterfaceBase | Base class for captor metadata reading |
CImageMetadataInterfaceFactory | Create instances of ImageMetadataInterfaceFactory objects using an object factory |
CImageOfVectorsToMonoChannelExtractROI | |
CImageRegionAdaptativeSplitter | |
CImageRegionNonUniformMultidimensionalSplitter | Divide a region into several pieces |
CImageRegionSquareTileSplitter | Divide a region into several pieces |
CImageRegionTileMapSplitter | Divide a region into several pieces |
CImageSampleExtractorFilter | Extract sample values from an image into an OGRDataSource using a persistent filter |
CImageSeriesFileReader | Reader class dedicated to image series reading |
CImageSeriesFileReader< Image< TPixel, 2 >, Image< TInternalPixel, 2 > > | |
CImageSeriesFileReader< Image< TPixel, 2 >, VectorImage< TInternalPixel, 2 > > | |
CImageSeriesFileReader< VectorImage< TPixel, 2 >, VectorImage< TInternalPixel, 2 > > | |
CImageSeriesFileReaderBase | |
CImageSeriesFileReaderException | |
CImageSimulationMethod | Image simulation method |
CImageToEdgePathFilter | This filter compute the closed edge path of a labelled object in an image (for example coming from a segmentation filter). Its output is a Path |
CImageToEnvelopeVectorDataFilter | Build a vector data containing the polygon of the image envelope |
►CImageToGenericRSOutputParameters | This class is a helper class to estimate the output parameters of an image after projection in a target SRS (defined here using its projectionRef) |
COutputImageExtentType | |
CImageToHessianDeterminantImageFilter | This class compute the Hessian determinant of each pixel of an input image |
CImageToImageListFilter | Base class for all the filters taking an image input to produce an image list |
CImageToLabelMapWithAttributesFilter | Convert a labeled image to a label map with adjacency information and computes feature attributes for each LabelObject |
CImageToLuminanceImageFilter | Convert a raw value into a Luminance value |
CImageToModulusAndDirectionImageFilter | Base class for modulus and direction image filters |
CImageToNoDataMaskFilter | Builds a no-data mask image from no-data flags and values |
►CImageToOSMVectorDataGenerator | Helper class to compute the extent of the input image and use it to fill the bbox for the OSM request |
CImageExtentType | |
CImageToPathFilter | Base class for filters taking an image as input, and producing an output of type Path |
CImageToPathListFilter | Base class used to implement filters that have a image as input and a paths list as output |
►CImageToPointSetFilter | Base class to output PointSet data with image data as input |
CThreadStruct | |
CImageToProfileFilter | Base class to produce a profile of the response of a given filter for a range of parameter |
CImageToRadianceImageFilter | Convert a raw value into a radiance value |
CImageToReflectanceImageFilter | Convert a raw value into a reflectance value |
CImageToSIFTKeyPointSetFilter | This class extracts key points from an input image, trough a pyramidal decomposition |
CImageToSURFKeyPointSetFilter | This class extracts key points from an image through a pyramidal gaussian based decomposition |
CImageToVectorImageCastFilter | This is a helper class that convert an otb::Image into a single-channel otb::VectorImage |
CImageTypeDeduction | Helper struct to derive ImageType from template parameter |
CImageTypeDeduction< itk::VariableLengthVector< T > > | Partial specialisation for itk::VariableLengthVector<T> |
CImaginaryImageToComplexImageFilter | Computes pixel-wise the complex image of a imaginary image |
CImportGeoInformationImageFilter | This filter is a helper class to import metadata from an existing image into a non-georeferenced image |
CImportImageFilter | Import data from a standard C array into an Image Type |
CImportVectorImageFilter | Import data from a standard C array into an Image Type |
CInfoSceneCoord | Represents an InfoSceneCoord |
CInnerProductPCAImageFilter | Performs a PCA with streaming capabilities |
CInPlacePassFilter | This filter has the only purpose to recall regions |
CInterval | |
CInverseLogPolarTransform | This transform is the back transform of the LogPolarTransform |
CIsNeighborhood | Struct testing if T is a neighborhood |
CIsNeighborhood< const itk::ConstNeighborhoodIterator< Image< T > > & > | Partial specialisation for const ConstNeighborhoodIterator<Image::T> & |
CIsNeighborhood< const itk::ConstNeighborhoodIterator< VectorImage< T > > & > | Partial specialisation for const ConstNeighborhoodIterator<VectorImage::T> & |
CIsSuitableType | Helper struct to check if a type can be used as pixel type |
CIsSuitableType< itk::FixedArray< T, N > > | Unwrap FixedArray |
CIsSuitableType< itk::RGBAPixel< T > > | Unwrap RGBAPixel |
CIsSuitableType< itk::RGBPixel< T > > | Unwrap RGBPixel |
CIsSuitableType< itk::VariableLengthVector< T > > | Unwrap VariableLengthVector |
CIsSuitableType< std::complex< T > > | Unwrap complex |
CJoinHistogramMIImageFilter | Implements neighborhood-wise the computation of mutual information using a join histogram |
CJointMassOfBeliefFilter | Performs Dempster-Shafer combination of n masses function |
CKeyPointDensityImageFilter | This class computes the density of the characteristic points detected in the image |
CKeyPointSetsMatchingFilter | This class matches two point sets according to their associated data |
CKMeansAttributesLabelMapFilter | Execute a KMeans on the attributes of a itk::LabelMap<otb::AttributesMapLabelObject> |
CKMeansImageClassificationFilter | This filter performs the classification of a VectorImage using a KMeans estimation result |
CKNearestNeighborsMachineLearningModel | |
CKNearestNeighborsMachineLearningModelFactory | Create an instance of KNearestNeighborsMachineLearningModel through the object factory |
CKuanImageFilter | Anti-speckle image filter |
CKullbackLeiblerDistanceImageFilter | Implements neighborhood-wise the computation of KullbackLeibler distance over Edgeworth approximation |
CKullbackLeiblerProfileImageFilter | Implements neighborhood-wise the computation of KullbackLeibler profile over Edgeworth approximation |
CKullbackLeiblerSupervizedDistanceImageFilter | Implements KullbackLeibler distance over Edgeworth approximation, between a Neighborhood and a predefined Region of Interest |
CLabeledOutputAccessor | Accessor to the index of the labeled output image of the Template Filter |
CLabeledOutputAccessor< MeanShiftSmoothingImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TOutputImage2, TKernelType > > | |
CLabelImageRegionMergingFilter | |
CLabelImageRegionPruningFilter | |
CLabelImageSmallRegionMergingFilter | |
►CLabelImageToLabelMapWithAdjacencyFilter | Convert a labeled image to a label map with adjacency information |
CRLE | |
CLabelImageToOGRDataSourceFilter | |
CLabelImageToVectorDataFilter | This class uses GDALPolygonize method to transform a Label image into a VectorData. An optional input mask can be used to exclude pixels from vectorization process. All pixels with a value of 0 in the input mask image will not be suitable for vectorization |
CLabelizeConfidenceConnectedImageFilter | Labels pixels with similar statistics using connectivity |
CLabelizeConnectedThresholdImageFilter | TODO |
CLabelizeImageFilterBase | Base class for filter labelizing image region based on segmentation |
CLabelizeNeighborhoodConnectedImageFilter | Labels pixels that are connected to a seed and lie within a neighborhood |
CLabelMapClassifier | Classify each LabelObject of the input LabelMap in place |
CLabelMapFeaturesFunctorImageFilter | This class applies a functor to compute new features |
CLabelMapSource | Base class for filter that output LabelMap |
CLabelMapToAttributeImageFilter | This class produces an image from attributes in a label map |
