Remote Modules¶
What is a Remote Module¶
Remote modules allow anyone to extend the functionalities of OTB without being part of the core project repository. They can have different licenses than the main OTB repository. Those modules are just like regular modules, except they are not distributed inside OTB source code. Under some conditions (dependencies, official acceptance process, etc.), we are also able to distribute your remote module in the official standalone binaries.
List of available modules¶
Official OTB modules
“Official” remote modules are just regular modules that we consider particularly useful for users. Some of those are shipped in the binary packages so you don’t need to build them yourself.
DiapOTB : Potential events analyze by highlighting differences between SAR images
License: Apache License 2.0
Description: The differential SAR interferometry (DInSAR) technique relies on the processing of two SAR images of the same portion of the Earth’s surface taken at different time. The aim is to analyze potential events (earthquake, destruction, …) by highlighting differences between SAR images. DInSAR involves a set of tools such as creation of deformation grids , coregistration or building of interferograms. The Orfeo Toolbox remote module DiapOTB contains all necessary steps and allows to launch a complete DInSAR chain. This module has been used with Sentinel-1 data with satisfactory results. This module is a port from DIAPASON tool, integrated in the ESA GeoHazards TEP.
otb-bv : Estimation of biophysical variables
Author: Jordi Inglada
License: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Description: The otb-bv project allows for estimation of biophysical variables (LAI, fAPAR, fCover) from remote sensing images using machine learning nonlinear regressions for the inversion of PROSPECT+SAIL model.
Phenotb : Extract phenological information from time profiles
Author: Jordi Inglada
License: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Description: This module implements several algorithms allowing to extract phenological information from time profiles. These time profiles should represent vegetation status as for instance NDVI, LAI, etc.
otbFFSforGMM : Large-scale feature selection with Gaussian mixture models
Author: Adrien Lagrange
License: Apache
Description: This module implements a method to perform a fast forward feature selection using a Gaussian Mixture Model for the classification of high dimensional remote sensing images. The algorithm is describes in the following paper
GRM : Generic region merging segmentation
Author: Pierre Lassalle
License: GPL v3
Description: This module provides the GRM OTB application to perform multi-scale region-merging segmentation on satellite images. Three local homogeneity criteria are available: the Baatz & Schäpe criterion, the Full Lambda Schedule criterion and the simple Euclidean Distance criterion. This module was contributed by Pierre Lassalle who also provides a tutorial to learn how to use the library.
SertitObject : Object oriented image analysis
Author: SERTIT - University of Strasbourg
License: CeCILL-B
Description: This module provides two OTB applications dedicated to object-oriented image analysis.
Temporal gap-filling : perform temporal gap-filling in image time series
Author: Jordi Inglada
License: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Description: This module provides classes and one application to perform for temporal gap-filling in image time series (linear and spline interpolators are provided).
Community modules
Feature selection :
Author: Walid Boussafa and Nesrine Chehata
License: All rights reserved (without license granting more rights, copyright fully applies, this component can not be used without the explicit and prior authorization of the copyright owner).
Description: This module contains a FeatureSelection application based on the FST3Lib.
OTBTensorflow (otbtf) : generic, multi purpose deep learning framework, targeting remote sensing images processing
Author: Rémi Cresson
License: Apache License 2.0
Description: This remote module of the Orfeo ToolBox provides a generic, multi purpose deep learning framework, targeting remote sensing images processing. It contains a set of new process objects that internally invoke Tensorflow, and a bunch of user-oriented applications to perform deep learning with real-world remote sensing images. Applications can be used to build OTB pipelines from Python or C++ APIs.
Installation and usage¶
Build possibilities
Your remote module can be built inside the OTB source tree or outside as an external CMake project with an existing OTB installation.
Building against a build tree
In this case you have compiled OTB from source , the cmake configuration will be done inside OTB build directory.
Note that there are two ways of compiling:
Build as a module inside OTB, in which case build files will be written to the OTB build tree as other modules. Main benefit is that this will enrich the current OTB build with your new module, but you need to have write access to the build directory. For this type of build, the cmake configuration is easy, see below the compilation chapter
Build as a standalone CMake project, in which case build files will remain in the module build folder. This build is fully independent from the build (or install) directory, but the module will not be recognized as an OTB module (still you will be able to use its binaries and libraries).
This behaviour is controlled by the cmake option
, which is OFF by default (hence first behaviour). There are other cmake options to set in order to build it as standalone, this is described below.Building against an installed OTB
- In this case, only the second behaviour (build as standalone) is available. This requires to specify cmake options for the build :
Set the module to build as standalone with
Set the OTB install directory with the variable
Set an install folder for your libraries
Set the runtime path RPATH of your libraries to your install/lib folder
Tell cmake to set runtime path using link path :
(permits to avoid modifying your LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
Compilation and Installation
If you choose the inside OTB build, your module will be built with the rest of the OTB project. To add the module to the compilation process you have two options:
use OTB to retrieve automatically the official remote module (not applicable for community/self remote modules) that you want to build. All you have to do is to call cmake configuration in OTB build dir to activate
clone the module yourself (necessary if you use a community module, or your own) and copy the folder to OTBSource/Modules/Remote, this will trigger a new option in CMake config named
which is OFF by default.
