OTB 3.20 and Monteverdi2 0.6 are out!

We are pleased to announce the final release of OTB 3.20, codename “… (and one more for the road)”, as well as final release of Monteverdi2 0.6!

As announced during the release candidate process, there are some exciting new stuff in this release:

  • Large scale Mean Shift: A new set of applications to run Mean-Shift segmentation on arbitrary large rasters called LSMS. LSMS is a segmentation workflow which allows to perform tile-wise segmentation of very large images with theoretical guarantees of getting identical results to those without tiling.
  • A method for Running the application from XML files. You can now save the state of all the parameters of an application in an XML file and run the application again with the same set of parameters, overriding just the one you want.
  • Support for DEM as GeoTIFF. This was a long overdue feature, asked many times on the mailing list by users : instead of only SRTM tiles in HGT format, OTB now supports elevation from any georeferenced GeoTIFF file.

Regarding Monteverdi2, there is one major novelty, the histogram widget, as well as a lot of small enhancements and bug fixes.

The new histogram widget in Monteverdi2

The new histogram widget in Monteverdi2

The complete Release Notes can be found here, and you can see that no less than 26 bugs have been fixed with respect to the RC, as well as 16 bugs on the Monteverdi2 side. Thanks again to all the contributors for the great work and to all the users for their feedbacks after the release candidate!

As usual, sources (OTB, Monteverdi, OTB-Wrapping) and binary packages (Monteverdi for Mac OS X and Windows) can be downloaded here. For Linux users, new version will be soon available for update through your favorite package manager software.

We welcome your feedback and request, and encourage you to join the OTB community and mailing list.

There are big changes coming in the next days : the team has been working very hard to migrate to ITK 4.0, and we are now ready to move on! It means that the trunk will now build with either internal (but clean of internal patches) ITK 4.x or against an external ITK 4.x all the same. You will therefore benefit from all the ITK 4.xx fixes and novelties. We tried our best to make this migration backward compatible, but for a few features this was simply not possible at all. We will provide a migration guide to help you patch your codes accordingly.

OTB Dev’Team