Chapter 14
Feature Extraction

Under the term Feature Extraction we include several techniques aiming to detect or extract information of low level of abstraction from images. These features can be objects : points, lines, etc. They can also be measures : moments, textures, etc.

14.1 Textures

14.1.1 Haralick Descriptors

This example illustrates the use of the otb::ScalarImageToTexturesFilter , which compute the standard Haralick’s textural features [56] presented in table 14.1.1, where μt and σt are the mean and standard deviation of the row (or column, due to symmetry) sums, μ = (weighted pixel average) = i,jig(i,j) = i,jjg(i,j) due to matrix summetry, and σ = (weighted pixel variance) = i,j(i-μ)2 g(i,j) = i,j(j-μ)2 g(i,j) due to matrix symmetry.

Energy f1 = i,jg(i,j)2

Entropy f2 = -i,jg(i,j)log2g(i,j), or 0 if g(i,j) = 0

Correlation f3 = i,j(i-μ)(j-σ2μ)g(i,j)

Difference Moment f4 = i,j1+(1i-j)2g(i,j)

Inertia (a.k.a. Contrast) f5 = i,j(i-j)2g(i,j)

Cluster Shade f6 = i,j((i-μ)+(j-μ))3g(i,j)

Cluster Prominence f7 = i,j((i-μ)+(j-μ))4g(i,j)

Haralick’s Correlation f8 =          2

Table 14.1: Haralick features [56] available in otb::ScalarImageToTexturesFilter

More features are available in otb::ScalarImageToAdvancedTexturesFilter . The following classes provide similar functionality:

The source code for this example can be found in the file

The first step required to use the filter is to include the header file.

  #include "otbScalarImageToTexturesFilter.h"

After defining the types for the pixels and the images used in the example, we define the types for the textures filter. It is templated by the input and output image types.

    typedef otb::ScalarImageToTexturesFilter
    <ImageType, ImageType> TexturesFilterType;

We can now instantiate the filters.

    TexturesFilterType::Pointer texturesFilter
      = TexturesFilterType::New();

The texture filters takes at least 2 parameters: the radius of the neighborhood on which the texture will be computed and the offset used. Texture features are bivariate statistics, that is, they are computed using pair of pixels. Each texture feature is defined for an offset defining the pixel pair.

The radius parameter can be passed to the filter as a scalar parameter if the neighborhood is square, or as SizeType in any case.

The offset is always an array of N values, where N is the number of dimensions of the image.

    typedef ImageType::SizeType SizeType;
    SizeType sradius;
    typedef ImageType::OffsetType OffsetType;
    OffsetType offset;
    offset[0] =  xOffset;
    offset[1] =  yOffset;

The textures filter will automatically derive the optimal bin size for co-occurences histogram, but they need to know the input image minimum and maximum. These values can be set like this :


To tune co-occurence histogram resolution, you can use the SetNumberOfBinsPerAxis() method.

We can now plug the pipeline.


Figure 14.1 shows the result of applying the contrast texture computation.


Figure 14.1: Result of applying the otb::ScalarImageToTexturesFilter to an image. From left to right : original image, contrast.

14.1.2 PanTex

The source code for this example can be found in the file

This example illustrates the use of the otb::ScalarImageToPanTexTextureFilter . This texture parameter was first introduced in [107] and is very useful for urban area detection. The following classes provide similar functionality:

The first step required to use this filter is to include its header file.

  #include "otbScalarImageToPanTexTextureFilter.h"

After defining the types for the pixels and the images used in the example, we define the type for the PanTex filter. It is templated by the input and output image types.

    typedef otb::ScalarImageToPanTexTextureFilter
    <ImageType, ImageType> PanTexTextureFilterType;

We can now instatiate the filter.

    PanTexTextureFilterType::Pointer textureFilter = PanTexTextureFilterType::New();

Then, we set the parameters of the filter.The radius of the neighborhood to compute the texture. The number of bins per axis for histogram generation (it is the size of the co-occurrence matrix). Moreover, we have to specify the Min/Max in the input image. In the example, image Min/Max is set by the user to 0 and 255. Alternatively you can use the class itk::MinimumMaximumImageCalculator to calculate these values.

    PanTexTextureFilterType::SizeType sradius;

We can now plug the pipeline and trigger the execution by calling the Update method of the writer.


Figure 14.2 shows the result of applying the PanTex computation.


Figure 14.2: Result of applying the otb::ScalarImageToPanTexTextureFilter to an image. From left to right: original image, PanTex feature.

14.1.3 Structural Feature Set

The source code for this example can be found in the file

This example illustrates the use of the otb::SFSTexturesImageFilter . This filter computes the Structural Feature Set as described in [61]. These features are textural parameters which give information about the structure of lines passing through each pixel of the image.

The first step required to use this filter is to include its header file.

  #include "otbSFSTexturesImageFilter.h"

As with every OTB program, we start by defining the types for the images, the readers and the writers.

    typedef otb::Image<PixelType, Dimension> ImageType;
    typedef otb::ImageFileReader<ImageType>  ReaderType;
    typedef otb::ImageFileWriter<ImageType>  WriterType;

The we can instantiate the type for the SFS filter, which is templated over the input and output pixel types.

    typedef otb::SFSTexturesImageFilter<ImageType, ImageType> SFSFilterType;

After that, we can instantiate the filter. We will also instantiate the reader and one writer for each output image, since the SFS filter generates 6 different features.

    SFSFilterType::Pointer filter    = SFSFilterType::New();
    ReaderType::Pointer    reader       = ReaderType::New();
    WriterType::Pointer    writerLength = WriterType::New();
    WriterType::Pointer    writerWidth  = WriterType::New();
    WriterType::Pointer    writerWMean  = WriterType::New();
    WriterType::Pointer    writerRatio  = WriterType::New();
    WriterType::Pointer    writerSD     = WriterType::New();
    WriterType::Pointer    writerPsi    = WriterType::New();

The SFS filter has several parameters which have to be selected. They are:

  1. a spectral threshold to decide if 2 neighboring pixels are connected;
  2. a spatial threshold defining the maximum length for an extracted line;
  3. the number of directions which will be analyzed (the first one is to the right and they are equally distributed between 0 and 2π);
  4. the α parameter fort the ω-mean feature;
  5. the RatioMax parameter fort the ω-mean feature.


In order to disable the computation of a feature, the SetFeatureStatus parameter can be used. The true value enables the feature (default behavior) and the false value disables the computation. Therefore, the following line is useless, but is given here as an example.

    filter->SetFeatureStatus(SFSFilterType::PSI, true);

Now, we plug the pipeline using all the writers.