CLabelMapToLabelImageFilter | Converts a LabelMap to a labeled image |
CLabelMapToSampleListFilter | This class converts a LabelObjectMap to a SampleList for learning and classification |
CLabelMapToSimulatedImageFilter | Transform a labelMap into an image |
CLabelMapToVectorDataFilter | This class vectorizes a LabelObject to a VectorData |
CLabelMapWithAdjacency | This class is a LabelMap with additional adjacency information |
CLabelMapWithClassLabelToClassLabelImageFilter | Converts a LabelMap<LabelObjectWithClassLabel> to an image of class labels |
CLabelMapWithClassLabelToLabeledSampleListFilter | This class converts a LabelObjectMap with some class labeled objects to a SampleList and a TrainingSampleList suitable for supervised learning, and compatible with otb::SVMSampleListModelEstimator |
CLabelObjectOpeningMuParserFilter | |
CLabelToBoundaryImageFilter | Filter to extract boundaries of a label image |
CLabelToProSailParameters | Take a label corresponding to a spectrum type for vegetation and outputs the ProSail parameters needed to get a spectrum of that type |
CLabelToSimulationParametersBase | Base class for all classes that take a label and outputs two set of parameters for two steps (step1, step2) |
CLagrangianOrbitInterpolator | |
CLandmark | This class represent point and point data binary matching |
CLeafParameters | Data class containing Leaf Parameters |
CLeastSquareAffineTransformEstimator | This class provide the affine transform LSQR estimation |
CLeastSquareBilinearTransformEstimator | This class provide the 2D Bilinear transform LSQR estimation |
CLeeImageFilter | Anti-speckle image filter |
CLHMIChangeDetector | Implements neighborhood-wise the computation of the cumulant-based approximation to mutual information |
CLibSVMMachineLearningModel | |
CLibSVMMachineLearningModelFactory | Creation of an instance of an object SVMMachineLearningModel using the objects factory |
CLineCorrelationDetectorImageFilter | To be documented |
CLineDetectorImageFilterBase | Base class for line detector filters |
CLineOfSightOptimizer | Compute the position of a 3D point from a set of N lines of sight |
CLineRatioDetectorImageFilter | Application of detection of linear features based on the ratio of local means |
CLineSegmentDetector | This class implement a fast line detector with false detection control using the a contrario method |
CListSampleGenerator | Produces a ListSample from a VectorImage and a VectorData |
CListSampleToHistogramListGenerator | Generates a list of 1D Histograms from a ListSample This class is similar to ListSampleToVariableDimensionHistogramGenerator, except from the fact that it computes one histogram per channel instead of a single joint-histogram. The output is a Histogram list ( |
CListSampleToVariableDimensionHistogramGenerator | Generates a VariableDimensionHistogram from a ListSample |
►CLmvmPanSharpeningFusionImageFilter | This class performs a Local Mean and Variance Matching (LMVM) Pan sharpening operation |
CFusionFunctor1 | |
CFusionFunctor2 | |
CLocalActivityVectorImageFilter | Implements the LocalActivity Gradient to be processed on a vector image |
CLocalGradientVectorImageFilter | Implements the 3x3 Local Gradient to be processed on a vector image |
CLocalHistogramImageFunction | Calculate a local histogram over a specified circular neighborhood |
CLog10ThresholdedImageFilter | Computes the 10 * std::log10(x) pixel-wise with a threshold for the lowest values |
CLogger | An ITK logger specialized for OTB |
CLogPolarTransform | Implement the log-polar coordinate transform |
CLuminanceToImageImageFilter | Convert a radiance value into raw image value |
CLuminanceToReflectanceImageFilter | Convert radiance value into reflectance value |
CMachineLearningModel | MachineLearningModel is the base class for all classifier objects (SVM, KNN, Random Forests, Artificial Neural Network, ...) implemented in the supervised classification framework of the OTB |
CMachineLearningModelFactory | Creation of object instance using object factory |
CMachineLearningModelFactoryBase | Base class for the MachinelearningModelFactory |
Cmaj | |
CMapFileProductWriter | This class produces Map file product ie a file .map, the tiles to draw in a mapserver, and finally a shapefile which describe the tiles and where to find them on the disk |
CMarkovRandomFieldFilter | This is the class to use the Markov Random Field framework in OTB |
CMaskedIteratorDecorator | Decorate an iterator to ignore masked pixels |
CMaskMuParserFilter | |
CMassOfBelief | This class represent a mass of belief function |
CMatrixImageFilter | Apply a matrix multiplication over the channels of an image |
CMaximumAutocorrelationFactorImageFilter | This filter implements the Maximum Autocorrelation Factor |
CMDMDNMFImageFilter | |
Cmean | |
CMeanDifferenceImageFilter | Implements neighborhood-wise the computation of mean difference |
CMeanFilter | |
CMeanRatioImageFilter | Implements neighborhood-wise the computation of mean ratio |
CMeanShiftConnectedComponentSegmentationFilter | [internal] Helper class to perform connected component segmentation on an input image, |
CMeanShiftSegmentationFilter | |
CMeanShiftSmoothingImageFilter | |
Cmedian | |
CMetadataStorageInterface | Base class to store metadata information in files/images |
CMetadataSupplierInterface | Base class to access metadata information in files/images |
CMetaImageFunction | Concatenate results from multiple ImageFunction |
CMinMaxAttributesLabelMapFilter | Computes the min/max of all attributes of a LabelMap where LabelObject type is compatible with otb::AttributesMapLabelObject |
CMissingMetadataException | Exception to be used when metadata parsing fails |
CMLMSampleTraitsImpl | |
CMLMTargetTraitsImpl | |
CMNFImageFilter | Performs a Maximum Noise Fraction analysis of a vector image |
CMorphologicalClosingProfileFilter | This filter compute the morphological closing profile |
CMorphologicalOpeningProfileFilter | This filter compute the morphological opening profile |
CMorphologicalProfilesSegmentationFilter | This class implements segmentation by morphological profiles |
CMRFEnergy | This is the base class for energy function used in the MRF framework |
CMRFEnergy< TInput2, TInput2 > | |
CMRFEnergyEdgeFidelity | This is the implementation of an edge preserving model for Markov denoising |
CMRFEnergyFisherClassification | Fisher model for Markov classification |
CMRFEnergyGaussian | This is the implementation of the Gaussian model for Markov classification |
CMRFEnergyGaussianClassification | This is the implementation of the Gaussian model for Markov classification |
CMRFEnergyPotts | This is the implementation of the Potts model for Markov classification |
CMRFOptimizer | This is the base class for optimizer used in the MRF framework |
CMRFOptimizerICM | This is the optimizer class implementing the ICM algorithm |
CMRFOptimizerMetropolis | This is the optimizer class implementing the Metropolis algorithm |
CMRFSampler | This is the base class for sampler methods used in the MRF framework |
CMRFSamplerMAP | This is the base class for sampler methods used in the MRF framework |
CMRFSamplerRandom | This is the base class for sampler methods used in the MRF framework |
CMRFSamplerRandomMAP | This is the base class for sampler methods used in the MRF framework |
CMulti3DMapToDEMFilter | Project N 3D images (long,lat,alti) into a regular DEM in the chosen map projection system |
CMultiChannelExtractROI | Extract a spatial or spectral subset of a multi-channel image |
CMultiChannelsPolarimetricSynthesisFilter | This class computes the polarimetric synthesis from two to four radar images, depending on the polarimetric architecture |
CMultiDisparityMapTo3DFilter | Project a group of disparity map into 3D points |
