First Orfeo ToolBox users meeting and Hackfest: countdown has started!

Dear all,

As announced on the mailing lists earlier this year, the first Orfeo Toolbox users meeting and hackfest will be held at “La Serre” in Toulouse, 3-5 june 2015. Details can be found on the wiki page about the event. It is still time to register (see wiki page) if you whish to participate it is still time to register, as the event is open to anybody interested. Here is the tentative program:

Wed. june 3: Plenary session

09:30 – 10:00 : Welcome

10:00 – 12:00 presentations from the development team

Lightning talks about the following topics, followed by a short discussion.

  • The modular architecture of OTB 5.0 (Julien Malik)
  • Insight on the applications framework (Manuel Grizonnet)
  • Contributions via remote modules (Julien Michel)
  • Superbuild and the new third parties policy (Guillaume Pasero)
  • Steering OTB: an introduction to the new OTB PSC (Julien Michel)
  • The current state of Monteverdi2 (Mickaël Savinaud)
  • What’s ahead: An overview of OTB roadmaps (Jordi Inglada)

12:00 – 14:00 : Lunch break

14:00 – 17:00 : presentations from volunteers from the audience

Short talks (15 minutes) focused on OTB usage and feedback, followed by discussion. See guidelines bellow.

  • OTB support in ZOO-Project, Gerald Fenoy
  • Monitoring tropical forest cover – Activities of ONFI in remote sensing, Anne-Cécile Capel
  • various uses : training set for MEDDE and CEREMA users, integration in a processing chain (OTB, ogr & gdal application), thematic (land cover for city planning, coastline monitoring, hasards flood), Dominique HEBRARD
  • Presentation from Arnaud Durand about the use of OTB at SERTIT
  • Presentation from someone from CS, about the use of OTB in ground segments
  • Presentation from Mathieu Fauvel about the use of OTB at ENSAT-INP Toulouse

17:00 – 19:00 : Happy hours and install / make it work party

Evening: social event

Thu., june 4: Technical session

09:30 – 12:00 : Tutorials

  • Coder track : Gradual tutorial covering applications, remote module, and possibly writing new filters

We will use the template external template : [1]

    • Part one : Presentation of remote module architecture
    • Part two : Clone and compilation of template module
    • Part three : Write your own application

Develop example here (mosaicking, ExtractROI…)

  • Application track : Discover new features in OTB, Ice and Monteverdi2
    • Introduction to Monteverdi2 and OTB-Applications with OTB courses
    • New exercise with BandMathX
    • Presentation of Mapla
    • Presentation of ICE

12:00 – 14:00 : Lunch break

14:00 – 17:00 : Group brainstorming

  • Roadmaps and features request (what do you want in future versions of OTB ?) (Jordi Inglada)
  • How to enhance OTB documentation ? (Manuel Grizonnet)
  • Bug sorting party (Mickaël Savinaud)
  • Refactoring: what and how (Julien Malik)
  • Roadmap of Monteverdi2 (Julien Michel)

17:00 – 19:00 : Happy hours (open questions and discussion with the development team)

Evening: free

Fri., june 5: Hackfest

At the beginning of the day, a 30 minutes meeting with all participants will be held to plan the hackfest. Note that this hackfest is primarily dedicated to users, with the following tasks planned:

  • Write the code you need with the help of a member of the development team
  • Documentation review: live enhancement of the documentation (applications, software guides): you spot, we fix
  • Live bugfixes: You think you found a bug? We investigate and fix it with you
  • Packaging improvement
  • If there is time left: guru code hacking

We are very excited to meet you at La Serre next week!

