Having here or take away?

Sudden need for powerful remote sensing processing power when you are away from your office? The solution is here: the OTB USB memory stick. Insert it in any computer available, reboot the system and let this Xubuntu Linux based device show you what it can do.
OTB USB bootable system

OTB USB bootable system

In the frame of the Summer School on Very High Resolution Remote Sensing, CNES is organising lab sessions in order to illustrate by practice the theoretical concepts introduced by the speakers.

We had already used the OTB Live CD for training sessions, but this time we had new constraints:

  1. Some of the machines didn’t have a CD drive
  2. We wanted people be able to store results of processing and take them away

So we looked for a solution which came to be a USB bootable device.

Thanks to the oranizing skills of Jocelyn Chanussot, who is responsible for the Summer School, we got beautiful devices with OTB’s logo next to the GIPSA-lab’s one.

Emmanuel Christophe went through a set of different configurations for partitioning, setting up persistency on the USB memory, etc. After some days of hard work he got things working nicely.

After that we had a working USB device with Xubuntu Linux and OTB. We also included ESA’s PolSARPro so our colleagues from DLR, Irena Hajnsek and Kostas Papathanassiou could carry their polarimetric interferometry lab session. We also prepared images for the experiments.

We did the first lab session yesterday and it worked nicely. Right now, the PolSARpro session is ongoing and everything seems OK.

Lucky people attending the Summer School will go back home with this cute small device with 4Gb size containing very useful, free, powerful software.

I hope Emmanuel will have the time to write a tutorial on how to create bootable devices containing OTB.