Figure 14.3 shows the result of applying the SFS computation to an image


Figure 14.3: Result of applying the otb::SFSTexturesImageFilter to an image. From left to right and top to bottom: original image, length, width, ω-mean, ratio, SD and Psi structural features. original image, .

14.2 Interest Points

14.2.1 Harris detector

The source code for this example can be found in the file

This example illustrates the use of the otb::HarrisImageFilter .

The first step required to use this filter is to include its header file.


The otb::HarrisImageFilter is templated over the input and output image types, so we start by defining:

    typedef otb::HarrisImageFilter<InputImageType,
        InputImageType>   HarrisFilterType;

The otb::HarrisImageFilter needs some parameters to operate. The derivative computation is performed by a convolution with the derivative of a Gaussian kernel of variance σD (derivation scale) and the smoothing of the image is performed by convolving with a Gaussian kernel of variance σI (integration scale). This allows the computation of the following matrix:

            2      [  L2x(x,σD )  LxLy(x,σD) ]
μ(x,σI,σD)= σDg(σI)⋆  LxLy(x,σD)   L2y(x,σD)

The output of the detector is

det(μ)- αtrace2(μ).


Figure 14.4 shows the result of applying the interest point detector to a small patch extracted from a Spot 5 image.


Figure 14.4: Result of applying the otb::HarrisImageFilter to a Spot 5 image.

The output of the otb::HarrisImageFilter is an image where, for each pixel, we obtain the intensity of the detection. Often, the user may want to get access to the set of points for which the output of the detector is higher than a given threshold. This can be obtained by using the otb::HarrisImageToPointSetFilter . This filter is only templated over the input image type, the output being a itk::PointSet with pixel type equal to the image pixel type.

    typedef otb::HarrisImageToPointSetFilter<InputImageType> FunctionType;

We declare now the filter and a pointer to the output point set.

    typedef FunctionType::OutputPointSetType OutputPointSetType;
    FunctionType::Pointer       harrisPoints    = FunctionType::New();
    OutputPointSetType::Pointer pointSet = OutputPointSetType::New();

The otb::HarrisImageToPointSetFilter takes the same parameters as the otb::HarrisImageFilter and an additional parameter : the threshold for the point selection.

    harrisPoints->SetInput(0, reader->GetOutput());
    pointSet = harrisPoints->GetOutput();

We can now iterate through the obtained pointset and access the coordinates of the points. We start by accessing the container of the points which is encapsulated into the point set (see section 5.2 for more information on using itk::PointSet s) and declaring an iterator to it.

    typedef OutputPointSetType::PointsContainer ContainerType;
    ContainerType pointsContainer = pointSet->GetPoints();
    typedef ContainerType::Iterator IteratorType;
    IteratorType itList = pointsContainer->Begin();

And we get the points coordinates

    while (itList != pointsContainer->End())
      typedef OutputPointSetType::PointType OutputPointType;
      OutputPointType pCoordinate = (itList.Value());
      std::cout << pCoordinate << std::endl;

14.2.2 SIFT detector

14.2.3 SURF detector

The source code for this example can be found in the file

This example illustrates the use of the otb::ImageToSURFKeyPointSetFilter . The Speed-Up Robust Features (or SURF) is an algorithm in computer vision to detect and describe local features in images. The algorithm is detailed in [10]. The applications of SURF are the same as those for SIFT.

The first step required to use this filter is to include its header file.

  #include "otbImageToSURFKeyPointSetFilter.h"

We will start by defining the required types. We will work with a scalar image of float pixels. We also define the corresponding image reader.

    typedef float                           RealType;
    typedef otb::Image<RealType, Dimension> ImageType;
    typedef otb::ImageFileReader<ImageType> ReaderType;

The SURF descriptors will be stored in a point set containing the vector of features.

    typedef itk::VariableLengthVector<RealType>      RealVectorType;
    typedef itk::PointSet<RealVectorType, Dimension> PointSetType;

The SURF filter itself is templated over the input image and the generated point set.

    typedef otb::ImageToSURFKeyPointSetFilter<ImageType, PointSetType>

We instantiate the reader.

    ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New();

We instantiate the filter.

    ImageToFastSURFKeyPointSetFilterType::Pointer filter =

We plug the filter and set the number of scales for the SURF computation. We can afterwards run the processing with the Update() method.


Once the SURF are computed, we may want to draw them on top of the input image. In order to do this, we will create the following RGB image and the corresponding writer:

    typedef unsigned char                         PixelType;
    typedef itk::RGBPixel<PixelType>              RGBPixelType;
    typedef otb::Image<RGBPixelType, 2>           OutputImageType;
    typedef otb::ImageFileWriter<OutputImageType> WriterType;
    OutputImageType::Pointer outputImage = OutputImageType::New();

We set the regions of the image by copying the information from the input image and we allocate the memory for the output image.


We can now proceed to copy the input image into the output one using region iterators. The input image is a grey level one. The output image will be made of color crosses for each SURF on top of the grey level input image. So we start by copying the grey level values on each of the 3 channels of the color image.

    itk::ImageRegionIterator<OutputImageType> iterOutput(
    itk::ImageRegionIterator<ImageType> iterInput(reader->GetOutput(),
    for (iterOutput.GoToBegin(), iterInput.GoToBegin();
         ++iterOutput, ++iterInput)
      OutputImageType::PixelType rgbPixel;

We are now going to plot color crosses on the output image. We will need to define offsets (top, bottom, left and right) with respect to the SURF position in order to draw the cross segments.

    ImageType::OffsetType t = {{ 0, 1}};
    ImageType::OffsetType b = {{ 0, -1}};
    ImageType::OffsetType l = {{ 1, 0}};
    ImageType::OffsetType r = {{-1, 0}};

Now, we are going to access the point set generated by the SURF filter. The points are stored into a points container that we are going to walk through using an iterator. These are the types needed for this task:

    typedef PointSetType::PointsContainer PointsContainerType;
    typedef PointsContainerType::Iterator PointsIteratorType;

We set the iterator to the beginning of the point set.

    PointsIteratorType pIt = filter->GetOutput()->GetPoints()->Begin();

We get the information about image size and spacing before drawing the crosses.

