OTB 3.12.0-rc1 ready for testing!

We are happy to announce that OTB and Monteverdi have entered the 3.12 release candidate stage!

You can find the source (OTB and Monteverdi) and binary packages (Monteverdi form Mac OS X and Windows) here.

Some of the notable changes in this release are:

  • Large JPEG2000 file (Pleiades-like) support and Pleiades metadata handling in OTB (more information here)
  • Efficient JPEG2000 visualisation and ROI decompression tools in Monteverdi
  • Revamp of otb applications in a generic and scalable framework (more information here) : launch applications from Command-Line, from an auto-generated QT GUI, from python, from within QGis …
  • Lots of new algorithms : Dimensionality Reduction (ICA, PCA, MNF, MAF …), change detection (MAD), Hyperspectral Unmixing, elevation map from stereo data, compare segmentation with a ground truth (Hoover) …
  • And various bug fixes.

There are a lot more new things coming with this release ! For more information, please read the complete release note available here.

As usual, Release Candidate are made to be tested and stressed, so do not hesitate to give it a try and report whatever you find suspicious on the users list, or directly on the BugTracker.

Also note that a teaser of what can be done with OTB is now available here !

Happy Testing!

Manuel, for the OTB team