
geo_grid step for Diapason chain.


This application executes the geo_grid step with three internal applications : SARCorrelationGrid, SARDEMGrid and SARCorrectionGrid. The aim is to obtain a fine deformation grid between master and slave SAR images.


Input DEM -indem image Mandatory
DEM to extract DEM geometry.

Input SAR Master image -insarmaster image Mandatory
SAR Master Image to extract SAR geometry.

Input SAR Slave image -insarslave image Mandatory
SAR Slave Image to extract SAR geometry.

Input Master Multilooked (real image) -inmlmaster image Mandatory
Master Image Multilooked (real image).

Input Slave Multilooked (real image) -inmlslave image Mandatory
Slave Image Multilooked (real image).

Output Deformation grid (Vector image) -out image [dtype] Mandatory
Output Deformation Grid Vector Image (Shift_ran, Shift_azi).

Available RAM (MB) -ram int Default value: 256
Available memory for processing (in MB).

Input vector of DEM projected into SAR Master geometry -indemprojmaster image
Input vector of DEM projected into SAR Master geometry.

Input vector of DEM projected into SAR Slave geometry -indemprojslave image
Input vector of DEM projected into SAR Slave geometry.

MultiLook factor on distance -mlran int Default value: 3
MultiLook factor on distance.

MultiLook factor on azimut -mlazi int Default value: 3
MultiLook factor on azimut.

Size of patch into each dimension for correlation estimation -patchsize int Default value: 20
Size of patch into each dimension for correlation estimation.

Grid step for range dimension (into SLC/SAR geometry) -gridsteprange int Default value: 150
Grid step for range dimension (into SLC/SAR geometry).

Grid step for azimut dimension (into SLC/SAR geometry) -gridstepazimut int Default value: 150
Grid step for azimut dimension (into SLC/SAR geometry).

Subpixel measure -subpixel int Default value: 10
Subpixel measure.

Threshold for correlation rate -threshold float Default value: 0.3
Threshold for correlation rate.

Maximum difference between input grid values and mean values -gap float Default value: 0.7
Maximum difference between input grid values and mean values.


From the command-line:

otbcli_SARFineDeformationGrid -indem S21E055.hgt -insarmaster s1a-s4-slc-vv-20160818t014650-20160818t014715-012648-013db1-002_SLC.tiff -inmlmaster s1a-s4-slc-vv-20160818t014650-20160818t014715-012648-013db1-002_ML.tiff -insarslave s1b-s4-slc-vv-20160929t014610-20160929t014634-002277-003d71-002_SLC.tiff -inmlslave s1b-s4-slc-vv-20160929t014610-20160929t014634-002277-003d71-002_ML.tiff -out fineDeformationGrid.tiff

From Python:

import otbApplication

app = otbApplication.Registry.CreateApplication("SARFineDeformationGrid")

app.SetParameterString("indem", "S21E055.hgt")
app.SetParameterString("insarmaster", "s1a-s4-slc-vv-20160818t014650-20160818t014715-012648-013db1-002_SLC.tiff")
app.SetParameterString("inmlmaster", "s1a-s4-slc-vv-20160818t014650-20160818t014715-012648-013db1-002_ML.tiff")
app.SetParameterString("insarslave", "s1b-s4-slc-vv-20160929t014610-20160929t014634-002277-003d71-002_SLC.tiff")
app.SetParameterString("inmlslave", "s1b-s4-slc-vv-20160929t014610-20160929t014634-002277-003d71-002_ML.tiff")
app.SetParameterString("out", "fineDeformationGrid.tiff")



Only Sentinel 1 products are supported for now.