   ImageType::SpacingType spacing = reader->GetOutput()->GetSignedSpacing();
   ImageType::PointType origin = reader->GetOutput()->GetOrigin();
   //OutputImageType::SizeType size = outputImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize();

And we iterate through the SURF set:

    while (pIt != filter->GetOutput()->GetPoints()->End())

We get the pixel coordinates for each SURF by using the Value() method on the point set iterator. We use the information about size and spacing in order to convert the physical coordinates of the point into pixel coordinates.

      ImageType::IndexType index;
      index[0] = static_cast<unsigned int>(vcl_floor(
                                               (pIt.Value()[0] -
                                                origin[0]) / spacing[0] + 0.5
      index[1] = static_cast<unsigned int>(vcl_floor(
                                               (pIt.Value()[1] -
                                                origin[1]) / spacing[1] + 0.5

We create a green pixel.

      OutputImageType::PixelType keyPixel;

We draw the crosses using the offsets and checking that we are inside the image, since SURFs on the image borders would cause an out of bounds pixel access.

      if (outputImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion().IsInside(index))
        outputImage->SetPixel(index, keyPixel);
        if (outputImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion().IsInside(index +
          SetPixel(index + t, keyPixel);
        if (outputImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion().IsInside(index +
          SetPixel(index + b, keyPixel);
        if (outputImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion().IsInside(index +
          SetPixel(index + l, keyPixel);
        if (outputImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion().IsInside(index +
          SetPixel(index + r, keyPixel);

Finally, we write the image.

    WriterType::Pointer writer = WriterType::New();

Figure 14.5 shows the result of applying the SURF point detector to a small patch extracted from a Spot 5 image.


Figure 14.5: Result of applying the otb::ImageToSURFKeyPointSetFilter to a Spot 5 image.

14.3 Alignments

The source code for this example can be found in the file

This example illustrates the use of the otb::ImageToPathListAlignFilter . This filter allows extracting meaningful alignments. Alignments (that is edges and lines) are detected using the Gestalt approach proposed by Desolneux et al. [39]. In this context, an event is considered meaningful if the expectation of its occurrence would be very small in a random image. One can thus consider that in a random image the direction of the gradient of a given point is uniformly distributed, and that neighbouring pixels have a very low probability of having the same gradient direction. This algorithm gives a set of straight line segments defined by the two extremity coordinates under the form of a std::list of itk::PolyLineParametricPath.

The first step required to use this filter is to include its header.

  #include "otbImageToPathListAlignFilter.h"

In order to visualize the detected alignments, we will use the facility class otb::DrawPathFilter which draws a itk::PolyLineParametricPath on top of a given image.

  #include "itkPolyLineParametricPath.h"
  #include "otbDrawPathFilter.h"

The otb::ImageToPathListAlignFilter is templated over the input image type and the output path type, so we start by defining:

    typedef itk::PolyLineParametricPath<Dimension> PathType;
    typedef otb::ImageToPathListAlignFilter<InputImageType, PathType>

Next, we build the pipeline.

    ListAlignFilterType::Pointer alignFilter = ListAlignFilterType::New();

We can choose the number of accepted false alarms in the detection with the method SetEps() for which the parameter is of the form -log10(max. number of false alarms).


As stated, above, the otb::DrawPathFilter , is useful for drawint the detected alignments. This class is templated over the input image and path types and also on the output image type.

    typedef otb::DrawPathFilter<InputImageType, PathType,
        OutputImageType>  DrawPathFilterType;

We will now go through the list of detected paths and feed them to the otb::DrawPathFilter inside a loop. We will use a list iterator inside a while statement.

    typedef ListAlignFilterType::OutputPathListType ListType;
    ListType pathList = alignFilter->GetOutput();
    ListType::Iterator listIt = pathList->Begin();

We define a dummy image will be iteratively fed to the otb::DrawPathFilter after the drawing of each alignment.

    InputImageType::Pointer backgroundImage = reader->GetOutput();

We iterate through the list and write the result to a file.

    while (listIt != pathList->End())
      DrawPathFilterType::Pointer drawPathFilter = DrawPathFilterType::New();
      backgroundImage = drawPathFilter->GetOutput();

Figure 14.6 shows the result of applying the alignment detection to a small patch extracted from a VHR image.


Figure 14.6: Result of applying the otb::ImageToPathListAlignFilter to a VHR image of a suburb.

14.4 Lines

14.4.1 Line Detection

The source code for this example can be found in the file

This example illustrates the use of the otb::RatioLineDetectorImageFilter . This filter is used for line detection in SAR images. Its principle is described in [131]: a line is detected if two parallel edges are present in the images. These edges are detected with the ratio of means detector.

The first step required to use this filter is to include its header file.

  #include "otbLineRatioDetectorImageFilter.h"

Then we must decide what pixel type to use for the image. We choose to make all computations with floating point precision and rescale the results between 0 and 255 in order to export PNG images.

    typedef  float         InternalPixelType;
    typedef  unsigned char OutputPixelType;

The images are defined using the pixel type and the dimension.

    typedef otb::Image<InternalPixelType,  2> InternalImageType;
    typedef otb::Image<OutputPixelType,  2>   OutputImageType;

The filter can be instantiated using the image types defined above.

    typedef otb::LineRatioDetectorImageFilter
    <InternalImageType, InternalImageType>  FilterType;

An otb::ImageFileReader class is also instantiated in order to read image data from a file.

    typedef otb::ImageFileReader<InternalImageType> ReaderType;

An otb::ImageFileWriter is instantiated in order to write the output image to a file.

    typedef otb::ImageFileWriter<OutputImageType> WriterType;

The intensity rescaling of the results will be carried out by the itk::RescaleIntensityImageFilter which is templated by the input and output image types.

    typedef itk::RescaleIntensityImageFilter<InternalImageType,
        OutputImageType> RescalerType;

Both the filter and the reader are created by invoking their New() methods and assigning the result to SmartPointers.

    ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New();
    FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();

The same is done for the rescaler and the writer.

    RescalerType::Pointer rescaler = RescalerType::New();
    WriterType::Pointer   writer = WriterType::New();

The itk::RescaleIntensityImageFilter needs to know which is the minimu and maximum values of the output generated image. Those can be chosen in a generic way by using the NumericTraits functions, since they are templated over the pixel type.


The image obtained with the reader is passed as input to the otb::LineRatioDetectorImageFilter . The pipeline is built as follows.


The methods SetLengthLine() and SetWidthLine() allow setting the minimum length and the typical witdh of the lines which are to be detected.


The filter is executed by invoking the Update() method. If the filter is part of a larger image processing pipeline, calling Update() on a downstream filter will also trigger update of this filter.