►CMultiImageFileWriter | Streams a pipeline with multiple outputs. It writes each output to a file. Inputs are connected to the writer using the AddInputImage method. The type of streaming can be chosen. Each output may have a different size. When the user gives a number of lines per strip or a tile size, the value is interpreted on the first input to deduce the number of streams. This number of streams is then used to split the other inputs |
CSink | |
CSinkBase | |
CMultiplicationByScalar | |
CMultiplyByScalarImageFilter | TODO |
CMultiplyVectorImageFilter | |
CMultiToMonoChannelExtractROI | Extract a mono channel part of a multi-channel image |
CMultivariateAlterationDetectorImageFilter | This filter implements the Multivariate Alteration Detector |
CNAPCAImageFilter | Performs a Noise Adjusted PCA analysis of a vector image |
Cnarrow | |
CNCCRegistrationFilter | Deformably register two images using the PDEs and NCC |
►CNCCRegistrationFunction | |
CGlobalDataStruct | |
Cndvi | |
CNeatRegionLogger | |
►CNeighborhoodMajorityVotingImageFilter | |
CCompareHistoFequencies | |
CHistoSummary | |
CNeuralNetworkMachineLearningModel | |
CNeuralNetworkMachineLearningModelFactory | Create an instance of SVMMachineLearningModel through the object factory |
CNLMeansFilter | This class implements a fast approximated version of NL Means denoising algorithm. This implementation is based on code in scikit module skimage. This fast version of the NL Means algorithm has been described in the following papers : |
CNormalBayesMachineLearningModel | |
CNormalBayesMachineLearningModelFactory | Creation of an instance of object SVMMachineLearningModel using the objects factory |
CNormalizeAttributesLabelMapFilter | This class works with AttributesMapLabelObject, and normalizes all attributes wrt a map of minimal and maximal attribute value, such that the resulting attributes are in the [0, 1] interval |
CNormalizeInnerProductPCAImageFilter | The aim of the class is to normalise vector images using a vector coefficient values |
CNormalizeVectorImageFilter | Normalize an VectorImage by setting its mean to zero and possibly variance to one (band by band) |
CNotNull | |
CNRIBandImagesToOneNComplexBandsImage | |
CNumberOfDivisionsStrippedStreamingManager | This class computes the divisions needed to stream an image by strips, driven by a user-defined number of divisions in which to divide the images |
CNumberOfDivisionsTiledStreamingManager | This class computes the divisions needed to stream an image by strips, driven by a user-defined number of divisions in which to divide the images |
CNumberOfLinesStrippedStreamingManager | This class computes the divisions needed to stream an image by strips, driven by a user-defined desired number of lines per strips |
CNumberOfOutputBandsDecorator | This struct allows forwarding the operator of template parameter, while adding number of output components service |
►CObjectList | This class is a generic all-purpose wrapping around an std::vector<itk::SmartPointer<ObjectType> > |
CConstIterator | ConstIterator of the object list |
CIterator | Iterator of the object list |
CReverseConstIterator | ReverseConstIterator of the object list |
CReverseIterator | ReverseIterator of the object list |
CObjectListSource | Base class for all process objects that output ObjectList data |
►CObjectListToObjectListFilter | Base class for filters that take an ObjectList as input and produce an ObjectList as output |
CThreadStruct | |
COGRDataSourceToLabelImageFilter | Burn geometries from the specified VectorData into raster |
COGRDataToClassStatisticsFilter | Computes class statistics based on vectors using a persistent filter |
COGRDataToSamplePositionFilter | Extracts sample position from an image using a persistent filter |
►COGRExtendedFilenameToOptions | This class aim at processing GDAL option that can be pass through extended filename |
CCreationOptionType | |
CLayerOptionType | |
COpenOptionType | |
COGRIOHelper | This class IO OGR |
►COGRLayerStreamStitchingFilter | This filter fusion the geometries in a layer (OGRLayer ) along streaming lines. It is a in-line filter which means that the result of the fusion overwrites the input layer. The strategy for merging polygons is quite simple. A polygon P1 is merge with a polygon P2 if: |
CFeatureStruct | |
CFusionStruct | |
CSortFeatureStruct | |
COGRVectorDataIO | ImageIO object for reading and writing OGR format vector data |
COGRVectorDataIOFactory | Create an instance of an OGRVectorDataIOFactory |
COneRIBandImageToOneComplexBandImage | |
COpeningClosingMorphologicalFilter | This filter implements an opening grayscale morphological operation followed by a closing grayscale morphological operation. It tends to simplify image by obliterating details with a lower extent than the structuring element |
COpticalDefaultImageMetadataInterface | Creation of an "otb" DefaultImageMetadataInterface that gets metadata |
COpticalDefaultImageMetadataInterfaceFactory | Creating an instance of a OpticalImageMetadataInterface object using object factory. This class only provides the method of the virtual pure class OpticalImageMetadataInterface and throw exception for virtual method |
COpticalImageMetadataInterface | Class for Optical captor metadata reading |
COpticalImageMetadataInterfaceFactory | Create instances of OpticalImageMetadataInterfaceFactory objects using an object factory |
COrbit | This structure is used to handle orbit information |
COrientationPathFunction | Calculate the orientation angle of a path defined by 2 points. The result value is in radian |
COSMDataToVectorDataGenerator | Request OSM Server using the OSM API 0.6 to get the xml file storing the vector elements available |
COutcoreFilter | |
COverlapSaveConvolutionImageFilter | |
CParser | Definition of the standard floating point parser. Standard implementation of the mathematical expressions parser |
CParserX | Definition of the standard floating point parser. Standard implementation of the mathematical expressions parser |
►Cpart_iterator | |
Ctheend | |
Cpart_range | |
CPathFunction | Evaluates a function of an image over a specific path |
CPathLengthFunctor | Select paths according to their length |
CPathListSource | Base class for filters with a PathList output type |
CPathListToHistogramGenerator | This class generates an histogram from a list of path |
CPathListToPathListFilter | Base class for filter taking a PathList as input a returning a PathList |
CPathMeanDistanceFunctor | Functor to select path according to the average distance between points |
►CPatternSampler | Periodic sampler for iteration loops |
CParameter | |
CPCAImageFilter | Performs a Principal Component Analysis |
CPCAModel | |
CPCAModelFactory | |
CPerBandVectorImageFilter | This filter is a helper class to apply per band a standard itk::ImageToImageFilter to a VectorImage |
►CPeriodicSampler | Periodic sampler for iteration loops |
CParameter | |
CPeriodicSOM | This class is responsible for the learning of a self organizing map when considered as a torus |
CPersistentCompareImageFilter | Compute mean squared error, mean absolute error and PSNR of two imagee using the output requested region |
CPersistentConnectedComponentSegmentationOBIAToVectorDataFilter | [internal] Helper class to perform connected component segmentation on an input image, apply OBIA filtering and output a VectorData |
CPersistentFilterStreamingDecorator | This filter link a persistent filter with a StreamingImageVirtualWriter |
CPersistentHistogramVectorImageFilter | Compute the histogram of a large image using streaming |
