Release of OTB 3.12 and Monteverdi 1.10

Dear all,

CNES is proud to announce the release of Orfeo ToolBox 3.12, codename Πλειάδες.

After its sucessful launch on the 17th of December 2011, and while still in its comissing phase, Pleiades is already sending us beautiful images. This new release, and especially the JPEG2000 support part, has been tested against real Pleiades images kindly provided by the comisioning team.

There are exciting new stuff in all corners of the library. Some of the notable changes in this release are:

  • Large JPEG2000 file (Pleiades-like) support and Pleiades metadata handling in OTB (more information here)
  • Efficient JPEG2000 visualisation and ROI decompression tools in Monteverdi
  • Revamp of otb applications in a generic and scalable framework (more information here) : launch applications from Command-Line, from an auto-generated QT GUI, from python, from within QGis …
  • Lots of new algorithms : Dimensionality Reduction (ICA, PCA, NAPCA, MNF, MAF…), change detection (MAD), Hyperspectral Unmixing, elevation map from stereo data, compare segmentation with a ground truth (Hoover) …
  • And as usual a lot of bug fixes…

Note that the OTB Software Guide is now 658 pages long, and that we also provide the “Orfeo ToolBox Cookbook, a guide for non-developers”, which gives an insight on how to use Monteverdi and the OTB applications, and also contains the complete reference documentation of the OTB applications. This guide is now 158 pages long.

There are a lot more new things in this release ! For more information, please read the complete release note available here. The source packages for OTB (Library 3.12, Applications 3.12, Monteverdi 1.10) are available on Sourceforge as usual. For our Ubuntu (10.4,10.10, 11.4 and 11.11) users the new version is available for update through you favorite package manager software.  OpenSuse and CentOS packages will be available soon.  For MS-Windows users, there are also a binary auto-install packages available for Monteverdi, new OTB applications and OTB-Wrapping! For Mac OS X users,  an Apple Disk Image (DMG) is available for Monteverdi and also a new OTB MacPort.

All the details related to the installation of these binary packages can be found on the download page.

Best regards,
Manuel GRIZONNET, on behalf of OTB development  team.