Dear all,
CNES is happy to announce that the Orfeo ToolBox has entered the release candidate stage. The packages for the stable 3.10 release will be available at the end of June. It will coincide with the fifth anniversary of the Orfeo ToolBox library (the release 1.0 was done the 06/30 2006!).
The packages for OTB (Library 3.10, Applications 3.10, Monteverdi 1.8 and Wrapping 1.6) Release Candidate 1 are available here:
For MS-Windows users, there are also a binary auto-install packages available for Monterverdi (here), OTB-Applications (here) and OTB-Wrapping (here) !
If you feel like it, you can download them and test the install procedure. Any feedback will be warmly welcomed! There are lots of new features in this release! The list of new main add-ons is available here.
There are exciting new stuffs in all corners of the library. New functionnalities include among other things :
- A new multi-image supervised classification suite in OTB-Applications described here.
- An application to perform segmentation based on connected components and object based image analysis (see description here)
- A framework for cartographic database creation and validation based on the fusion of features in the framework of Dempster-Shafer evidence theory (see description here)
The Monteverdi application is now composed of 42 modules and there are 42+1 applications in OTB-Applications!
The OTB development team also initiated, in addition to the OTB software guide, a guide for OTB-Applications and Monteverdi, dedicated to non-developers. This guide is composed of a brief tour of OTB-Applications and Monteverdi, followed by a set of recipes to perform usual remote sensing tasks with both tools. A first version is already available here.
Please feel free to send your comments, reviews or contributions!
Best regards,
Manuel GRIZONNET, on behalf of OTB development team.