OTB User days 2021 will take place in Artilect FabLab from November 29th to December 1st 2021. The detailed program can be found below:
- Day 1:
- 09:00 Welcome
- 09:30 – 12:00 Presentations from users and development team:
- Introduction
- New release OTB 8.0: What’s new with OTB 8.0?
- OTB integration in operational processing chains
Break - pyotb: A pythonic extension of OTB
- This talk is not about deep learning
- 12:00 – 14:00 Lunch break
- 14:00 – 17:00 Round tables and short talks or tutorials if needed. The proposed themes are:
- OTB in python
- Remote Module
- Scientific core of OTB
- Talks review
- Day 2:
- 09:00 Welcome
- 09:30 – 12:00 Presentations from users and development team:
- Future for OTB: How will you use OTB in the next few years?
- DiapOTB
- S1Tiling: Preprocessing of Sentinel-1 products with OTB
Break - SAR radiometric correction
- 12:00 – 14:00 Lunch break
- 14:00 – 17:00 Round tables and short talks or tutorials if needed. The proposed themes are:
- OTB ecosystem
- Future OTB LTS (platform, graphic interface, “OTB Light”…)
- OTB improvements: missing functionalities, bugs…
- Talks review
- Day 3:
- 09:00 – 17:00 Hackfest
At the beginning of the day, a meeting with all participants will be held to plan the hackfest. This hackfest is primarily dedicated to users, with the following tasks proposed:- Tests of release-8.0
- Tests remote modules with OTB-8.0
- QGIS demonstration
- Discussion about the PSC organisation
- Write the code you need with the help of a member of the development team
- Documentation review: live enhancement of the documentation (applications, software guides): you spot, we fix
- Live bugfixes: You think you found a bug? We investigate and fix it with you
- 09:00 – 17:00 Hackfest
The presentations slides will be written in English, but the language used during the seminar will be french.
Following the new governmental measures, a sanitary pass is mandatory to access the OTB User Days.
Registrations will be closed tomorrow (24/11/2021) at midnight.
Looking forward to see you there !