Open a terminal and run :
cd /PathToOTB/build
cmake -DModule_TheModuleName=ON
make install
the applications of your module will be installed in the same folder as OTB applications
If you choose the OTB install build :
mkdir /Path/to/Module/build && cd /Path/to/Module/build
cmake -DOTB_DIR=/PathTo/OTB/install/lib/cmake/OTB-9.0 -DOTB_BUILD_MODULE_AS_STANDALONE=ON
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/theModulePath/install -DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH=/theModulePath/install/lib
make -j8 install
the applications will be installed in /theModuleInstallFolder/lib
and the binaries will be available in /theModuleInstallFolder/bin
In case you have an OTB install with OTB components separated from Core, you will need to specify the -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/your_first_module_path:/your_other_module_path"
cmake variable (see Installation)
For an inside OTB build, verify that you have the OTB environment variables set, and call your application :
otbcli_MyModuleApp arg1 ... argX
For an OTB install build, you have to add your
to the variable OTB_APPLICATION_PATH, andtheModuleInstallFolder/bin
to the PATH :
export PATH=/theModuleInstallFolder/bin:$PATH
We strongly recommend adding these exports in your .bashrc in order to make your applications available system wise
To package your remote module, you just have to adapt the “packaging.cmake” file found in Remote Module Template Remember to add “include(packaging.cmake)” at the end of your main CMakeLists.txt Once done,
cd /Path/to/build_folder
make package
You should have a package called RemoteModuleName-1.0.0.tar.gz in the build_packages folder
Writing your own remote module¶
This section will guide you step by step to create your own remote module. To start, you can fork our remote module template project: Remote Module Template. Each module is made of different components, described in the following sections.
The otb-module.cmake file
This file is mandatory. It follows the CMake syntax, and has two purposes:
Declare dependencies to other modules,
Provide a short description of the module purpose.
These purposes are fulfilled by a single CMake Macro call:
otb_module(TheModuleName DEPENDS OTBModule1 OTBModule2 ... OTBModuleN DESCRIPTION "A description string")
Note: You can use the keyword TESTDEPENDS
to declare module
dependencies that only applies to the tests.
The CMakeLists.txt file
The CMakeLists.txt
file is mandatory. It contains only a few things.
First, it declares a new CMake project with the name of the module:
Second, if the module contain a library (see src folder section below), it initializes the TheModuleNameLIBRARIES CMake variable (if your module only contains headers or template code, skip this line):
set(OTBTheModuleName_LIBRARIES OTBTheModuleName)
You can build your remote modules inside the OTB source tree by copying
your source inside the directory Module/Remote
or against an existing
OTB build tree (note that it does not work with an install version of
The configuration below will handle both cases and take care of all the CMake plumbing of the module:
find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS filesystem serialization)
find_package(OTB REQUIRED)
# The Python interpreter is needed for Python tests
find_package( PythonInterp REQUIRED)
The overall file should look like this:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10.0)
set(OTBTheModuleName_LIBRARIES OTBTheModuleName)
find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS filesystem serialization)
find_package(OTB REQUIRED)
# The Python interpreter is needed for Python tests
find_package( PythonInterp REQUIRED)
Remarque: the command find_package(Boost) is called before find_package(OTB). This is due to the fact that FindBoost.cmake is integrated to cmake, so it is better to use the official command rather than the one integrated to the OTB.
The include folder
The include folder will contain all your headers (*.h
files) and
template method files (*.hxx
or *.hxx
). It does not require any
additional file (in particular, no CMakeLists.txt file is required).
The src folder
The src folder contains the internal implementation of your module:
It typically contains cxx source files that will be compiled into a library.
It can contain header files for classes used only within the implementation files of your module. Any header file present in the src folder will not be installed, and will not be available to other modules depending on your module.
If your modules is made of template only code, you do not need a src folder at all.
If present, the src folder requires a CMakeLists.txt file.
The first part of the CMakeLists.txt file is classical, as it builds the library and links it:
add_library(OTBTheModuleName ${OTBTheModuleName_SRC})
target_link_libraries(OTBTheModuleName ${OTBModule1_LIBRARIES} ${OTBModule2_LIBRARIES} ... ${OTBModuleN_LIBRARIES})
Library name should match the one declared in the root CMakeLists.txt when setting CMake variable TheModuleName_LIBRARIES,
Linked libraries should match the dependencies of your module declared in the root otb-module.cmake file.
The last line of CMake code takes care of installation instructions:
The overall CMakeLists.txt file should look like:
add_library(OTBTheModuleName ${OTBTheModuleName_SRC})
target_link_libraries(OTBTheModuleName ${OTBModule1_LIBRARIES} ${OTBModule2_LIBRARIES} ... ${OTBModuleN_LIBRARIES})
The app folder
The app folder contains the code of applications shipped with your module. If your module has no application, you do not need the app folder.
