OTB User Days Recap: Technical session (2/3)

This post is part 2 in a three part recap of OTB User Days 2016. The second day was mostly dedicated to tutorials for users. We addressed both new and advanced users with a wide range of topics, from complete beginner to advanced C++ programmer:

  • Introduction to Monteverdi 3.0
  • OTB tools for image segmentation
  • Discover the new applications (Classification, Polarimetry)
  • The steganography game
  • Reminder about applications framework and extended filenames
  • Write your own remote module

You can find the material for this workshop here (in French). Throughout the day, participants were divided in small working groups. In the afternoon, most people kept working on tutorials. Others brainstormed on the topic of OTB’s roadmap and ongoing feature development:

  • Should we do SimpleOTB ?
  • What is missing in Monteverdi
  • What is missing in the new classification framework