CPersistentImageFilter | This filter is the base class for all filter persisting data through multiple update. For instance, a filter computing global statistics on an image with streaming capabilities will have to keep the temporary results for each streamed piece of the image in order to synthesize the global statistics at the end. This filter is an itk::ImageToImageFilter, providing two additional methods. The first one, Synthetize(), allows the user to synthesize temporary data produced by the multiple updates on different pieces of the image to the global result. The second one, Reset(), allows the user to reset the temporary data for a new input image for instance |
CPersistentImageSampleExtractorFilter | Persistent filter to extract sample values from an image |
CPersistentImageToOGRDataFilter | Perform vectorization in a persistent way |
CPersistentImageToOGRLayerFilter | Perform vectorization in a persistent way |
CPersistentImageToOGRLayerSegmentationFilter | |
CPersistentImageToVectorDataFilter | Perform vectorization in a persistent way |
CPersistentInnerProductVectorImageFilter | Compute the inner product of a large image using streaming |
CPersistentLabelImageSmallRegionMergingFilter | |
CPersistentMatrixTransposeMatrixImageFilter | Compute |
CPersistentMinMaxImageFilter | Compute min. max of an image using the output requested region |
CPersistentMinMaxVectorImageFilter | Compute min. max of a large image using streaming |
CPersistentMosaicFilter | This filter is the base class for all mosaic filter persisting data through multiple update. For instance, a filter computing global statistics on an mosaic with streaming capabilities will have to keep the temporary results for each streamed piece of the image in order to synthesize the global statistics at the end. This filter is an itk::ImageToImageFilter, providing two additional methods. The first one, Synthetize(), allows the user to synthesize temporary data produced by the multiple updates on different pieces of the image to the global result. The second one, Reset(), allows the user to reset the temporary data for a new input image for instance |
CPersistentOGRDataToClassStatisticsFilter | Persistent filter to compute class statistics based on vectors |
CPersistentOGRDataToSamplePositionFilter | Persistent filter to extract sample position from an image |
►CPersistentSamplingFilterBase | Base class for persistent filter doing sampling tasks |
CSimpleFieldDefn | |
CVectorThreadStruct | |
CPersistentShrinkImageFilter | |
CPersistentStatisticsImageFilter | Compute min. max, variance and mean of an image using the output requested region |
►CPersistentStatisticsMosaicFilter | Computes the statistics of a mosaic from an input images set. The output pixel value is equal to the number of overlaps |
CThreadResultsContainer | |
CPersistentStreamingLineSegmentDetector | Perform Line segment detector in a persistent way |
CPersistentStreamingStatisticsMapFromLabelImageFilter | Computes mean radiometric value for each label of a label image, based on a support VectorImage |
CPersistentStreamingStatisticsVectorImageFilter | Compute covariance & correlation of a large image using streaming |
CPersistentVectorImageToMatrixFilter | Compute covariance & correlation of a large image using streaming |
CPersistentVectorizationImageFilter | Perform vectorization in a persistent way |
CPhysicalToRPCSensorModelImageFilter | This filter estimates a RPC sensor models from a physical model |
CPipelineMemoryPrintCalculator | Estimate pipeline memory usage and optimal stream divisions |
CPixelRange_t | |
CPixelSuppressionByDirectionImageFilter | Application of a filter of suppression of isolated pixels, not belonging to a line, strating from the directions of pixels |
CPixelTypeDeduction | Helper struct to derive PixelType from template parameter |
CPixelTypeDeduction< itk::ConstNeighborhoodIterator< Image< T > > > | Partial specialisation for itk::ConstNeighborhoodIterator<Image<T>> |
CPixelTypeDeduction< itk::ConstNeighborhoodIterator< VectorImage< T > > > | Partial specialisation for itk::ConstNeighborhoodIterator<VectorImage<T>> |
CPixelWiseBlockMatchingImageFilter | Perform 2D block matching between two images |
CPlaceNameToLonLat | Retrieve Longitude and Latitude coordinates from a place name |
CPleiadesImageMetadataInterface | Creation of an "otb" PleiadesImageMetadataInterface that gets metadata |
CPleiadesImageMetadataInterfaceFactory | Creating an instance of a ImageMetadataInterface object using object factory |
CPleiadesPToXSAffineTransformCalculator | Compute the affine transform linking P and XS pixel position for Pleiades sensor bundles |
CPointSetDensityEpanechnikovFunction | Calculate the density in the neighborhood of a pixel using an Epanechnikov function |
CPointSetDensityFunction | Calculate the density in the neighborhood of a pixel using a simple cut off method |
CPointSetDensityGaussianFunction | Calculate the density in the neighborhood of a pixel using a gaussian function |
CPointSetExtractROI | Extract a part of the points specified by a region |
CPointSetFunction | Calculate the density in the neighborhood of a pixel |
CPointSetSource | Base class for all process objects that output point set data |
CPointSetToDensityImageFilter | Draw the density of a point set on an image |
CPointSetToPointSetFilter | Base class to process PointSet data |
CPolarimetricData | This class allows determining the type of architecture we get |
CPolygon | This class represent a 2D polygon |
CPolygonCompacityFunctor | Select polygons according to their compacity |
CPolyLineImageConstIterator | Uses the bresenham algorithm to iterate over a polyline on an image (const version) |
CPolyLineImageIterator | Uses the bresenham algorithm to iterate over a polyline on an image |
CPolyLineParametricPathWithValue | This class implement a PolyLineParametricPath for which a value can be set. The value is stored in the itk::MetaDataDictionary. The precision of the value can be set |
CPolynomialTimeSeries | |
CPowerByScalar | |
CPrintableImageFilter | This class is a helper class to turn a vector image to a generic 8 bytes RGB image. A mask can be used to highlight some objects represented by the same value. The mask is a binary image. Background MaskValue is used to precise which value of the mask are objects (default 0). Output object color can be set using m_ObjectColor (default white). The output is a 3 channel image, each channel is a channel of the input image. They can be selected using m_ChannelList or SetChannel(int ch ) method |
CProfileDerivativeToMultiScaleCharacteristicsFilter | This filter extracts the maximum derivative value of the input profile |
CProfileToProfileDerivativeFilter | This filter computes the derivative of a given profile |
CProlateInterpolateImageFunction | Prolate interpolation of an otb::image |
CProSailParameters | This class implements the ProSailParameters lib |
CProspectModel | This class implements the Prospect Model (see http://teledetection.ipgp.jussieu.fr/prosail/), |
CQuadraticallyConstrainedSimpleSolver | Solves the optimisation problem for radiometric harmonisation of multiple overlapping images |
CQuaternaryFunctorImageFilter | Implements pixel-wise generic operation of four images |
CQuickBirdImageMetadataInterface | Creation of an "otb" QuickBirdImageMetadataInterface that gets metadata |
CQuickBirdImageMetadataInterfaceFactory | Creating an instance of a ImageMetadataInterface object using object factory |
CRadarsat2CalibrationLookupData | |
CRadarsat2ImageMetadataInterface | Creation of an "otb" Radarsat2ImageMetadataInterface that gets metadata |
CRadarsat2ImageMetadataInterfaceFactory | Creating an instance of a ImageMetadataInterface object using object factory |
CRadianceToImageImageFilter | Convert a radiance value into raw image value |
CRadianceToReflectanceImageFilter | Convert radiance value into reflectance value |
CRadiometricMomentsImageFilter | Calculate the radiometric moments |