We can also obtain the direction of the lines by invoking the GetOutputDirection() method.


shows the result of applying the LineRatio edge detector filter to a SAR image.


Figure 14.7: Result of applying the otb::LineRatioDetectorImageFilter to a SAR image. From left to right : original image, line intensity and edge orientation.

The following classes provide similar functionality:

The source code for this example can be found in the file

This example illustrates the use of the otb::CorrelationLineDetectorImageFilter . This filter is used for line detection in SAR images. Its principle is described in [131]: a line is detected if two parallel edges are present in the images. These edges are detected with the correlation of means detector.

The first step required to use this filter is to include its header file.

  #include "otbLineCorrelationDetectorImageFilter.h"

Then we must decide what pixel type to use for the image. We choose to make all computations with floating point precision and rescale the results between 0 and 255 in order to export PNG images.

    typedef  float         InternalPixelType;
    typedef  unsigned char OutputPixelType;

The images are defined using the pixel type and the dimension.

    typedef otb::Image<InternalPixelType,  2> InternalImageType;
    typedef otb::Image<OutputPixelType,  2>   OutputImageType;

The filter can be instantiated using the image types defined above.

    typedef otb::LineCorrelationDetectorImageFilter<InternalImageType,

An otb::ImageFileReader class is also instantiated in order to read image data from a file.

    typedef otb::ImageFileReader<InternalImageType> ReaderType;

An otb::ImageFileWriter is instantiated in order to write the output image to a file.

    typedef otb::ImageFileWriter<OutputImageType> WriterType;

The intensity rescaling of the results will be carried out by the itk::RescaleIntensityImageFilter which is templated by the input and output image types.

    typedef itk::RescaleIntensityImageFilter<InternalImageType,
        OutputImageType> RescalerType;

Both the filter and the reader are created by invoking their New() methods and assigning the result to SmartPointers.

    ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New();
    FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();

The same is done for the rescaler and the writer.

    RescalerType::Pointer rescaler = RescalerType::New();
    WriterType::Pointer   writer = WriterType::New();

The itk::RescaleIntensityImageFilter needs to know which is the minimu and maximum values of the output generated image. Those can be chosen in a generic way by using the NumericTraits functions, since they are templated over the pixel type.


The image obtained with the reader is passed as input to the otb::LineCorrelationDetectorImageFilter . The pipeline is built as follows.


The methods SetLengthLine() and SetWidthLine() allow setting the minimum length and the typical witdh of the lines which are to be detected.


The filter is executed by invoking the Update() method. If the filter is part of a larger image processing pipeline, calling Update() on a downstream filter will also trigger update of this filter.


We can also obtain the direction of the lines by invoking the GetOutputDirections() method.


shows the result of applying the LineCorrelation edge detector filter to a SAR image.


Figure 14.8: Result of applying the otb::LineCorrelationDetectorImageFilter to a SAR image. From left to right : original image, line intensity and edge orientation.

The following classes provide similar functionality:

The source code for this example can be found in the file

This example illustrates the use of the otb::AssymmetricFusionOfLineDetectorImageFilter .

The first step required to use this filter is to include its header file.

  #include "otbAsymmetricFusionOfLineDetectorImageFilter.h"

Then we must decide what pixel type to use for the image. We choose to make all computations with floating point precision and rescale the results between 0 and 255 in order to export PNG images.

    typedef  float         InternalPixelType;
    typedef  unsigned char OutputPixelType;

The images are defined using the pixel type and the dimension.

    typedef otb::Image<InternalPixelType,  2> InternalImageType;
    typedef otb::Image<OutputPixelType,  2>   OutputImageType;

The filter can be instantiated using the image types defined above.

    typedef otb::AsymmetricFusionOfLineDetectorImageFilter<InternalImageType,

An otb::ImageFileReader class is also instantiated in order to read image data from a file.

    typedef otb::ImageFileReader<InternalImageType> ReaderType;

An otb::ImageFileWriter is instantiated in order to write the output image to a file.

    typedef otb::ImageFileWriter<OutputImageType> WriterType;

The intensity rescaling of the results will be carried out by the itk::RescaleIntensityImageFilter which is templated by the input and output image types.

    typedef itk::RescaleIntensityImageFilter<InternalImageType,
        OutputImageType> RescalerType;

Both the filter and the reader are created by invoking their New() methods and assigning the result to SmartPointers.

    ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New();
    FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();

The same is done for the rescaler and the writer.

    RescalerType::Pointer rescaler = RescalerType::New();
    WriterType::Pointer   writer = WriterType::New();

The itk::RescaleIntensityImageFilter needs to know which is the minimu and maximum values of the output generated image. Those can be chosen in a generic way by using the NumericTraits functions, since they are templated over the pixel type.


The image obtained with the reader is passed as input to the otb::AsymmetricFusionOfDetectorImageFilter . The pipeline is built as follows.


The methods SetLengthLine() and SetWidthLine() allow setting the minimum length and the typical witdh of the lines which are to be detected.


The filter is executed by invoking the Update() method. If the filter is part of a larger image processing pipeline, calling Update() on a downstream filter will also trigger update of this filter.

    catch (itk::ExceptionObject& err)
      std::cerr << "ExceptionObject caught !" << std::endl;
      std::cerr << err << std::endl;
      return -1;

Figure 14.9 shows the result of applying the AsymmetricFusionOf edge detector filter to a SAR image.


Figure 14.9: Result of applying the otb::AsymmetricFusionOfDetectorImageFilter to a SAR image. From left to right : original image, line intensity.

The source code for this example can be found in the file

This example illustrates the details of the otb::ParallelLinePathListFilter .

14.4.2 Segment Extraction Local Hough Transform

The source code for this example can be found in the file

This example illustrates the use of the otb::ExtractSegmentsImageFilter .

The first step required to use this filter is to include its header file.

  #include "otbLocalHoughFilter.h"
  #include "otbDrawLineSpatialObjectListFilter.h"

Then we must decide what pixel type to use for the image. We choose to make all computations with floating point precision and rescale the results between 0 and 255 in order to export PNG images.

    typedef  float         InternalPixelType;
    typedef  unsigned char OutputPixelType;

The images are defined using the pixel type and the dimension.

    typedef otb::Image<InternalPixelType,  2> InternalImageType;
    typedef otb::Image<OutputPixelType,  2>   OutputImageType;

The filter can be instantiated using the image types defined above.

    typedef otb::LocalHoughFilter<InternalImageType> LocalHoughType;
    typedef otb::DrawLineSpatialObjectListFilter<InternalImageType,

An otb::ImageFileReader class is also instantiated in order to read image data from a file.

    typedef otb::ImageFileReader<InternalImageType> ReaderType;

An otb::ImageFileWriter is instantiated in order to write the output image to a file.

    typedef otb::ImageFileWriter<OutputImageType> WriterType;

Both the filter and the reader are created by invoking their New() methods and assigning the result to SmartPointers.

    ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New();
    LocalHoughType::Pointer localHough = LocalHoughType::New();
    DrawLineListType::Pointer drawLineList = DrawLineListType::New();

The same is done for the writer.

    WriterType::Pointer writer = WriterType::New();

The image obtained with the reader is passed as input to the otb::ExtractSegmentsImageFilter . The pipeline is built as follows.


Figure 14.10 shows the result of applying the otb::LocalHoughImageFilter .


Figure 14.10: Result of applying the otb::LocalHoughImageFilter . From left to right : original image, extracted segments.

14.5 Density Features

An interesting approach to feature extraction consists in computing the density of previously detected features as simple edges or interest points.

14.5.1 Edge Density

The source code for this example can be found in the file

This example illustrates the use of the otb::EdgeDensityImageFilter . This filter computes a local density of edges on an image and can be useful to detect man made objects or urban areas, for instance. The filter has been implemented in a generic way, so that the way the edges are detected and the way their density is computed can be chosen by the user.

The first step required to use this filter is to include its header file.

  #include "otbEdgeDensityImageFilter.h"

We will also include the header files for the edge detector (a Canny filter) and the density estimation (a simple count on a binary image).

The first step required to use this filter is to include its header file.

  #include "itkCannyEdgeDetectionImageFilter.h"
  #include "otbBinaryImageDensityFunction.h"

As usual, we start by defining the types for the images, the reader and the writer.

    typedef otb::Image<PixelType, Dimension> ImageType;
    typedef otb::ImageFileReader<ImageType>  ReaderType;
    typedef otb::ImageFileWriter<ImageType>  WriterType;

We define now the type for the function which will be used by the edge density filter to estimate this density. Here we choose a function which counts the number of non null pixels per area. The function takes as template the type of the image to be processed.

    typedef otb::BinaryImageDensityFunction<ImageType> CountFunctionType;

These non null pixels will be the result of an edge detector. We use here the classical Canny edge detector, which is templated over the input and output image types.

    typedef itk::CannyEdgeDetectionImageFilter<ImageType, ImageType>

Finally, we can define the type for the edge density filter which takes as template the input and output image types, the edge detector type, and the count function type..

    typedef otb::EdgeDensityImageFilter<ImageType, ImageType, CannyDetectorType,
        CountFunctionType> EdgeDensityFilterType;

We can now instantiate the different processing objects of the pipeline using the New() method.

    ReaderType::Pointer            reader = ReaderType::New();
    EdgeDensityFilterType::Pointer filter = EdgeDensityFilterType::New();
    CannyDetectorType::Pointer     cannyFilter = CannyDetectorType::New();
    WriterType::Pointer            writer = WriterType::New();

The edge detection filter needs to be instantiated because we need to set its parameters. This is what we do here for the Canny filter.


After that, we can pass the edge detector to the filter which will be used it internally.


Finally, we set the file names for the input and the output images and we plug the pipeline. The Update() method of the writer will trigger the processing.


Figure 14.11 shows the result of applying the edge density filter to an image.


Figure 14.11: Result of applying the otb::EdgeDensityImageFilter to an image. From left to right : original image, edge density.

14.5.2 SIFT Density

14.6 Geometric Moments

14.6.1 Complex Moments

The complex geometric moments are defined as:

cpq =     (x+iy)p(x- iy)qf(x,y)dxdy,

where x and y are the coordinates of the image f(x,y), i is the imaginary unit and p+q is the order of cpq. The geometric moments are particularly useful in the case of scale changes. Complex Moments for Images

The source code for this example can be found in the file

This example illustrates the use of the otb::ComplexMomentsImageFunction .

The first step required to use this filter is to include its header file.

  #include "otbComplexMomentsImageFunction.h"

The otb::ComplexMomentImageFunction is templated over the input image type and the output complex type value, so we start by defining:

    typedef otb::ComplexMomentsImageFunction<InputImageType> CMType;
    typedef CMType::OutputType OutputType;
    CMType::Pointer cmFunction = CMType::New();

Next, we plug the input image into the complex moment function and we set its parameters.


We can chose the pixel of the image which will used as center for the moment computation

    InputImageType::IndexType center;
    center[0] = 50;
    center[1] = 50;

We can also choose the size of the neighborhood around the center pixel for the moment computation.

In order to get the value of the moment, we call the EvaluateAtIndex method.

    OutputType Result = cmFunction->EvaluateAtIndex(center);
    std::cout << "The moment of order (" << P << "," << Q <<
    ") is equal to " << << std::endl; Complex Moments for Paths

The source code for this example can be found in the file

The complex moments can be computed on images, but sometimes we are interested in computing them on shapes extracted from images by segmentation algorithms. These shapes can be represented by itk::Path s. This example illustrates the use of the otb::ComplexMomentPathFunction for the computation of complex geometric moments on ITK paths.

The first step required to use this filter is to include its header file.

  #include "otbComplexMomentPathFunction.h"

The otb::ComplexMomentPathFunction is templated over the input path type and the output complex type value, so we start by defining:

    const unsigned int Dimension = 2;
    typedef itk::PolyLineParametricPath<Dimension> PathType;
    typedef std::complex<double>                                  ComplexType;
    typedef otb::ComplexMomentPathFunction<PathType, ComplexType> CMType;
    CMType::Pointer cmFunction = CMType::New();

Next, we set the parameters of the plug the input path into the complex moment function and we set its parameters.


Since the paths are defined in physical coordinates, we do not need to set the center for the moment computation as we did with the otb::ComplexMomentImageFunction . The same applies for the size of the neighborhood around the center pixel for the moment computation. The moment computation is triggered by calling the Evaluate method.

