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Orfeo Toolbox
This is the complete list of members for otb::SpatialReference, including all inherited members.
CoordinateTransformation class | otb::SpatialReference | friend |
FromDescription(const std::string &sr_description) | otb::SpatialReference | static |
FromEPSG(unsigned int epsg) | otb::SpatialReference | static |
FromGeogCS(const std::string &GeogName, const std::string &DatumName, const std::string &SpheroidName, const double SemiMajor, const double InvFlattening) | otb::SpatialReference | static |
FromUTM(unsigned int zone, hemisphere hem) | otb::SpatialReference | static |
FromWGS84() | otb::SpatialReference | static |
hemisphere enum name | otb::SpatialReference | |
m_SR | otb::SpatialReference | private |
NormalizeESRI() | otb::SpatialReference | |
OGRSpatialReferencePtr typedef | otb::SpatialReference | |
operator!=(const SpatialReference &sr1, const SpatialReference &sr2) noexcept | otb::SpatialReference | friend |
operator=(const SpatialReference &other) noexcept | otb::SpatialReference | |
operator==(const SpatialReference &sr1, const SpatialReference &sr2) noexcept | otb::SpatialReference | friend |
SpatialReference(const SpatialReference &other) noexcept | otb::SpatialReference | |
SpatialReference(const OGRSpatialReference *ref) | otb::SpatialReference | private |
SpatialReference(OGRSpatialReferencePtr ref) | otb::SpatialReference | private |
ToEPSG() const | otb::SpatialReference | |
ToWkt() const | otb::SpatialReference | |
UTMFromGeoPoint(double lon, double lat, unsigned int &zone, hemisphere &hem) | otb::SpatialReference | static |