CRadiometricMomentsImageFunction | Calculate the radiometric moments |
CRadiometryCorrectionParametersToAtmosphericRadiativeTerms | TODO |
CRAMDrivenAdaptativeStreamingManager | This class computes the divisions needed to stream an image according to the input image tiling scheme and a user-defined available RAM |
CRAMDrivenStrippedStreamingManager | This class computes the divisions needed to stream an image by strips, according to a user-defined available RAM |
CRAMDrivenTiledStreamingManager | This class computes the divisions needed to stream an image in square tiles, according to a user-defined available RAM |
CRandomForestsMachineLearningModel | |
CRandomForestsMachineLearningModelFactory | Creation of an instance of a RandomForestsMachineLearningModel object using the object factory |
CRandomPointSetSource | This class generate a random point set |
►CRandomSampler | Random sampler for iteration loops |
CParameter | |
CRasterizeVectorDataFilter | Burn geometries from the specified VectorData into raster |
CRationalTransform | This class implements a rational transform |
CRealAndImaginaryImageToComplexImageFilter | Computes pixel-wise the complex image of a real and imaginary image |
CRealImageToComplexImageFilter | Computes pixel-wise the complex image of a real image |
CRealMomentPathFunction | Virtual class for the Real moments for a path |
CRealMomentsImageFunction | Calculate the moment values in the specified neighborhood |
CRectangle | This class represent a Rectangle |
CReduceSpectralResponse | This class computes the reduced spectral response of each band of a sensor |
CReduceSpectralResponseClassifierRAndNIR | This class represents a hierarchy of vector data |
CReflectanceToImageImageFilter | Convert a reflectance into a raw value value |
CReflectanceToLuminanceImageFilter | Convert reflectance value into radiance value |
CReflectanceToRadianceImageFilter | Convert reflectance value into radiance value |
CReflectanceToSurfaceReflectanceImageFilter | Calculates the slope, the orientation incidence and exitance radius values for each pixel |
CRegionImageToRectangularPathListFilter | Base class used to implement filter to model regions by rectangles |
CRelabelComponentImageFilter | Relabel the components in an image such that consecutive labels are used |
CRemoteSensingRegion | An RemoteSensingRegion represents a structured region of data |
CResetMarginFilter | |
CRetrieveOperator | Struct to retrieve the operator type |
CRGBAPixelConverter | Convert an itk::RGBApixel<InternalType> into another pixel type |
CRGBAPixelConverter< TInternalInputPixelType, itk::RGBAPixel< TInternalOutputPixelType > > | |
CRGBAPixelConverter< TInternalInputPixelType, itk::RGBPixel< TInternalOutputPixelType > > | |
CROIdataConversion | Image data to vector conversion |
CRPCForwardTransform | Projection class based on the RPC method |
CRPCInverseTransform | Projection class based on the RPC method |
CRPCTransformBase | Base projection class based on the RPC method |
CSailModel | This class implements the SAIL model (see http://teledetection.ipgp.jussieu.fr/prosail/) |
CSampleAugmentationFilter | Filter to generate synthetic samples from existing ones |
CSamplerBase | This is a base class for sampling methods |
►CSamplingRateCalculator | This class is a sampling rate calculator |
CTriplet | |
CSamplingRateCalculatorList | This class is a list of sampling rate calculators |
CSarBrightnessFunction | Calculate the backscatter for the given pixel |
CSarBrightnessToImageFilter | Evaluates the SarBrightnessFunction onto a source image |
CSarBurstExtractionImageFilter | Performs a burst extraction by keeping only lines and samples of a required Burst |
CSARCalib | SAR calibration LUTs |
CSarCalibrationLookupData | |
CSarConcatenateBurstsImageFilter | This filter allows making a spatial mosaic from a set of bursts |
CSarDeburstImageFilter | Performs a deburst operation by removing redundant lines |
CSarDefaultImageMetadataInterface | Creation of an "otb" DefaultImageMetadataInterface that gets metadata |
CSarDefaultImageMetadataInterfaceFactory | Creating an instance of a SarImageMetadataInterface object using object factory. This class only provides the method of the virtual pure class SarImageMetadataInterface and throw exception for virtual method |
CSarForwardTransform | Projection class based on the Sar model |
CSarImageMetadataInterface | Class for SAR captor metadata reading |
CSarImageMetadataInterfaceFactory | Create instances of SarImageMetadataInterfaceFactory objects using an object factory |
CSarInverseTransform | Projection class based on the Sar model |
CSARParam | SAR sensors parameters |
CSarParametricMapFunction | Evaluates a parametric bidimensionnal polynomial model from a PointSet |
CSarRadiometricCalibrationFunction | Calculate the backscatter for the given pixel |
CSarRadiometricCalibrationToImageFilter | Evaluates the SarRadiometricCalibrationFunction onto a source image The nature of product(TerrSARX, Sentinel1, etc..) are thus detected automatically from the metadata. The filter then reads necessary parameters required to perform SarCalibration in a generic way |
►CSarSensorModel | |
CLineSampleYZ | |
CZeroDopplerInfo | |
CSarTransformBase | Base projection class based on the Sar model |
►CSatelliteRSR | This class represents a hierarchy of vector data |
Csort_band | |
CScalarBufferToImageFileWriter | Record an image stored in a buffer |
CScalarImageToAdvancedTexturesFilter | In this case, 10 advanced texture features will be processed. The 10 output image channels are: Mean, Variance, Dissimilarity, Sum Average, Sum Variance, Sum Entropy, Difference of Entropies, Difference of Variances, IC1 and IC2. They are provided in this exact order in the output image. The textures are computed over a sliding window with user defined radius |
CScalarImageToHigherOrderTexturesFilter | This class compute 10 local higher order statistics textures coefficients based on the grey level run-length matrix |
CScalarImageToPanTexTextureFilter | This class computes a texture derived built-up presence index (PanTex) |
CScalarImageToTexturesFilter | This class compute 8 local Haralick textures features. The 8 output image channels are: Energy, Entropy, Correlation, Inverse Difference Moment, Inertia, Cluster Shade, Cluster Prominence and Haralick Correlation. They are provided in this exact order in the output image. Thus, this application computes the following Haralick textures over a neighborhood with user defined radius |
CSEMClassifier | This class implements the Stochastic Expectation Maximization algorithm to perform an estimation of a mixture model |
CSensorTransformBase | Base class for the sensor model projection classes |
CSensorTransformFactory | Creates an instance of SensorTransform (RPC, SAR ...) object using object factory |
CSentinel1AzimuthNoiseStruct | |
CSentinel1CalibrationLookupData | Computes the Sentinel 1 calibration contribution for the given pixel using a LUT. Depending on how it is initialized, the LUT can be a ALPHA, BETA, SIGMA or DN calibration LUT |
CSentinel1CalibrationStruct | Structure holding a calibration vector from Sentinel1 annotation files |
CSentinel1ImageMetadataInterface | Creation of an "otb" Sentinel1ImageMetadataInterface that gets metadata |
CSentinel1ImageMetadataInterfaceFactory | Creating an instance of a ImageMetadataInterface object using object factory |
CSentinel1ThermalNoiseLookupData | Calculate the Sentinel 1 thermal noise contribution for the given pixel |
CSFSTexturesImageFilter | This functor computes the texture describes in the following publication It is based on line direction estimation |
CShapeAttributesLabelMapFilter | This class is a fork of the itk::ShapeLabelMapFilter working with AttributesMapLabelObject |
