
This application implements the Quegan speckle filter for SAR images.


This application implements the Quegan speckle filter for SAR images. It applies the outcore to a list of images. The outcore is genenerated by the MultitempFilteringOutcore application


Input images list -inl image1 image2... Mandatory
Input image list

**Spatial averaging Window radius ** -wr int Mandatory
Window radius

Outcore filename -oc image Mandatory
Outcore filename

ENL filename -enl image [dtype] Mandatory
Number of images averaged

Directory where filtered files shall be stored. -filtpath string
Directory where filtered files shall be stored. Default: alongside the input file, or in a subdirectory named ‘filtered’ if the input image contains a slash in its name.

Available RAM (MB) -ram int Default value: 256
Available memory for processing (in MB).


From the command-line:

otbcli_MultitempFilteringFilter -inl s1a_47PQQ_vv_DES_062_20180*.tif -wr 2 -oc outcore.tif -filtpath $TMPDIR/filtered -enl enl.tif

From Python:

import otbApplication

app = otbApplication.Registry.CreateApplication("MultitempFilteringFilter")

app.SetParameterStringList("inl", ['s1a_47PQQ_vv_DES_062_20180*.tif'])
app.SetParameterInt("wr", 2)
app.SetParameterString("oc", "outcore.tif")
app.SetParameterString("filtpath", "$TMPDIR/filtered")
app.SetParameterString("enl", "enl.tif")
