OTB 3.0 “Manhã de Carnaval” available

CNES is proud to announce the availability of the new major stable version of ORFEO Toolbox.

  • These are the applications shipped with OTB 3.0
    • Urban area extraction (Pléiades, QB, Ikonos, SPOT5)
    • Image to Data Base registration (Pléiades/QB)
  • The library includes these additions
    • Radiometric indices (vegetation, water, soil)
    • Optimized texture computations including Haralick, SFS, Pantex, Edge density
    • Object-based segmentation and filtering
    • Visualization refactoring
    • LSD line segment detector and right angle detector
    • PCA computation
    • Automated loading of radiometric correction parameters (SPOT, Ikonos)
    • Attribute support for shapefile (reading only)
    • Optimization of vector data
    • Updated OSSIM library
    • Updated ITK library
    • Miscellaneous bug fixes (support for gdal 1.6)

As usual, you can go to http://www.orfeo-toolbox.org/ and follow the download link or get directly to Sourceforge http://sourceforge.net/projects/orfeo-toolbox/ and get the packages there. Full source code, Software Guide and Windows binaries are available.

OTB is an open source library which makes available a full set of building blocks for implementing remote sensing image processing going from low level pixel processing to advanced map applications. All this thanks to, among others, ITK, GDAL and OSSIM.