OTB 3.14 and Monteverdi 1.12 Released

We are very happy (indeed) to announce that the OTB 3.14.0, codename “Happy” !

We would like to thanks all the users for their great feedback after the Release Candidate announcement : thanks to their work, 16 more bugs have been spotted and fixed between the Release Candidate announcement and today.

Sources (OTB, Monteverdi, OTB-Wrapping) and binary packages (Monteverdi for Mac OS X and Windows) can be downloaded here. For Linux users, new version will be soon is available for update through your favorite package manager software.

Some of the major changes in this release are:

  • Full support of Pléiades imagery: reading and uncompressing, RPC sensor modeling and radiometric calibration for both Dimap v2 (official) and Dimap v1 format, stitching of multiple-tiles products through Monteverdi … Read this cookbook chapter for more details.
  • A new set of classes based on GDAL/OGR to handle large vector datasets efficiently, and to perform exact conversion between the two common data representations in the OBIA paradigm, i.e. labeled raster and vector datasets,
  • A complete framework to perform segmentation (using various set of segmentation algorithms including : Connected Component, Watershed, or a new homemade version of MeanShift algorithm) of very large images and export results to your favourite GIS software (see this post for more details)
  • An extended suite of filters and associated applications to go from raw stereo pairs all the way to a real cartographic Digital Elevation Model (see this cookbook chapter): resampling of the image pairs into epipolar geometry, pixel-wise block matching, sub-pixel interpolation, projection to a DEM …

There are a lot more new things coming with this release! For more information, please read the complete release note available here.

Remember, there is an extensive set of applications available with OTB! Read more on how to use them here or have look at the reference documentation here.

We welcome your feedback, and encourage you to join the community and mailing list.

Happy release!