    ComplexType Result = cmFunction->Evaluate();
    std::cout << "The moment of order (" << P << "," << Q <<
    ") is equal to " << Result << std::endl;

14.6.2 Hu Moments

Using the algebraic moment theory, H. Ming-Kuel obtained a family of 7 invariants with respect to planar transformations called Hu invariants, [60]. Those invariants can be seen as nonlinear combinations of the complex moments. Hu invariants have been very much used in object recognition during the last 30 years, since they are invariant to rotation, scaling and translation. [46] gives their expressions :

   ϕ1 = c11;     ϕ2 = c20c02;    ϕ3 = c30c03;  ϕ4 = c21c12;
ϕ5 = Re(c30c3); ϕ6 = Re(c21c2); ϕ7 = Im(c30c3 ).
          12             12             12

[42] have used these invariants for the recognition of aircraft silhouettes. Flusser and Suk have used them for image registration, [73]. Hu Moments for Images

The source code for this example can be found in the file

This example illustrates the use of the otb::HuMomentsImageFunction .

The first step required to use this filter is to include its header file.

  #include "otbHuMomentsImageFunction.h"

The otb::HuImageFunction is templated over the input image type and the output (real) type value, so we start by defining:

    typedef otb::HuMomentsImageFunction<InputImageType>  HuType;
    typedef HuType::OutputType                           MomentType;
    HuType::Pointer hmFunction = HuType::New();

We can choose the region and the pixel of the image which will used as coordinate origin for the moment computation

    InputImageType::RegionType region;
    InputImageType::SizeType   size;
    InputImageType::IndexType  start;
    start[0] = 0;
    start[1] = 0;
    size[0] = 50;
    size[1] = 50;
    InputImageType::Pointer image = reader->GetOutput();
    InputImageType::IndexType center;
    center[0] = start[0] + size[0] / 2;
    center[1] = start[1] + size[1] / 2;

Next, we plug the input image into the complex moment function and we set its parameters.


In order to get the value of the moment, we call the EvaluateAtIndex method.

    MomentType Result = hmFunction->EvaluateAtIndex(center);
    for (unsigned int j=0; j<7; ++j)
      std::cout << "The moment of order " << j+1 <<
        " is equal to " << Result[j] << std::endl;

The following classes provide similar functionality:

14.6.3 Flusser Moments

The Hu invariants have been modified and improved by several authors. Flusser used these moments in order to produce a new family of descriptors of order higher than 3, [46]. These descriptors are invariant to scale and rotation. They have the following expressions:

  ψ = c  = ϕ ;    ψ = c  c = ϕ ;   ψ  = Re(c c2)= ϕ ;
 ψ 1= Im1(1c c21);  ψ  2= Re2(c1 12c3)=4ϕ ; ψ 3= Im(2c0c123) =ϕ6.
  4 ψ = c20;12    5ψ  = R3e0(c 12c2);5    6ψ = Im3(0c 1c2 2)7;
ψ   =7Re(c22c4);   ψ 8= Im(3c1c122 ).      9      3112
  10      40 12      11      40 12

Examples Flusser Moments for Images

The source code for this example can be found in the file

This example illustrates the use of the otb::FlusserMomentsImageFunction .

The first step required to use this filter is to include its header file.

  #include "otbFlusserMomentsImageFunction.h"

The otb::FlusserMomentsImageFunction is templated over the input image type and the output (real) type value, so we start by defining:

    typedef otb::FlusserMomentsImageFunction<InputImageType>  FlusserType;
    typedef FlusserType::OutputType                           MomentType;
    FlusserType::Pointer fmFunction = FlusserType::New();

We can choose the region and the pixel of the image which will used as coordinate origin for the moment computation

    InputImageType::RegionType region;
    InputImageType::SizeType   size;
    InputImageType::IndexType  start;
    start[0] = 0;
    start[1] = 0;
    size[0] = 50;
    size[1] = 50;
    InputImageType::Pointer image = reader->GetOutput();
    InputImageType::IndexType center;
    center[0] = start[0] + size[0] / 2;
    center[1] = start[1] + size[1] / 2;

Next, we plug the input image into the complex moment function and we set its parameters.


In order to get the value of the moment, we call the EvaluateAtIndex method.

    MomentType Result = fmFunction->EvaluateAtIndex(center);
    for (unsigned int j=0; j<11; ++j)
      std::cout << "The moment of order " << j+1 <<
        " is equal to " << Result[j] << std::endl;

The following classes provide similar functionality:

14.7 Road extraction

Road extraction is a critical feature for an efficient use of high resolution satellite images. There are many applications of road extraction: update of GIS database, reference for image registration, help for identification algorithms and rapid mapping for example. Road network can be used to register an optical image with a map or an optical image with a radar image for example. Road network extraction can help for other algorithms: isolated building detection, bridge detection. In these cases, a rough extraction can be sufficient. In the context of response to crisis, a fast mapping is necessary: within 6 hours, infrastructures for the designated area are required. Within this timeframe, a manual extraction is inconceivable and an automatic help is necessary.

14.7.1 Road extraction filter

The source code for this example can be found in the file

The easiest way to use the road extraction filter provided by OTB is to use the composite filter. If a modification in the pipeline is required to adapt to a particular situation, the step by step example, described in the next section can be adapted.

This example demonstrates the use of the otb::RoadExtractionFilter . This filter is a composite filter achieving road extraction according to the algorithm adapted by E. Christophe and J. Inglada [24] from an original method proposed in [84].

The first step toward the use of this filter is the inclusion of the proper header files.

  #include "otbPolyLineParametricPathWithValue.h"
  #include "otbRoadExtractionFilter.h"
  #include "otbDrawPathListFilter.h"

Then we must decide what pixel type to use for the image. We choose to do all the computation in floating point precision and rescale the results between 0 and 255 in order to export PNG images.

    typedef double        InputPixelType;
    typedef unsigned char OutputPixelType;

The images are defined using the pixel type and the dimension. Please note that the otb::RoadExtractionFilter needs an otb::VectorImage as input to handle multispectral images.

    typedef otb::VectorImage<InputPixelType, Dimension> InputVectorImageType;
    typedef otb::Image<InputPixelType, Dimension>       InputImageType;
    typedef otb::Image<OutputPixelType, Dimension>      OutputImageType;

We define the type of the polyline that the filter produces. We use the otb::PolyLineParametricPathWithValue , which allows the filter to produce a likehood value along with each polyline. The filter is able to produce itk::PolyLineParametricPath as well.

    typedef otb::PolyLineParametricPathWithValue<InputPixelType,
        Dimension> PathType;

Now we can define the otb::RoadExtractionFilter that takes a multi-spectral image as input and produces a list of polylines.

    typedef otb::RoadExtractionFilter<InputVectorImageType,
        PathType> RoadExtractionFilterType;

We also define an otb::DrawPathListFilter to draw the output polylines on an image, taking their likehood values into account.

    typedef otb::DrawPathListFilter<InputImageType, PathType,
        InputImageType> DrawPathFilterType;

The intensity rescaling of the results will be carried out by the itk::RescaleIntensityImageFilter which is templated by the input and output image types.

    typedef itk::RescaleIntensityImageFilter<InputImageType,
        OutputImageType> RescalerType;

An otb::ImageFileReader class is also instantiated in order to read image data from a file. Then, an otb::ImageFileWriter is instantiated in order to write the output image to a file.

    typedef otb::ImageFileReader<InputVectorImageType> ReaderType;
    typedef otb::ImageFileWriter<OutputImageType>      WriterType;

The different filters composing our pipeline are created by invoking their New() methods, assigning the results to smart pointers.

