Example source code (ClassificationMapRegularizationExample.cxx):
// After having generated a classification map, it is possible to
// regularize such a labeled image in order to obtain more homogeneous
// areas, which facilitates its interpretation. For this
// purpose, the \doxygen{otb}{NeighborhoodMajorityVotingImageFilter} was
// implemented. Like a morphological filter, this filter uses majority
// voting in a ball shaped neighborhood in order to set each pixel of the
// classification map to the most representative label value in its
// neighborhood.
// In this example we will illustrate its use. We start by including the
// appropriate header file.
#include "otbNeighborhoodMajorityVotingImageFilter.h"
#include "itkMacro.h"
#include "otbImage.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <otbImageFileReader.h>
#include "otbImageFileWriter.h"
int main(int itkNotUsed(argc), char* argv[])
// Since the input image is a classification map, we will assume a
// single band input image for which each pixel value is a label coded
// on 8 bits as an integer between 0 and 255.
using IOLabelPixelType = unsigned char; // 8 bits
const unsigned int Dimension = 2;
// Thus, both input and output images are single band labeled images,
// which are composed of the same type of pixels in this example
// (unsigned char).
using IOLabelImageType = otb::Image<IOLabelPixelType, Dimension>;
// We can now define the type for the neighborhood majority voting filter,
// which is templated over its input and output images types as well as its
// structuring element type. Choosing only the input image type in the template
// of this filter induces that, both input and output images types are the same
// and that the structuring element is a ball
// (\doxygen{itk}{BinaryBallStructuringElement}).
// Neighborhood majority voting filter type
using NeighborhoodMajorityVotingFilterType = otb::NeighborhoodMajorityVotingImageFilter<IOLabelImageType>;
// Since the \doxygen{otb}{NeighborhoodMajorityVotingImageFilter} is a
// neighborhood based image filter, it is necessary to set the structuring
// element which will be used for the majority voting process. By default, the
// structuring element is a ball
// (\doxygen{itk}{BinaryBallStructuringElement}) with a radius defined by two sizes
// (respectively along X and Y). Thus, it is possible to handle anisotropic
// structuring elements such as ovals.
// Binary ball Structuring Element type
using StructuringType = NeighborhoodMajorityVotingFilterType::KernelType;
using RadiusType = StructuringType::RadiusType;
// Finally, we define the reader and the writer.
using ReaderType = otb::ImageFileReader<IOLabelImageType>;
using WriterType = otb::ImageFileWriter<IOLabelImageType>;
const char* inputFileName = argv[1];
const char* outputFileName = argv[2];
// We instantiate the \doxygen{otb}{NeighborhoodMajorityVotingImageFilter} and the
// reader objects.
// Neighborhood majority voting filter
NeighborhoodMajorityVotingFilterType::Pointer NeighMajVotingFilter;
NeighMajVotingFilter = NeighborhoodMajorityVotingFilterType::New();
ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New();
std::string KeepOriginalLabelBoolStr = argv[3];
unsigned int radiusX = atoi(argv[4]);
unsigned int radiusY = atoi(argv[5]);
IOLabelPixelType noDataValue = atoi(argv[6]);
IOLabelPixelType undecidedValue = atoi(argv[7]);
// The ball shaped structuring element seBall is instantiated and its
// two radii along X and Y are initialized.
StructuringType seBall;
RadiusType rad;
rad[0] = radiusX;
rad[1] = radiusY;
// Then, this ball shaped neighborhood is used as the kernel structuring element
// for the \doxygen{otb}{NeighborhoodMajorityVotingImageFilter}.
// Not classified input pixels are assumed to have the noDataValue label
// and will keep this label in the output image.
// Furthermore, since the majority voting regularization may lead to different
// majority labels in the neighborhood, in this case, it would be important to define
// the filter's behaviour. For this purpose, a Boolean parameter is used
// in the filter to choose whether pixels with more than one majority class are set
// to undecidedValue (true), or to their Original labels (false = default value)
// in the output image.
if ("true") == 0)
// We plug the pipeline and
// trigger its execution by updating the output of the writer.
WriterType::Pointer writer = WriterType::New();