CSharkKMeansMachineLearningModel | |
CSharkKMeansMachineLearningModelFactory | Creation of an instance of a SharkKMeansMachineLearningModel object using the object factory |
CSharkRandomForestsMachineLearningModel | |
CSharkRandomForestsMachineLearningModelFactory | Creation of an instance of a SharkRandomForestsMachineLearningModel object using the object factory |
CShiftScaleImageAdaptor | Presents an image as being composed of the shift scale operation of its pixels |
CShiftScaleVectorImageFilter | This filter performs a shift and scaling of a vector image on a per band basis |
CSiftFastImageFilter | This class extracts key points from an input image through a pyramidal decomposition |
►CSimpleRcsPanSharpeningFusionImageFilter | This class performs a simple Pan sharpening operation |
CFusionFunctor | |
CNoDataFusionFunctor | |
CSimplifyPathFunctor | This filter performs a simplification of the input path |
CSimulationStep1Base | Base class for all method that simulate the Reflectance and Transmittance of an object. (ex: Prospect) |
CSimulationStep2Base | Base class for all methods that generate spectrum of an object using its reflectance and transmittance |
CSIXSTraits | SIXSTraits operations |
CSobelVectorImageFilter | Implements the Sobel Gradient to be processed on a vector image |
CSoilDataBase | |
CSOM | This class is responsible for the learning of a self organizing map from a set of vector represented by the input image (each vector is a pixel of the image) |
CSOMActivationBuilder | This class takes a self organizing map and an input vector image, and produce a map counting the number of activation for each vector in the SOM map |
CSOMbasedImageFilter | This class perform the substitution between initial input image pixels and the winning neurons of a SOM |
CSOMClassifier | This class implements a SOM-Based classifier |
CSOMImageClassificationFilter | This filter performs the classification of a VectorImage using a given SOM map |
CSOMMap | This class represent a Self Organizing Map |
CSOMModel | |
CSOMModelFactory | |
CSOMWithMissingValue | This class implements SOM training with missing value |
CSpan | |
CSparseUnmixingImageFilter | This class detects linear dependencies from N wavelet decompositions |
CSparseWvltToAngleMapperListFilter | This class select N-uple join-wvlt coeff for sparse unmixing |
CSpatialisationFilter | Create a label map from objects description |
CSpatialReference | This class is a wrapper around OGRSpatialReference |
CSpectralAngleDistanceImageFilter | This filter implements the computation of the spectral angle distance with respect to a reference pixel |
►CSpectralResponse | This class represents the spectral response of an object (or a satellite band) |
Csort_pair | |
►CSpectralSensitivityReader | Read a file that contains spectral sensitivity |
CBothAre | |
Csplitter_on_delim | |
CSpot5ForwardTransform | Projection class based on the Spot5 model |
CSpot5InverseTransform | Projection class based on the Spot5 model |
CSpot5Param | Spot5 sensors parameters |
CSpot5SensorModel | |
CSpot5TransformBase | Base projection class based on the Spot5 model |
CSpot6ImageMetadataInterface | Creation of an "otb" Spot6ImageMetadataInterface that gets metadata |
CSpot6ImageMetadataInterfaceFactory | Creating an instance of a ImageMetadataInterface object using object factory |
CSpotImageMetadataInterface | Creation of an "otb" SpotImageMetadataInterface that gets metadata |
CSpotImageMetadataInterfaceFactory | Creating an instance of a ImageMetadataInterface object using object factory |
CStandardFilterWatcher | This class shows the percentage progress execution of the pipeline filtering process |
CStandardOneLineFilterWatcher | This class shows the percentage progress execution of the pipeline filtering process |
CStandardOutputPrintCallback | Class with printing callback methods using the standard output |
CStandardWriterWatcher | This class shows the percentage progress execution of the pipeline filtering process |
CStatisticsAccumulator | |
CStatisticsAttributesLabelMapFilter | This class is a fork of itk::StasticsLabelMapFilter to support AttributesMapLabelObject |
CStatisticsXMLFileReader | Read a xml file where are stored several statistics |
CStatisticsXMLFileWriter | Write in a xml file the values stored in a MeasurementVector set as input |
CStereorectificationDisplacementFieldSource | Compute the deformation fields for stereo-rectification |
CStereoSensorModelToElevationFilter | Using sensor models to perform correlation along epipolars |
CStopwatch | Stopwatch timer |
CStreamingCompareImageFilter | This class streams the whole input image through the PersistentCompareImageFilter |
CStreamingConnectedComponentSegmentationOBIAToVectorDataFilter | Performs connected component segmentation on an input image, apply OBIA filtering and output a VectorData, with streaming capabilities |
CStreamingFeatherMosaicFilter | Computes the mosaic of an input images set using feathering technique. The output is a nice seamless mosaic |
CStreamingHistogramVectorImageFilter | This class streams the whole input image through the PersistentHistogramVectorImageFilter |
CStreamingImageToOGRLayerSegmentationFilter | This filter is a framework for large scale segmentation. It is a persistent filter that process the input image tile by tile. This filter is templated over the segmentation filter. This later is used to segment each tile of the input image. Each segmentation result (for each tile) is then vectorized using LabelImageToOGRDataSourceFilter (based on GDALPolygonize() ). The output OGRDataSource of the LabelImageToOGRDataSourceFilter is a "memory" DataSource (ie all features of a tile are kept in memory). From here some optional processing can be done, depending on input parameters : |
CStreamingImageVirtualWriter | This class acts like a StreamingImageFileWriter, but without actually writing data to the disk |
CStreamingInnerProductVectorImageFilter | This class streams the whole input image through the PersistentStatisticsImageFilter |
CStreamingLargeFeatherMosaicFilter | Computes the mosaic of an input images set using feathering technique. The output is a nice seamless mosaic. Images are all added-weighted on all overlapping areas. This could give nice results for perfectly aligned images but can also cause blur on misaligned overlaps |
CStreamingLineSegmentDetector | |
CStreamingManager | This class handles the streaming process used in the writers implementation |
CStreamingMatrixTransposeMatrixImageFilter | This class streams the whole input image through the PersistentMatrixTransposeMatrixImageFilter |
CStreamingMinMaxImageFilter | This class streams the whole input image through the PersistentMinMaxImageFilter |
CStreamingMinMaxVectorImageFilter | This class streams the whole input image through the PersistentMinMaxVectorImageFilter |
CStreamingMosaicFilterBase | Base class for mosaic filters. Computes the total extent of multiple inputs, and provide routines to compute whether or not an input image region must be requested |
CStreamingMosaicFilterWithBlendingBase | Base class for mosaic filters with blending |
CStreamingMultibandFeatherMosaicFilter | Computes a nice seamless mosaic using multiband strategy |
CStreamingResampleImageFilter | This class is a composite filter resampling an input image by setting a transform. The filter computes a displacement grid using the transform set and used it to warp the input |
CStreamingShrinkImageFilter | Generates a quicklook of the input image |
CStreamingShrinkImageRegionSplitter | |
CStreamingShrinkStreamingManager | |
CStreamingSimpleMosaicFilter | Computes the mosaic of an input images set. The output pixel value is equal to the first input pixel of the stack which is different from the Superclass::GetNoDataInputPixel() |
