New version Monteverdi2 0.4 Released

We are very happy to announce the release of Monteverdi2 version 0.4!

If you only have a few seconds to read this post and want to help us making Monteverdi 2, here is a short summary:

  1. Download Monteverdi2 0.4 (Windows and Mac OS X installer available, please note that installers does not require any privilege). For Linux users, new version will be soon available for update through your favorite package manager software. As usual sources can also be downloaded here.
  2. Give it a try
  3. Fill the new Monteverdi2 0.4 survey (French version available here)
  4. (Optionally) file bugs on our our bugtracker

Regarding the novelties of Monteverdi2 0.4, there have been three major improvements:

  1. Processing through the OTB applications is available (was the top feature request)
  2. A simple database manager which allows to open multiple images in the application has been added. It was not the second top feature request, but was a necessary step toward multiple images visualization.
  3. Some more rendering options have been added : no-data handling, unconstrained mode, gray-scale mode. Their will be more to come in the future. New widgets have also been added, as well as more persistence (last roi and zoom level).

The new Monteverdi2 0.4 layout

We would like to thank the 35 users that sent their feedback through the previous poll! We tried to take it into account as much as we could. You could find in the introduction of the new Monteverdi2 survey, the improvements made to Monteverdi2 to answer some of your feedback. Please note that some comments have not been answered yet and that we will try to do it in a future version.

 We wish you all a nice summer with Monteverdi2 !

OTB Dev Team