Orfeo ToolBox at FOSS4G-fr 2016


Last week Orfeo ToolBox was present at the bi-annual FOSS4G-fr conference. FOSS4G-fr is the francophone sibling to FOSS4G, a yearly event for geomatics open-source software users and developers.

Geospatial software is one of the success stories of free software (as in free speech). In the past few years, pieces of software like QGIS and PostGIS have been recognized as reliable and complete alternatives to proprietary software. This feeling of success brings together the OSGeo community, and its local francophone chapter OSGeo-fr.

Orfeo-ToolBox presentation offered an overview of existing tools and usage possibilities, as well as new features in the last three releases. The slides are available here (28 MB PDF).

Other very exciting projects were present at this event. To cite only the most relevant to the OTB project:

  • GDAL: Overview of the new features in GDAL 2.1. OTB uses GDAL extensively and would not exist without it!
  • QGIS Server and its python API
  • Zoo-Project. OTB is available in Zoo-project!
  • Geosud. Geosud is a french infrastructure for the distribution of satellite imagery. The more data the more users!
  • MicMac: Open-source photogrammetry!

Be sure to check other upcoming events in the community:

See you soon at FOSS4G 2016 in Bonn!