Orfeo Toolbox
Go to the documentation of this file.
21 #ifndef otbImageFittingPolygonListFilter_h
22 #define otbImageFittingPolygonListFilter_h
26 #include "itkLineConstIterator.h"
39 template <
class TPath,
class TImage>
76 void SetInputImage(
const ImageType* image);
85 itkSetMacro(Radius,
unsigned int);
86 itkGetMacro(Radius,
unsigned int);
90 itkSetMacro(NumberOfIterations,
unsigned int);
91 itkGetMacro(NumberOfIterations,
unsigned int);
104 void GenerateData()
107 void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent)
const override;
109 virtual double computeValue(ImageConstPointerType image, VertexType middlePoint, VertexType previousPoint, VertexType nextPoint)
116 void operator=(
const Self&) =
itk::LineConstIterator< ImageType > LineConstIteratorType
unsigned int m_NumberOfIterations
~ImageFittingPolygonListFilter() override
PathListToPathListFilter< TPath > Superclass
ConstIterator of the object list.
Base class for filter taking a PathList as input a returning a PathList.
itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer
The "otb" namespace contains all Orfeo Toolbox (OTB) classes.
itk::SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer
PathType::Pointer PathPointerType
ImageFittingPolygonListFilter Self
VertexListType::ConstIterator VertexListConstIteratorType
PathType::VertexListType VertexListType
itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer
ImageType::Pointer ImagePointerType
ImageType::ConstPointer ImageConstPointerType
Superclass::PathListType PathListType
PathType::VertexType VertexType
Superclass::PathPointerType PathPointerType
PathListType::Pointer PathListPointerType
Slightly deform polygon to reach higher energy from the image.
Superclass::PathType PathType
This class is a generic all-purpose wrapping around an std::vector<itk::SmartPointer<ObjectType> >.
Superclass::InputObjectType PathType
PathListType::ConstIterator IteratorType