From one-band complex images (each one related to an element of the Sinclair matrix), returns the selected decomposition.
From one-band complex images (HH, HV, VH, VV), returns the selected decomposition.
All the decompositions implemented are intended for the mono-static case (transmitter and receiver are co-located). There are two kinds of decomposition: coherent ones and incoherent ones. In the coherent case, only the Pauli decomposition is available. In the incoherent case, there the decompositions available: Huynen, Barnes, and H-alpha-A. User must provide three one-band complex images HH, HV or VH, and VV (mono-static case <=> HV = VH). Incoherent decompositions consist in averaging 3x3 complex coherency/covariance matrices; the user must provide the size of the averaging window, thanks to the parameter inco.kernelsize.
This application has several output images and supports “multi-writing”. Instead of computing and writing each image independently, the streamed image blocks are written in a synchronous way for each output. The output images will be computed strip by strip, using the available RAM to compute the strip size, and a user defined streaming mode can be specified using the streaming extended filenames (type, mode and value). Note that multi-writing can be disabled using the multi-write extended filename option: &multiwrite=false, in this case the output images will be written one by one. Note that multi-writing is not supported for MPI writers.
Input Image -inhh image
Input image (HH)
Input Image -inhv image
Input image (HV)
Input Image -invh image
Input image (VH)
Input Image -invv image
Input image (VV)
Output Image -out image [dtype]
Output image
Decompositions -decomp [haa|barnes|huynen|pauli]
Default value: haa
- H-alpha-A incoherent decomposition
H-alpha-A incoherent decomposition - Barnes incoherent decomposition
Barnes incoherent decomposition - Huynen incoherent decomposition
Huynen incoherent decomposition - Pauli coherent decomposition
Pauli coherent decomposition
Incoherent decompositions¶
This group allows setting parameters related to the incoherent decompositions.
Kernel size for spatial incoherent averaging -inco.kernelsize int
Default value: 3
Minute (0-59)
Available RAM (MB) -ram int
Default value: 256
Available memory for processing (in MB).
From the command-line:
otbcli_SARDecompositions -inhh HH.tif -invh VH.tif -invv VV.tif -decomp haa -out HaA.tif
From Python:
import otbApplication
app = otbApplication.Registry.CreateApplication("SARDecompositions")
app.SetParameterString("inhh", "HH.tif")
app.SetParameterString("invh", "VH.tif")
app.SetParameterString("invv", "VV.tif")
app.SetParameterString("out", "HaA.tif")
Some decompositions output real images, while this application outputs complex images for general purpose. Users should pay attention to extract the real part of the results provided by this application.