Disparity map to elevation map

Brief Description

Projects a disparity map into a regular elevation map.



Long Description

This application uses a disparity map computed from a stereo image pair to produce an elevation map on the ground area covered by the stereo pair.

This application is part of the stereo reconstruction pipeline. It can be used after having computed the disparity map with BlockMatching.

The needed inputs are : the disparity map, the stereo pair (in original geometry) and the epipolar deformation grids. These grids (computed by StereoRectificationGridGenerator) have to contain the transform between the original geometry (stereo pair) and the epipolar geometry (disparity map). The algorithm for each disparity is the following :
* skip if position is discarded by the disparity mask
* compute left ray : transform the current position from epipolar geometry to left sensor geometry (left rectification grid)
* compute right ray : shift the current position with current disparity and transform from epipolar geometry to right sensor (right rectification grid)
* estimate best 3D intersection between left and right rays
* for the ground cell of the obtained 3D point, keep its elevation if greater than current elevation (keeps the maximum of elevations of all 3D points in each cell)

Minimum and maximum elevations settings are here to bound the reconstructed DEM.



The epipolar deformation grid should be able to entirely fit in memory.



See also

[1] StereoRectificationGridGenerator
[2] BlockMatching

Example of use