Example source code (OrthoRectificationExample.cxx):
#include "otbImageFileReader.h"
#include "otbImageFileWriter.h"
// This example demonstrates the use of the
// \doxygen{otb}{GenericRSResampleImageFilter}. This filter is intended to
// orthorectify images which are in a distributor format with the
// appropriate meta-data describing the sensor model. In this example,
// we will choose to use an UTM projection for the output image.
// The first step toward the use of these filters is to include the
// proper header files: the one for the ortho-rectification filter and
// the one defining the different projections available in OTB.
#include "otbGenericRSResampleImageFilter.h"
#include "otbSpatialReference.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc != 11)
std::cout << argv[0]
<< " <input_filename> <output_filename> <utm zone> <hemisphere N/S> <x_ground_upper_left_corner> <y_ground_upper_left_corner> <x_Size> <y_Size> "
"<x_groundSamplingDistance> <y_groundSamplingDistance> (should be negative since origin is upper left)>"
<< std::endl;
// We will start by defining the types for the images, the image file
// reader and the image file writer. The writer will be a
// \doxygen{otb}{ImageFileWriter} which will allow us to set
// the number of stream divisions we want to apply when writing the
// output image, which can be very large.
using ImageType = otb::Image<int, 2>;
using VectorImageType = otb::VectorImage<int, 2>;
using ReaderType = otb::ImageFileReader<VectorImageType>;
using WriterType = otb::ImageFileWriter<VectorImageType>;
ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New();
WriterType::Pointer writer = WriterType::New();
// We can now proceed to declare the type for the ortho-rectification
// filter. The class \doxygen{otb}{GenericRSResampleImageFilter} is
// templated over the input and the output image types.
// Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
using OrthoRectifFilterType = otb::GenericRSResampleImageFilter<VectorImageType, VectorImageType>;
OrthoRectifFilterType::Pointer orthoRectifFilter = OrthoRectifFilterType::New();
// Now we need to
// instantiate the map projection, set the {\em zone} and {\em hemisphere}
// parameters and pass this projection to the orthorectification filter.
std::string wkt =
otb::SpatialReference::FromUTM(atoi(argv[3]), *argv[4] == 'N' ? otb::SpatialReference::hemisphere::north : otb::SpatialReference::hemisphere::south)
std::cout << wkt << std::endl;
// We then wire the input image to the orthorectification filter.
// Using the user-provided information, we define the output region
// for the image generated by the orthorectification filter.
// We also define the spacing of the deformation grid where actual
// deformation values are estimated. Choosing a bigger deformation field
// spacing will speed up computation.
ImageType::IndexType start;
start[0] = 0;
start[1] = 0;
ImageType::SizeType size;
size[0] = atoi(argv[7]);
size[1] = atoi(argv[8]);
ImageType::SpacingType spacing;
spacing[0] = atof(argv[9]);
spacing[1] = atof(argv[10]);
ImageType::SpacingType gridSpacing;
gridSpacing[0] = 2. * atof(argv[9]);
gridSpacing[1] = 2. * atof(argv[10]);
ImageType::PointType origin;
origin[0] = strtod(argv[5], nullptr);
origin[1] = strtod(argv[6], nullptr);
// We can now set plug the ortho-rectification filter to the writer
// and set the number of tiles we want to split the output image in
// for the writing step.
// Finally, we trigger the pipeline execution by calling the
// \code{Update()} method on the writer. Please note that the
// ortho-rectification filter is derived from the
// \doxygen{otb}{StreamingResampleImageFilter} in order to be able to
// compute the input image regions which are needed to build the
// output image. Since the resampler applies a geometric
// transformation (scale, rotation, etc.), this region computation is
// not trivial.