After a long absence since the last edition in 2018, the OTB User Days had returned for a new edition and was held from November 29th to December 1st 2021 at Artilect Fablab in Toulouse. Thanks to everyone who attended the event !
Plenary sessions and some workshops were scheduled for the first two days, and the last day there was a hackfest session.
Plenary Talks

On Monday and Tuesday several talks were given on various subject centered
- Monday:
- OTB User days 2021 Introduction – Yannick Tanguy
- New release OTB 8.0: What’s new with OTB 8.0? – Cédric Traizet
- OTB integration in operational processing chains – Mickaël Savinaud & Julie Brossard
- pyotb: A pythonic extension of OTB – Nicolas Narçon
- This talk is not about deep learning – Rémi Cresson
- Tuesday
- Future for OTB: How will you use OTB in the next few years? – Yannick Tanguy
- DiapOTB – Phillipe Durand
- S1Tiling: Preprocessing of Sentinel-1 products with OTB – Thierry Koleck
- SAR radiometric correction – Fabien Contival
- MAJA & WASP – Jérôme Colin
You missed the event ? Don’t worry, all presentations have been recorded (in french) and are available on Youtube !

The afternoons were dedicated to discussions related to OTB, the following subjects have been brought up:
OTB in python: how users are using OTB in Python, how could we improve the API, how could we improve the packaging ?
Users want to “pip install OTB” in their own environment and mix OTB with well-known Python libraries they trust (as rasterio, numpy, scikit-learn, etc.). They trust the OTB pipeline to use efficiently memory/CPU resources… Finally, a more “pythonic” API would help the use and integration for Python / Scientific developers.
Remote Module: Strengths and weaknesses of the remote module mechanism, how we use it, how we want it.
Scientific core of OTB: Most appreciated applications, how does OTB fit to users' needs.
OTB ecosystem: Monteverdi, QGIS, Python, CLI, how OTB integrates to the user's habits.
Future OTB LTS: platform, graphic interface, 'OTB Light'
On Wednesday we held the traditional hackfest. This year edition was primarily dedicated to users, we tested OTB 8.0 release candidate 1 on different remote modules and processing chains. It was also the occasion to test the latest evolutions of the QGIS plugin (blog post incoming !), to give tutorials on OTB and OTBTF, to test pyotb and eat pizza.
It is said that the core OTB developers gathered to discuss the roadmap for the incoming OTB versions… Stay tuned !
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