CStreamingStatisticsImageFilter | This class streams the whole input image through the PersistentStatisticsImageFilter |
CStreamingStatisticsMapFromLabelImageFilter | Computes mean radiometric value for each label of a label image, based on a support VectorImage |
CStreamingStatisticsMosaicFilter | This class streams the whole input image through the PersistentStatisticsMosaicFilter |
CStreamingStatisticsVectorImageFilter | This class streams the whole input image through the PersistentStatisticsImageFilter |
CStreamingTraits | This class provides internal information for streamable filters |
CStreamingTraits< otb::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension > > | |
CStreamingWarpImageFilter | This class acts like the itk::WarpImageFilter, but it does not request the largest possible region of the image to warp |
►Cstring_view | |
Cbuild_empty | |
Cchar_iterator | |
CStringToHTML | |
CSubPixelDisparityImageFilter | Perform sub-pixel disparity estimation from input integer disparities and the image pair that was used |
CSubsampledImageRegionConstIterator | Regular subsample iterator over an image |
CSubsampledImageRegionIterator | Regular subsample iterator over an image |
CSubsampleImageFilter | Performs a down sampling of an image |
CSummingFilter | Computes the sum of the input images pixels |
CSurfaceAdjacencyEffectCorrectionSchemeFilter | Correct the scheme taking care of the surrounding pixels |
CSurfaceReflectanceToReflectanceFilter | Calculates the slope, the orientation incidence and exitance radius values for each pixel |
CSVMCrossValidationCostFunction | This function returns the cross validation accuracy of a SVM model |
CSVMMachineLearningModel | OpenCV implementation of SVM algorithm |
CSVMMachineLearningModelFactory | Creation d'un instance d'un object SVMMachineLearningModel utilisant les object factory |
CSVMMarginSampler | Implement one iteration of active learning by margin |
CSynthetizeFilter | |
CSystem | System operations |
CTernaryFunctorImageFilter | Implements pixel-wise generic operation on three images |
CTerraSarBrightnessImageFilter | Calculates the brightness of TerraSar sensor images |
CTerraSarXSarImageMetadataInterface | Creation of an "otb" TerraSarXSarImageMetadataInterface that gets metadata |
CTerraSarXSarImageMetadataInterfaceFactory | Creating an instance of a ImageMetadataInterface object using object factory |
CTestHelper | Helper class to perform the baseline comparisons during the tests |
CTextureImageFunction | Calculate a texture over an image |
CThresholdImageToPointSetFilter | Produce a PointSet according to filtering conditions |
CThresholdVectorImageFilter | Set image values to a user-specified value if they are below, above, or between simple threshold values |
CTileDimensionTiledStreamingManager | This class computes the divisions needed to stream an image in square tiles, driven by a user-defined tile dimension |
CTileImageFilter | This filter allows making a spatial mosaic from a set of images |
CTileMapTransform | To do |
CTouziEdgeDetectorImageFilter | Application of a filter of detection of contours |
CTransform | Class to overload method passed to virtual pure in ITK V4 |
CTransformationFunctorDispatcher | |
CTransformationFunctorDispatcher< TransformationFunctor, ogr::Layer, FieldTransformationPolicy > | |
CTransformationFunctorDispatcher< TransformationFunctor, OGRGeometry, FieldTransformationPolicy > | |
CTransformPointSetFilter | TransformPointSetFilter applies a transform to all the points of a PointSet |
CTwoNRIBandsImageToNComplexBandsImage | |
CUnaryFunctorNeighborhoodImageFilter | Implements neighborhood-wise generic operation on image |
CUnaryFunctorNeighborhoodVectorImageFilter | Implements neighborhood-wise generic operation of one vector image |
CUnaryFunctorNeighborhoodWithOffsetImageFilter | Implements neighborhood-wise generic operation on image |
►CUnaryFunctorObjectListBooleanFilter | Filter an ObjectList and keep elements according to the functor value |
CThreadStruct | |
CUnaryFunctorObjectListFilter | Process each element in the ObjectList with the functor |
CUnaryFunctorVectorImageFilter | Implements neighborhood-wise generic operation of one vector image |
CUnaryFunctorWithIndexImageFilter | Implements neighborhood-wise generic operation on image |
CUnaryFunctorWithIndexWithOutputSizeImageFilter | Implements neighborhood-wise generic operation on image |
CUnaryImageFunctorWithVectorImageFilter | Applies a functor to a VectorImage |
Cvabs | |
Cvacos | |
Cvar | |
CVariableLengthVectorConverter | Convert any data container type into a VariableLengthVector |
CVariableLengthVectorConverter< itk::FixedArray< TInternalInputType, VArrayDimension >, TPrecisionType > | |
CVariableLengthVectorConverter< itk::SmartPointer< itk::Statistics::Histogram< TPixel > >, TPrecisionType > | |
CVariableLengthVectorConverter< itk::VariableLengthVector< TInternalInputType >, TPrecisionType > | |
CVariableLengthVectorConverter< std::vector< std::vector< std::complex< TInternalInputType > > >, TPrecisionType > | |
CVariableLengthVectorConverter< std::vector< std::vector< TInternalInputType > >, TPrecisionType > | |
CVariadicInputsImageFilter | Base class for image filter with variadic inputs |
CVariadicNamedInputsImageFilter | Adds tagged versions for Get/SetInput to otb::VariadicInputsImageFilter |
CVarianceImageFilter | Applies an averaging filter to an image |
CVarSol | VarSol operations |
Cvasin | |
Cvatan | |
CVCAImageFilter | Estimates the endmembers present in a hyperspectral image |
Cvcos | |
Cvcosh | |
Cvect2scal | |
CVectorData | This class represents a hierarchy of vector data |
CVectorDataAdapter | Helper class to convert the vector data to generic type |
CVectorDataExtractROI | Extract a subset of a Vector Data based on location |
CVectorDataFileReader | Data source that reads vector data from a single file |
CVectorDataFileReaderException | Base exception class for IO conflicts |
CVectorDataFileWriter | This class writes vector data file format (shapefile and KML) |
CVectorDataFileWriterException | |
CVectorDataIntoImageProjectionFilter | Reproject vector data into the coordinate system of an image |
CVectorDataIOBase | Abstract superclass defines VectorData IO interface |
CVectorDataIOFactory | Create instances of VectorDataIO objects using an object factory |
CVectorDataKeywordlist | This class handle the metadata of vector data |
CVectorDataProjectionFilter | Reproject vector data in a different coordinate system |
CVectorDataProperties | Compute public properties of the vectordata |
CVectorDataSource | Filter hierarchy for generating VectorData |
CVectorDataToLabelImageFilter | Burn geometries from the specified VectorData into raster |
CVectorDataToLabelMapFilter | Convert a vector data and produce a collection of label objects for each node |
CVectorDataToLabelMapWithAttributesFilter | Converts a vector data into a LabelMap |
CVectorDataToRandomLineGenerator | Produces a VectorData Containing Random Lines |
CVectorDataToRightAngleVectorDataFilter | Right angle detector |
CVectorDataToSpecificDescriptionFilterBase | Base class for VectorDataToSpecificDescriptionFilters |
CVectorDataToVectorDataFilter | Base class for filters that take an VectorData as input and produce an VectorData as output |
CVectorDataTransformFilter | Apply a Transform To a VectorData |
CVectorImage | Creation of an "otb" vector image which contains metadata |
CVectorImageTo3DScalarImageFilter | This filter convert a 2 Dimension VectorImage to a 3 Dimension scalar image |
CVectorImageToAmplitudeImageFilter | This filter returns the the amplitude of the pixel vector |
CVectorImageToASImageAdaptor | Presents an image of pixel type Vector as being and image of FixelArray<unsigned short, 3> type |