    ReaderType::Pointer               reader = ReaderType::New();
    RoadExtractionFilterType::Pointer roadExtractionFilter
      = RoadExtractionFilterType::New();
    DrawPathFilterType::Pointer drawingFilter = DrawPathFilterType::New();
    RescalerType::Pointer       rescaleFilter = RescalerType::New();
    WriterType::Pointer         writer = WriterType::New();

The otb::RoadExtractionFilter needs to have a reference pixel corresponding to the spectral content likely to represent a road. This is done by passing a pixel to the filter. Here we suppose that the input image has four spectral bands.

    InputVectorImageType::PixelType ReferencePixel;
    ReferencePixel.SetElement(0, ::atof(argv[3]));
    ReferencePixel.SetElement(1, ::atof(argv[4]));
    ReferencePixel.SetElement(2, ::atof(argv[5]));
    ReferencePixel.SetElement(3, ::atof(argv[6]));

We must also set the alpha parameter of the filter which allows us to tune the width of the roads we want to extract. Typical value is 1.0 and should be working in most situations.


All other parameter should not influence the results too much in most situation and can be kept at the default value.

The amplitude threshold parameter tunes the sensitivity of the vectorization step. A typical value is 510-5.


The tolerance threshold tunes the sensitivity of the path simplification step. Typical value is 1.0.


Roads are not likely to have sharp turns. Therefore we set the max angle parameter, as well as the link angular threshold. The value is typically π8.


The otb::RoadExtractionFilter performs two odd path removing operations at different stage of its execution. The first mean distance threshold and the second mean distance threshold set their criterion for removal. Path are removed if their mean distance between nodes is to small, since such path coming from previous filters are likely to be tortuous. The first removal operation as a typical mean distance threshold parameter of 1.0, and the second of 10.0.


The otb::RoadExtractionFilter is able to link path whose ends are near according to an euclidean distance criterion. The threshold for this distance to link a path is the distance threshold parameter. A typical value is 25.


We will now create a black background image to draw the resulting polyline on. To achieve this we need to know the size of our input image. Therefore we trigger the GenerateOutputInformation() of the reader.

    InputImageType::Pointer blackBackground = InputImageType::New();

We tell the otb::DrawPathListFilter to try to use the likehood value embedded within the polyline as a value for drawing this polyline if possible.


The itk::RescaleIntensityImageFilter needs to know which is the minimum and maximum values of the output generated image. Those can be chosen in a generic way by using the NumericTraits functions, since they are templated over the pixel type.


Now it is time for some pipeline wiring.


The update of the pipeline is triggered by the Update() method of the rescale intensity filter.


Figure 14.12 shows the result of applying the road extraction filter to a fusionned Quickbird image.


Figure 14.12: Result of applying the otb::RoadExtractionFilter to a fusionned Quickbird image. From left to right : original image, extracted road with their likehood values (color are inverted for display).

14.7.2 Step by step road extraction

The source code for this example can be found in the file

This example illustrates the details of the otb::RoadExtractionFilter . This filter, described in the previous section, is a composite filter that includes all the steps below. Individual filters can be replaced to design a road detector targeted at SAR images for example.

The spectral angle is used to compute a grayscale image from the multispectral original image using otb::SpectralAngleDistanceImageFilter . The spectral angle is illustrated on Figure 14.13. Pixels corresponding to roads are in darker color.


Figure 14.13: Illustration of the spectral angle for one pixel of a three-band image. One of the vector is the reference pixel and the other is the current pixel.

    typedef otb::SpectralAngleDistanceImageFilter<MultiSpectralImageType,
        InternalImageType> SAFilterType;
    SAFilterType::Pointer saFilter = SAFilterType::New();

A square root is applied to the spectral angle image in order to enhance contrast between darker pixels (which are pixels of interest) with itk::SqrtImageFilter .

    typedef itk::SqrtImageFilter<InternalImageType,
        InternalImageType> SqrtFilterType;
    SqrtFilterType::Pointer sqrtFilter = SqrtFilterType::New();

Use the Gaussian gradient filter compute the gradient in x and y direction respectively ( itk::GradientRecursiveGaussianImageFilter ).

    double sigma = alpha  (1.2 / resolution + 1);
    typedef itk::GradientRecursiveGaussianImageFilter<InternalImageType,
    GradientFilterType::Pointer gradientFilter = GradientFilterType::New();

Compute the scalar product of the neighboring pixels and keep the minimum value and the direction with otb::NeighborhoodScalarProductFilter . This is the line detector described in [84].

    typedef otb::NeighborhoodScalarProductFilter<VectorImageType,
    NeighborhoodScalarProductType::Pointer scalarFilter
      = NeighborhoodScalarProductType::New();

The resulting image is passed to the otb::RemoveIsolatedByDirectionFilter filter to remove pixels with no neighbor having the same direction.

    typedef otb::RemoveIsolatedByDirectionFilter<InternalImageType,
    RemoveIsolatedByDirectionType::Pointer removeIsolatedByDirectionFilter
      = RemoveIsolatedByDirectionType::New();

We remove pixels having a direction corresponding to bright lines as we know that after the spectral angle, roads are in darker color with the otb::RemoveWrongDirectionFilter filter.

    typedef otb::RemoveWrongDirectionFilter<InternalImageType,
    RemoveWrongDirectionType::Pointer removeWrongDirectionFilter
      = RemoveWrongDirectionType::New();

We remove pixels which are not maximum on the direction perpendicular to the road direction with the otb::NonMaxRemovalByDirectionFilter .

    typedef otb::NonMaxRemovalByDirectionFilter<InternalImageType,
    NonMaxRemovalByDirectionType::Pointer nonMaxRemovalByDirectionFilter
      = NonMaxRemovalByDirectionType::New();

Extracted road are vectorized into polylines with otb::VectorizationPathListFilter .