Notes: If your module contains application (and an app folder), do not forget to add the ApplicationEngine in the dependencies listed in the otb-module.cmake file.
In addition to the applications source code, the app folder should contain a CMakeLists.txt file as follows.
For each application, a single call otbcreateapplication is required:
NAME TheModuleApplication1
SOURCES TheModuleApplication1.cxx
The test folder
This folder contains tests of the module. If your module has no test in it (which is not recommended, you do not need it).
The test folder should contain the source files of tests, as well as a CMakeLists.txt file. This file will contain the following.
First, indicate that this folder contains tests.
Then, build the test driver:
add_executable(otbTheModuleNameTestDriver ${OTBTheModuleNameTests})
target_link_libraries(otbTheModuleNameTestDriver ${OTBTheModuleName-Test_LIBRARIES})
Finally, you can add your tests:
otb_add_test(NAME nameOfTheTest COMMAND otbTheModuleNameTestDriver
--compare-image ${EPSILON_8} ... # baseline comparison if needed
If your module contains one or more application in the app folder, you should also write tests for them, in the test folder. Running an application test is easily done with the helper macro otbtestapplication:
otb_test_application(NAME nameofApplication1Test1
APP TheModuleApplication1
OPTIONS -in1 ${INPUTDATA}/input1.tif
-in2 ${INPUTDATA}/input2.tif
-out ${TEMP}/nameofApplication1Test1_result.tif
VALID --compare-image ${EPSILON_8}
To add a test executed by a Python script using OTB Applications bindings:
set(TEST_DRIVER otbTestDriver
--add-before-env OTB_APPLICATION_PATH $<TARGET_FILE_DIR:otbapp_EmptyApp> )
otb_add_test(NAME otbEmptyScriptTest
Overall CMakeLists.txt should look like:
add_executable(otbTheModuleNameTestDriver ${OTBTheModuleNameTests})
target_link_libraries(otbTheModuleNameTestDriver ${OTBTheModuleName-Test_LIBRARIES})
otb_add_test(NAME nameOfTheTest COMMAND otbTheModuleNameTestDriver
--compare-image ${EPSILON_8} ... # baseline comparison if needed
otb_test_application(NAME otbEmptyAppTest
APP EmptyApp
Use Python OTB & GDAL dependency in your module¶
If your module have a Python part, which is using OTB python bindings, you should encounter some troubles with the binary version, here is how to fix it:
First install OTB on your platform. See the related documentation to install OTB on your system..
Then, you’ll need a version of GDAL which is compatible with your OTB version.
In case you’re using OTB binary distribution, you’ll need to patch the files provided.
For that purpose you can find this simplified and generic version of gdal-config in the OTB source tree : Documentation/CookBook/Scripts/gdal-config. Just drop it into the
directory where you’ve extracted OTB. This will permitpip install gdal==vernum
to work correctly.You’ll also have to patch
to insert OTBlib/
directory at the start of$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
. This will permitpython3 -c 'from osgeo import gdal'
to work correctly.# For instance, type this, once! echo 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"' >> otbenv.profile
In case you’ve compiled OTB from sources, you shouldn’t have this kind of troubles.
Use Continuous Integration¶
We encourage you to use a CI platform during the development of your module.
- In the remote module template, we provide two files which permits to put your module on a CI
ci.cmake => used to build your module
travis.yml => used by Travis-CI to call cmake using ci.cmake script and launch your tests
Those files enable your module to use Travis-CI, which is the github continuous integration platform. if your repository is on Gitlab, you can make a mirror of your repo to github
To modify the travis.yml: use the manual
You have two options to use OTB in your CI :
Get an installer from the website and install it in the
part of travis.yml. You will have to build your module as standalone
- OTB_VER=7.2.0
- OTB_OS=Linux64
- export OTB_PKG="OTB-${OTB_VER}-${OTB_OS}.${OTB_PKG_EXT}"
- wget ${OTB_URL}/${OTB_PKG}
- chmod +x ${OTB_PKG}
- ./${OTB_PKG} --target xdk
- command to build and test your module here
Build a docker image containing an otb build tree. Run this docker image in travis and build your module against this build tree
- docker pull YourOTBImage
- docker run -it YourOTBImage /bin/bash -c "ctest -VV -S ci.cmake"
In the before script section, you have to set the environment variables. For this you can create a script called in your main module folder which contains:
export OTB_RESULT_DIR=/home/travis/build/yourName/yourModule/data/OutputTest
export OTB_DATA_DIR=/home/travis/build/yourName/yourModule/data
export PYTHONPATH=/OTB_InstallDir/lib/otb/python
export OTB_APPLICATION_PATH=/home/travis/build/yourName/yourModule/install/lib:/OTB_InstallDir/lib/otb/applications
and call it in travis.yml:
- source
You can test your module with one line in the travis.yml:
- ctest -VV -S ci.cmake
This command builds your project and launches the tests.