Example source code (HelloWorld.cxx):
// The following code is an implementation of a small OTB
// program. It tests including header files and linking with OTB
// libraries.
#include "otbImage.h"
#include <iostream>
int main()
using ImageType = otb::Image<unsigned short, 2>;
ImageType::Pointer image = ImageType::New();
std::cout << "OTB Hello World !" << std::endl;
// This code instantiates an image whose pixels are represented with
// type \code{unsigned short}. The image is then constructed and assigned to a
// \doxygen{itk}{SmartPointer}. Although later in the text we will discuss
// \code{SmartPointer}'s in detail, for now think of it as a handle on an
// instance of an object (see section \ref{sec:SmartPointers} for more
// information). The \doxygen{itk}{Image} class will be described in
// Section~\ref{sec:ImageSection}.