    typedef otb::VectorizationPathListFilter<InternalImageType,
        PathType> VectorizationFilterType;
    VectorizationFilterType::Pointer vectorizationFilter
      = VectorizationFilterType::New();

However, this vectorization is too simple and need to be refined to be usable. First, we remove all aligned points to make one segment with otb::SimplifyPathListFilter . Then we break the polylines which have sharp angles as they are probably not road with otb::BreakAngularPathListFilter . Finally we remove path which are too short with otb::RemoveTortuousPathListFilter .

    typedef otb::SimplifyPathListFilter<PathType> SimplifyPathType;
    SimplifyPathType::Pointer simplifyPathListFilter = SimplifyPathType::New();
    typedef otb::BreakAngularPathListFilter<PathType> BreakAngularPathType;
    BreakAngularPathType::Pointer breakAngularPathListFilter
      = BreakAngularPathType::New();
    breakAngularPathListFilter->SetMaxAngle(otb::CONST_PI / 8.);
    typedef otb::RemoveTortuousPathListFilter<PathType> RemoveTortuousPathType;
    RemoveTortuousPathType::Pointer removeTortuousPathListFilter
      = RemoveTortuousPathType::New();

Polylines within a certain range are linked ( otb::LinkPathListFilter ) to try to fill gaps due to occultations by vehicules, trees, etc. before simplifying polylines ( otb::SimplifyPathListFilter ) and removing the shortest ones with otb::RemoveTortuousPathListFilter .

    typedef otb::LinkPathListFilter<PathType> LinkPathType;
    LinkPathType::Pointer linkPathListFilter = LinkPathType::New();
    linkPathListFilter->SetDistanceThreshold(25.0 / resolution);
    linkPathListFilter->SetAngularThreshold(otb::CONST_PI / 8);
    SimplifyPathType::Pointer simplifyPathListFilter2 = SimplifyPathType::New();
    RemoveTortuousPathType::Pointer removeTortuousPathListFilter2
      = RemoveTortuousPathType::New();

A value can be associated with each polyline according to pixel values under the polyline with otb::LikelihoodPathListFilter . A higher value will mean a higher Likelihood to be a road.

    typedef otb::LikelihoodPathListFilter<PathType,
    PathListToPathListWithValueType::Pointer pathListConverter
      = PathListToPathListWithValueType::New();

A black background image is built to draw the path on.

    InternalImageType::Pointer output = InternalImageType::New();

Polylines are drawn on a black background image with otb::DrawPathListFilter . The SetUseIternalValues() tell the drawing filter to draw the path with its Likelihood value.

    typedef otb::DrawPathListFilter<InternalImageType, PathType,
        InternalImageType> DrawPathType;
    DrawPathType::Pointer drawPathListFilter = DrawPathType::New();

The output from the drawing filter contains very small values (Likelihood values). Therefore the image has to be rescaled to be viewed. The whole pipeline is executed by invoking the Update() method on this last filter.

    typedef itk::RescaleIntensityImageFilter<InternalImageType,
        InternalImageType> RescalerType;
    RescalerType::Pointer rescaler = RescalerType::New();

Figures 14.14 and 14.15 show the result of applying the road extraction by steps to a fusionned Quickbird image. The result image is a RGB composition showing the extracted path in red. Full processing took about 3 seconds for each image.


Figure 14.14: Result of applying the road extraction by steps pipeline to a fusionned Quickbird image. From left to right : original image, extracted road with their Likelihood values.


Figure 14.15: Result of applying the road extraction by steps pipeline to a fusionned Quickbird image. From left to right : original image, extracted road with their Likelihood values.

14.8 Cloud Detection

The source code for this example can be found in the file

The cloud detection functor is a processing chain composed by the computation of a spectral angle (with SpectralAngleFunctor). The result is multiplied by a gaussian factor (with CloudEstimatorFunctor) and finally thresholded to obtain a binary image (with CloudDetectionFilter). However, modifications can be added in the pipeline to adapt to a particular situation.

This example demonstrates the use of the otb::CloudDetectionFilter . This filter uses the spectral angle principle to measure the radiometric gap between a reference pixel and the other pixels of the image.

The first step toward the use of this filter is the inclusion of the proper header files.

  #include "otbCloudDetectionFilter.h"

Then we must decide what pixel type to use for the images. We choose to do all the computations in double precision.

    typedef double InputPixelType;
    typedef double OutputPixelType;

The images are defined using the pixel type and the dimension. Please note that the otb::CloudDetectionFilter needs an otb::VectorImage as input to handle multispectral images.

    typedef otb::VectorImage<InputPixelType, Dimension> VectorImageType;
    typedef VectorImageType::PixelType                  VectorPixelType;
    typedef otb::Image<OutputPixelType, Dimension>      OutputImageType;

We define the functor type that the filter will use. We use the otb::CloudDetectionFunctor .

    typedef otb::Functor::CloudDetectionFunctor<VectorPixelType,
        OutputPixelType>   FunctorType;

Now we can define the otb::CloudDetectionFilter that takes a multi-spectral image as input and produces a binary image.

    typedef otb::CloudDetectionFilter<VectorImageType, OutputImageType,
        FunctorType> CloudDetectionFilterType;

An otb::ImageFileReader class is also instantiated in order to read image data from a file. Then, an otb::ImageFileWriter is instantiated in order to write the output image to a file.

    typedef otb::ImageFileReader<VectorImageType> ReaderType;
    typedef otb::ImageFileWriter<OutputImageType> WriterType;

The different filters composing our pipeline are created by invoking their New() methods, assigning the results to smart pointers.

    ReaderType::Pointer               reader = ReaderType::New();
    CloudDetectionFilterType::Pointer cloudDetection =
    WriterType::Pointer writer = WriterType::New();

The otb::CloudDetectionFilter needs to have a reference pixel corresponding to the spectral content likely to represent a cloud. This is done by passing a pixel to the filter. Here we suppose that the input image has four spectral bands.

    VectorPixelType referencePixel;
    referencePixel[0] = (atof(argv[5]));
    referencePixel[1] = (atof(argv[6]));
    referencePixel[2] = (atof(argv[7]));
    referencePixel[3] = (atof(argv[8]));

We must also set the variance parameter of the filter and the parameter of the gaussian functor. The bigger the value, the more tolerant the detector will be.


The minimum and maximum thresholds are set to binarise the final result. These values have to be between 0 and 1.



Figure 14.16 shows the result of applying the cloud detection filter to a cloudy image.


Figure 14.16: From left to right : original image, cloud mask resulting from processing.