CVectorImageToImageListFilter | This class aims at converting a multi-band image to a list of scalar images |
CVectorImageToIntensityImageFilter | This filter implements the computation of the mean of the spectral values of each pixel |
CVectorImageToMatrixImageFilter | This class streams the whole input image through the PersistentStatisticsImageFilter |
CVectorRescaleIntensityImageFilter | This filter performs a rescaling of a vector image on a per band basis |
CVerticalSobelVectorImageFilter | Implements the Vertical Sobel Gradient to be processed on a vector image |
Cvexp | |
CVirtualDimensionality | Estimates the number of endmembers in a hyperspectral image with the Virtual Dimensionality (HFC) method |
Cvlog | |
Cvlog10 | |
Cvmax | |
Cvmin | |
Cvnorm | |
Cvsin | |
Cvsinh | |
Cvsqrt | |
Cvtan | |
Cvtanh | |
CWatershedSegmentationFilter | Watershed composite filter allowing to set output type |
CWaterSqrtSpectralAngleImageFilter | Compute a radiometric water indice |
CWavelengthSpectralBands | This class contains the values of the filter functions |
CWaveletFilterBank | One level stationary wavelet transform |
CWaveletFilterBank< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TWaveletOperator, Wavelet::FORWARD > | |
CWaveletFilterBank< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TWaveletOperator, Wavelet::INVERSE > | |
CWaveletGenerator | Wavelet coefficient definition |
CWaveletHighPassOperator | Specific implementation of the mother wavelet part of wavelet transformator |
CWaveletImageFilter | This filter performs wavelet forward transform. It takes three template arguments: Input, Output and WaveletOperator This filter is not streamed |
CWaveletInverseImageFilter | This filter performs wavelet inverse transform. It takes three template arguments: Input, Output and WaveletOperator This filter is not streamed |
CWaveletLowPassOperator | Specific implementation of scale part of wavelet transformator |
CWaveletOperator | A Generic NeighborhoodOperator wavelets filter set defined for templation |
CWaveletOperatorBase | A NeighborhoodOperator wavelet base class |
CWaveletPacketTransform | Wavelet packet transformation framework |
CWaveletPacketTransform< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TFilter, Wavelet::FORWARD, TCost > | |
CWaveletPacketTransform< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TFilter, Wavelet::INVERSE, FullyDecomposedWaveletPacketCost< TInputImage > > | |
CWaveletsBandsListToWaveletsSynopsisImageFilter | Converts a list of wavelets bands to the traditional multi-resolution wavelets view |
CWaveletsSynopsisImageToWaveletsBandsListFilter | This class convert the standard wavelets view to a list of bands |
CWaveletTransform | Wavelet transformation framework |
CWaveletTransform< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TFilter, Wavelet::FORWARD > | |
CWaveletTransform< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TFilter, Wavelet::INVERSE > | |
CWindowedSincInterpolateImageBlackmanFunction | Use the WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunctionBase with a Blackman Function |
CWindowedSincInterpolateImageCosineFunction | Use the WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunctionBase with a Cosine Function |
CWindowedSincInterpolateImageFunctionBase | Use the windowed sinc function to interpolate |
CWindowedSincInterpolateImageGaussianFunction | Use the WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunctionBase with a Gaussian Function |
CWindowedSincInterpolateImageHammingFunction | Use the WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunctionBase with a Hamming Function |
CWindowedSincInterpolateImageLanczosFunction | Use the WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunctionBase with a Lanczos Function |
CWindowedSincInterpolateImageWelchFunction | Use the WindowedSincInterpolateImageFunctionBase with a Welch Function |
CWorldFile | Handles the world file that associates geographic information to png, jpg |
CWorldView2ImageMetadataInterface | Creation of an "otb" WorldView2ImageMetadataInterface that gets metadata |
CWorldView2ImageMetadataInterfaceFactory | Creating an instance of a ImageMetadataInterface object using object factory |
CWriterWatcherBase | This class is an abstract class Provides an interface to progress task mechanic |
CXMLMetadataSupplier | Class to access metadata information in a XML file |
CBinarySpectralAngleFunctor | This functor computes the spectral angle between two pixels |
CCloudDetectionFunctor | This functor first uses CloudEstimatorFunctor |
CCoherencyToReciprocalMuellerFunctor | Evaluate the reciprocal Mueller matrix from the reciprocal coherency matrix image |
CConnectedComponentMuParserFunctor | Functor used as input to itk connected component segmentation module |
CDataObjectListInterface | This non template class is an interface that wrap ObjectList |
CGroup | |
CImageFileWriterException | Base exception class for IO problems during writing |
CLabelObjectOpeningMuParserImageFilter | Label Object opening using shape and radiometric attributes. Acception/rejection criteria is user defined via MuParser function |
CLandsatTMLinguisticVariables | |
CLocalRxDetectionFunctor | This functor computes a local Rx score on an input neighborhood. Pixel of the neighborhood inside the internal radius are not considered during the computation of local statistics |
CMaskMuParserFunctor | Functor used to create binary mask for input of connected component segmentation module |
CMaskMuParserImageFilter | Performs a mathematical operation on the input images according to the formula specified by the user. values different from 0 are set to 1 |
COBIAMuParserFunctor | Use MuParser criteria to accept/reject LabelObject given his shape and radiometrics statistics. This functor is based on the mathematical parser library muParser. The built in functions and operators list is available at: http://muparser.sourceforge.net/mup_features.html#idDef2 |
CotbBarnesDecompFunctor | Evaluate the Huynen decomposition from the reciprocal Sinclair matrix image |
CotbEnvelopeSavitzkyGolayInterpolationFunctor | : This class implements a Savitzky-Golay interpolation fitting the upper or lower envelope of the series being interpolated |
CotbHAlphaFunctor | Evaluate the H-Alpha parameters from the reciprocal coherency matrix image |
CotbMDMDNMFImageFilter | This filter implements unmixing based non negative matrix factorization (NMF) which finds simultaneously the end members and abundances matrix which product is the closer to the observed data, based on the following works: K. S. F.J. Theis and T. Tanaka, First results on uniqueness of sparse non-negative matrix factorisation. M. G. A. Huck and J. Blanc-Talon, IEEE TGRS, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 2590-2602, 2010. A. Huck and M. Guillaume, in WHISPERS, 2010, Grenoble |
CotbSavitzkyGolayInterpolationFunctor | : This functor implements a local polynomial regression (of degree k) on a series of values (of at least k+1 points which are treated as being equally spaced in the series) to determine the smoothed value for each point |
CPersistentStreamingLabelImageToOGRDataFilter | This filter is a framework for large scale segmentation. For a detailed description |
CProjectiveProjectionImageFilter | Applies a projective projection to each pixel of an image |
CSFSTexturesFunctor | This functor computes textures based on line direction analysis through the central pixel |
CSharkKMeansMachineLearningModel | Shark version of Random Forests algorithm |
CSharkRandomForestsMachineLearningModel | Shark version of Random Forests algorithm |
CStatisticsMapAccumulator | Holds statistics for each label of a label image |
CUtils | Utils operations |